/usr/share/doc/dx/help/dxall86 is in dx-doc 1:4.4.4-9.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 | #!F-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--18*
#!CNavyBlue #!N #!Rtsclang Scripting Language
#!N #!EC #!N #!N Sometimes it may be more convenient to
use the Data Explorer scripting language instead of the Visual Program
Editor to create visualizations. A common instance is that of using
Data Explorer scripts in overnight batch jobs to create visualizations and
save them to disk for analysis the next day. #!N #!N
A simple script that computes a series of isosurfaces and exports
them to disk is /usr/lpp/dx/samples/tutorial/batch_script (this is not a visual program,
so you cannot read it into the Visual Program Editor): #!CForestGreen
#!N #!N #!F-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--18* #!N data = Import("/usr/lpp/dx/samples/data/watermolecule"); #!N counter = 1;
#!N #!N macro create_iso(isovalue,counter)->(counter) #!N { #!N isosurface = Isosurface(data,isovalue); #!N
filename = Format("iso%d", counter); #!N counter++; #!N Export(isosurface, filename); #!N }
#!EF #!N #!N #!EC (continued on the next page) #!CForestGreen #!N
#!N #!F-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--18* #!N counter=create_iso(0.1, counter); #!N counter=create_iso(0.2, counter); #!N counter=create_iso(0.3, counter);
#!N counter=create_iso(0.4, counter); #!N counter=create_iso(0.5, counter); #!N counter=create_iso(0.6, counter); #!N #!N
# (end of script) #!EF #!N #!N #!EC This script first
imports data from a file called watermolecule. It then defines a
macro that takes two parameters: an isovalue and a counter. The
macro returns the counter as an output. It then computes an
isosurface, creates a filename (using the counter as part of the
name), and exports the isosurface to that filename. The counter is
also incremented. Finally the macro is called six times, with six
different isovalues. #!N #!N To run this script, first copy /usr/lpp/dx/samples/tutorial/batch_script
to the directory being used. Then enter the command: #!CForestGreen #!N
#!N #!F-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--18* #!N dx -script < batch_script #!EF #!N #!N #!EC
#!F-adobe-times-medium-i-normal--18* or #!EF #!CForestGreen #!N #!N #!F-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--18* #!N dx -script #!EF
#!N #!N #!EC and at the dx> prompt: #!CForestGreen #!N #!N
#!F-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--18* #!N include "batch_script" #!EF #!N #!N #!EC #!N #!N If
you want to view the exported isosurfaces, you can use visual
program /usr/lpp/dx/samples/tutorial/view_isosurfaces.net. #!N #!N Note: Visual programs are also scripts. However,
if a visual program uses a macro, you must include that
macro before including the visual program. For example: #!CForestGreen #!N #!N
#!F-adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--18* #!N dx> include "my_macro.net" #!N dx> include "program.net" #!EF #!N
#!N #!EC #!N #!N #!N #!F-adobe-times-medium-i-normal--18* Next Topic #!EF #!N #!N
#!Lsamples,dxall87 h Sample Visual Programs and Sample Macros #!EL #!N #!F-adobe-times-medium-i-normal--18* #!N