/usr/sbin/ocsmgrd is in clonezilla 3.21.13-1.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o755.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 | #!/usr/bin/perl
# Author: Blake, Kuo-Lien Huang
# License: GPL
# Description:
# 2003/04/11 the first version, only work for PXE
# Reference:
# perldoc IO::Select
# perldoc IO::Socket:INET
# 2005/1/20
# Steven Shiau modified the following to meet
# DRBL for RedHat/Fedora/Mandrake
# tftpboot => '/tftpboot/nbi_img',
# 2005/3/30
# use udp-cast, so we won't deal with client_to_wait or time_to_wait, let udp-cast takes are of that!
# 2013/09/21
# Adding help messages.
use strict;
use IO::Select;
use IO::Socket;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
our $start_time = time;
our %config = (
port => 6461,
log => 1,
logfile => '/var/log/clonezilla/ocsmgrd.log',
joblog => 1,
joblogfile => '/var/log/clonezilla/clonezilla-jobs.log',
tftpboot => '/tftpboot/nbi_img',
script_to_exec => '',
nocheck => 0,
write_pxe_cfg => 0,
our $usage="Usage: $0 [-l|--log LOG_FILE] [-p|--port NO] [-n|--nopxecfg]";
sub usage_details{
die "$usage\n".
"-l, --log LOG_FILE Assign the log file as LOG_FILE. Default log file is $config{logfile}\n".
"-p, --port NO Assign the port number NO. Default port number is $config{port}\n".
"-n, --nopxecfg Do not write PXELinux config for the specific client when receiving job is done\n".
} # end of usage_details
while ( $_ = shift ) {
if (/-p|--port/) {
$config{port} = shift;
} elsif (/-l|--log/) {
$config{log} = 1;
$config{logfile} = shift;
} elsif(/-s|--script_to_exec/) {
$config{script_to_exec} = shift;
} elsif(/--nocheck/) {
$config{nocheck} = 1;
} elsif(/-n|--nopxecfg/) {
$config{write_pxe_cfg} = 1;
} elsif(/^(-)?(-)?h(elp)?$/) {
my $pxe_conf_default=$config{tftpboot}."/pxelinux.cfg/default";
my $grub_conf_default=$config{tftpboot}."/grub-efi.cfg/grub.cfg";
# check if root or not.
# added by Steven Shiau 2005/02/19
my $whoiam = `LC_ALL=C id -nu`;
if ("$whoiam" ne "root") {
print "[$ENV{LOGNAME}] You need to run this program as root.\n";
# clean the stale log files.
unlink ($config{logfile}) if -f $config{logfile};
unlink ($config{joblogfile}) if -f $config{joblogfile};
# start the ocsmgrd server
# print "Client jobs are logged in $config{joblogfile}\n";
my $now_string = strftime "%Y-%m%d-%H%M", localtime;
&client_joblog("Start clonezilla logging.");
sub gen_pxe_cfg {
my $peeraddr="$_[0]";
my $peermac="$_[1]";
# create PXE config file in $config{tftpboot}/pxelinux.cfg/
#my $PXECFGFN=`/usr/bin/gethostip $peeraddr | cut -d" " -f3`;
my $PXECFGFN=`drbl-gethostip $peeraddr`;
my $PXECFGFN_FULL=$config{tftpboot}."/pxelinux.cfg/".$PXECFGFN;
system("cp -f $pxe_conf_default $PXECFGFN_FULL");
system("set-default-pxe-img -i local -c $PXECFGFN_FULL >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("hide_reveal_pxe_img clonezilla hide $PXECFGFN_FULL >/dev/null 2>&1");
# We might have Clonezilla-live-based client
system("[ -n \"\$(LC_ALL=C grep -iE '^label Clonezilla-live' $PXECFGFN_FULL)\" ] && hide_reveal_pxe_img Clonezilla-live hide $PXECFGFN_FULL >/dev/null 2>&1");
