/usr/share/doc/dx/help/dxall632 is in dx-doc 1:4.4.4-9.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 | #!F-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--18*
#!CDarkGreen #!N
#!Rall631 Example 7. Series #!N #!EC #!N #!N The following file
defines the data for a series. It defines three data Array
Objects, and then three Field Objects that are associated with the
data. The grid definitions are in a separate file ( #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*
pos_conn.data #!EF ). This first file can be found in #!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18*
/usr/lpp/samples/data/regseries.dx #!EF . #!CForestGreen #!N #!N #!F-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--18* #!N # This example
describes a data series with three member fields #!N # Object
1 is the data associated with the first frame in the
#!N # series. The data is "dep" positions, or in a
one-to-one #!N # correspondence with positions. #!N object 1 class array
type float rank 1 shape 3 items 18 data follows #!EF
#!N #!N #!EC #!CForestGreen #!N #!N #!F-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--18* #!T,26,69,112 #!N TAB 1.0
TAB 0.1 TAB 0.0 #!N TAB 1.4 TAB 0.2 TAB 0.0
#!N TAB 1.0 TAB 0.0 TAB 0.0 #!N TAB 2.2 TAB
0.1 TAB 0.2 #!N TAB 1.0 TAB 0.0 TAB 0.0 #!N
TAB 2.0 TAB 0.0 TAB 0.1 #!N TAB 0.9 TAB 0.1
TAB 0.0 #!N TAB 1.1 TAB -0.4 TAB 0.0 #!N TAB
1.0 TAB 0.1 TAB 0.0 #!N TAB 1.2 TAB 0.1 TAB
0.1 #!N TAB 0.3 TAB 0.0 TAB 0.0 #!EF #!N #!N
#!EC #!CForestGreen #!N #!N #!F-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--18* #!N TAB 1.0 TAB 0.1 TAB
0.1 #!N TAB 1.1 TAB -0.4 TAB 0.2 #!N TAB 1.1
TAB 0.2 TAB 0.0 #!N TAB 1.1 TAB 0.1 TAB 0.0
#!N TAB 1.2 TAB 0.1 TAB 0.1 #!N TAB 1.1 TAB
0.0 TAB 0.0 #!N TAB 0.9 TAB 0.0 TAB 0.1 #!N
attribute "dep" string "positions" #!EF #!N #!N #!EC #!CForestGreen #!N #!N
#!F-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--18* #!N # Object 2 is the data associated with the
second frame in the series. #!N object 2 class array type
float rank 1 shape 3 items 18 data follows #!N TAB
0.0 TAB 1.1 TAB 0.0 #!N TAB 0.1 TAB 2.2 TAB
0.0 #!N TAB 0.0 TAB 1.0 TAB 0.0 #!N TAB 0.2
TAB 1.1 TAB -0.2 #!N TAB 0.0 TAB 0.8 TAB 0.0
#!N TAB 0.0 TAB 1.9 TAB 0.4 #!N TAB 0.1 TAB
1.1 TAB 0.0 #!N TAB 0.1 TAB 1.2 TAB 0.0 #!N
TAB 0.0 TAB 1.1 TAB 0.0 #!N TAB 0.2 TAB 2.1
TAB 0.1 #!N TAB 0.1 TAB 1.0 TAB 0.0 #!N TAB
0.0 TAB 0.8 TAB 0.1 #!N TAB 0.1 TAB 0.9 TAB
-0.2 #!N TAB 0.1 TAB 1.2 TAB 0.0 #!N TAB 0.1
TAB 1.1 TAB 0.0 #!N TAB 0.2 TAB 1.1 TAB -0.4
#!N TAB 0.1 TAB 0.9 TAB 0.0 #!N TAB 0.2 TAB
0.9 TAB 0.1 #!N attribute "dep" string "positions" #!EF #!N #!N
#!EC #!CForestGreen #!N #!N #!F-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--18* #!N # Object 3 is the
data associated with the third frame in the series. #!N object
3 class array type float rank 1 shape 3 items 18
data follows #!N TAB 0.0 TAB 0.1 TAB 1.0 #!N TAB
0.1 TAB 0.2 TAB 1.0 #!N TAB 0.0 TAB 0.0 TAB
2.0 #!N TAB -0.2 TAB 0.1 TAB 2.2 #!N TAB 0.0
TAB 0.1 TAB 0.9 #!N TAB 0.0 TAB 0.2 TAB 0.8
#!N TAB -0.4 TAB 0.1 TAB 0.9 #!N TAB 0.1 TAB
0.2 TAB 1.9 #!N TAB 0.0 TAB 0.1 TAB 0.7 #!N
TAB 0.2 TAB 0.1 TAB 1.1 #!N TAB -0.1 TAB 0.0
TAB 2.0 #!N TAB 0.0 TAB 0.3 TAB 1.1 #!N TAB
