/usr/share/doc/dx/help/dxall1370 is in dx-doc 1:4.4.4-9.
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The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 | #!F-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--18*
#!N #!Rdxsco DXSetClippedObjects #!N
#!N Function #!N #!N Sets the Object to be rendered and
the Object with which to clip it during the rendering process.
#!N #!N Syntax #!N #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18* #include <dx/dx.h> Clipped DXSetClippedObjects(Clipped c, Object
render, Object clipping) #!EF #!N #!N Functional Details #!N #!N Given
an existing Clipped Object #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18* c #!EF --consisting of an Object
to be rendered ( #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18* render #!EF ) and an Object
to do the clipping ( #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18* clipping #!EF )--this routine replaces
either or both. If #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18* render #!EF is not #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18* NULL
#!EF , the Object to be clipped is replaced by #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*
render #!EF . If #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18* clipping #!EF is not #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18* NULL
#!EF , the clipping Object is replaced by #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18* clipping #!EF
. #!N #!N Return Value #!N #!N Returns #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18* c #!EF
or returns #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18* NULL #!EF and sets an error code. #!N
#!N See Also #!N #!N #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18* #!Ldxgci,dxall1226 h DXGetClippedInfo #!EL , #!Ldxncd,dxall1312 h DXNewClipped #!EL #!EF #!N
#!N #!Lcdcs,dxall1137 h Clipped Class #!EL . #!N #!N #!N #!F-adobe-times-medium-i-normal--18* Next Topic #!EF #!N
#!N #!Ldxsca,dxall1371 h DXSetComponentAttribute #!EL #!N #!F-adobe-times-medium-i-normal--18* #!N