# HOST_OPTION_MODIFY: modified since we specify hosts by MAC.
# for PXE MAC config style, like 01-00-50-56-01-01-01
my $PXECFG_MACFN=`echo $peermac | tr ":" "-"`;
my $PXECFG_MACFN_FULL=$config{tftpboot}."/pxelinux.cfg/".$PXECFG_MACFN;
sub gen_grub_efi_cfg {
my $peeraddr="$_[0]";
my $peermac="$_[1]";
my $peerefiosl="$_[2]";
my $peerefipt="$_[3]";
my $peerefibf="$_[4]";
# create GRUB EFI NB config file in $config{tftpboot}/grub-efi.cfg/
my $GRUBCFGFN="grub.cfg-".`drbl-gethostip $peeraddr`;
my $GRUBCFGFN_FULL=$config{tftpboot}."/grub-efi.cfg/".$GRUBCFGFN;
system("cp -f $grub_conf_default $GRUBCFGFN_FULL");
system("hide_reveal_grub_efi_ent local-disk reveal $GRUBCFGFN_FULL >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("set-default-grub-efi-img -i local-disk -c $GRUBCFGFN_FULL >/dev/null 2>&1");
system("hide_reveal_grub_efi_ent clonezilla-se-client hide $GRUBCFGFN_FULL >/dev/null 2>&1");
# We might have Clonezilla-live-based client
system("[ -n \"\$(LC_ALL=C grep -iE '^menuentry.* --id clonezilla-live-client' $GRUBCFGFN_FULL)\" ] && hide_reveal_grub_efi_ent clonezilla-live-client hide $GRUBCFGFN_FULL >/dev/null 2>&1");
# HOST_OPTION_MODIFY: modified since we specify hosts by MAC.
# for GRUB EFI NB MAC config style, like grub.cfg-01-00-50-56-01-01-01
my $GRUBCFG_MACFN=`echo $peermac | tr ":" "-"`;
my $GRUBCFG_MACFN_FULL=$config{tftpboot}."/grub-efi.cfg/".$GRUBCFG_MACFN;
sub log($) {
my $line = shift;
return unless $config{log} and $config{logfile};
open(LOG, ">> $config{logfile}") || die $!;
my $now_string = strftime "%Y-%m%d-%H%M", localtime;
print LOG $now_string, ":", $line, "\n";
sub client_joblog($) {
my $line = shift;
return unless $config{joblog} and $config{joblogfile};
open(JOBLOG, ">> $config{joblogfile}") || die $!;
my $now_string = strftime "%Y-%m%d-%H%M", localtime;
print JOBLOG $now_string, ", ", $line, "\n";
sub start_server(%) {
my %config = @_;
die unless $config{port} > 0;
my $lsn = new IO::Socket::INET(Listen => 1, LocalPort => $config{port}, Reuse => 1);
my $sel = new IO::Select($lsn);
&log("server started");
while(my @ready = $sel->can_read) {
foreach my $fh (@ready) {
my $new;
if($fh == $lsn) {
# create a new socket
$new = $lsn->accept;
} else {
# process socket
if(my $pid = fork()) {
# parent: close the connection so we can keep listening
} else {
# child: deal with the connection
my $peeraddr_mac = $fh->getline;
my @peerdata=split(" ",$peeraddr_mac);
my $peeraddr="$peerdata[0]";
my $peermac="$peerdata[1]";
my $peerefioslable="$peerdata[2]"; # for EFI client
my $peerefipart="$peerdata[3]"; # for EFI client
my $peerefibootf="$peerdata[4]"; # for EFI client
my $peermsg="@peerdata[5..$#peerdata]";
if (! $peermsg) {$peermsg="N/A"};
&log("connection opened: ".$fh->peerhost());
# add code to parse if it is IP ? or other keyword to check...
print "Client $peeraddr ($peermac) finished cloning. Stats: $peermsg\n";
&client_joblog("client $peeraddr ($peermac) finished cloning. Stats: $peermsg");
if ( "$config{write_pxe_cfg}" eq "0" ) {
gen_pxe_cfg("$peeraddr", "$peermac");
if ( -f "$grub_conf_default" ) {
# Older GNU/Linux does not support grub2 uEFI network boot. Only doing this
# when $grub_conf_default exists.
gen_grub_efi_cfg("$peeraddr", "$peermac", "$peerefioslable", "$peerefipart", "$peerefibootf");
&log("connection closed: ".$fh->peerhost());