0.1 TAB 0.1 TAB 1.2 #!N TAB -0.5 TAB 0.2 TAB
1.0 #!N TAB 0.1 TAB 0.1 TAB 2.0 #!N TAB 0.2
TAB 0.1 TAB 1.4 #!N TAB 0.1 TAB -0.3 TAB 0.9
#!N TAB 0.2 TAB 0.3 TAB 1.1 #!N attribute "dep" string
"positions" #!EF #!N #!N #!EC #!CForestGreen #!N #!N #!F-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--18* #!N #
Object 4 is the first field in the series. The positions
and #!N # connections are defined by objects 1 and 2
in a separate file, #!N # "pos_conn.data", and the data is
given by object 1 in this file. #!N object 4 class
field #!N component "positions" value file "pos_conn.data",1 #!N component "connections" value
file "pos_conn.data",2 #!N component "data" value 1 #!EF #!N #!N #!EC
#!CForestGreen #!N #!N #!F-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--18* #!N # Object 5 is the second
field in the series. The positions and #!N # connections are
defined by objects 1 and 2 in a separate file, #!N
# "pos_conn.data" (and are in fact the same positions and connections
#!N # as those of the first field), and the data
is given by object 2 in this file. #!N object 5
class field #!N component "positions" value file "pos_conn.data",1 #!N component "connections"
value file "pos_conn.data",2 #!N component "data" value 2 #!EF #!N #!N
#!EC #!CForestGreen #!N #!N #!F-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--18* #!N # Object 6 is the
third field in the series. The positions and #!N # connections
are defined by objects 1 and 2 in a separate file,
#!N # "pos_conn.data" (and are in fact the same positions and
connections #!N # as those of the first field), and the
data is given by object 3 in #!N # this file.
#!N object 6 class field #!N component "positions" value file "pos_conn.data",1
#!N component "connections" value file "pos_conn.data",2 #!N component "data" value 3
#!EF #!N #!N #!EC #!CForestGreen #!N #!N #!F-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--18* #!N # Here
we create the series object with three members. #!N # The
members are objects 4, 5, and 6, which we defined above.
#!N # Each has a position tag associated with it (for
example a time tag). #!N object "series" class series #!N member
0 value 4 position 1.3 #!N member 1 value 5 position
2.5 #!N member 2 value 6 position 4.5 #!N #!N end
#!EF #!N #!N #!EC #!N #!N The following file defines the
grid for this time series. This file can be found in
#!F-adobe-times-bold-r-normal--18* /usr/lpp/samples/data/pos_conn.data #!EF . #!CForestGreen #!N #!N #!F-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--18* #!N object 1
class gridpositions counts 3 2 3 #!T,104,190,268 #!N origin TAB 0
TAB 0 TAB 0 #!N delta TAB 1 TAB 0 TAB
0 #!N delta TAB 0 TAB 2 TAB 0 #!N delta
TAB 0 TAB 0 TAB 1 #!EF #!N #!N #!EC #!CForestGreen
#!N #!N #!F-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--18* #!N object 2 class gridconnections counts 3 2
3 #!N attribute "element type" string "cubes" #!N attribute "ref" string
"positions" #!N #!N end #!EF #!N #!N #!EC #!N #!N #!N
#!N #!N #!N #!N #!F-adobe-times-medium-i-normal--18* Next Topic #!EF #!N #!N #!Lall632,dxall633 h Example 8. Two-dimensional Grid, Cell-centered Data #!EL
#!N #!F-adobe-times-medium-i-normal--18* #!N