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#W grpnames.gd Stefan Kohl
## Markus Püschel
## Sebastian Egner
#Y Copyright (C) 2004 The GAP Group
## This file contains declarations of attributes, operations and functions
## related to the determination of structure descriptions for finite groups.
## It also includes comments from corresponding GAP3 code written by
## Markus Püschel and Sebastian Egner.
#A DirectFactorsOfGroup( <G> ) . . . . . decomposition into a direct product
## <ManSection>
## <Attr Name="DirectFactorsOfGroup" Arg="G"/>
## <Description>
## A sorted list of factors [<A>G1</A>, .., <A>Gr</A>] such that
## <A>G</A> = <A>G1</A> x .. x <A>Gr</A> and none of the <A>Gi</A>
## is a direct product.
## </Description>
## </ManSection>
## The following hold:
## (1) <Gi> is a normal subgroup of <G>.
## (2) <i> <= <j> ==> Size(<Gi>) <= Size(<Gj>).
## (3) Size(<Gi>) > 1 unless <r> = 1 and <G> = 1.
## (4) <G> = <G1> * .. * <Gr> as the complex product.
## (5) $Gi \cap (G1 * .. * G_{i-1} * G_{i+1} * .. * Gr) = 1$.
## Factorization of a permutation group into a direct product
## ==========================================================
## Def.: Seien G1, .., Gr endliche Gruppen, dann ist
## G := (G1 x .. x Gr, *) eine Gruppe mit der Operation
## (g1, .., gr)*(h1, .., hr) := (g1 h1, .., gr hr).
## Wir sagen dann G ist das ("au"sere) direkte Produkt
## der Gruppen G1, .., Gr und schreiben G = G1 x .. x Gr.
## Lemma: Seien G1, .., Gr Normalteiler der endlichen Gruppe G
## mit den Eigenschaften
## (1) |G| = |G1| * .. * |Gr|
## (2) |Gi meet (Gi+1 * .. * Gr)| = 1
## Dann ist G = G1 x .. x Gr.
## Bew.: M. Hall, Th. 2.5.2.
## Lemma: Seien G = G1 x .. x Gr = H1 x .. x Hs zwei Zerlegungen
## von G in direkt unzerlegbare Faktoren. Dann gilt
## (1) r = s
## (2) Es gibt ein Permutation p der Faktoren, so
## da"s G[i] ~= H[p(i)] f"ur alle i.
## Bew.: Satz von Krull-Remak-Schmidt, Huppert I.
## Statements needed for DirectFactorsGroup
## ========================================
## Lemma:
## If G1, G2 are normal subgroups in G and (G1 meet G2) = 1
## then G = G1 x G2 <==> |G| = |G1|*|G2|.
## Proof:
## "==>": trivial.
## "<==": Use G1*G2/G1 ~= G2/(G1 meet G2) = G2/1 ==>
## |G1*G2|/|G1| = |G2|/|1|. q.e.d.
## Remark:
## The normal subgroup lattice of G does not contain
## all the information needed for the normal subgroup lattice
## of G2 for a decomposition G = G1 x G2. However let
## G = G1 x .. x Gr be finest direct product decomposition
## then all Gi are normal subgroups in G. Thus all Gi occur in
## the set NormalSubgroups(G) and we may split G recursively
## without recomputing normal subgroup lattices for factors.
## Method to enumerate factorizations given the divisors:
## Consider a strictly increasing chain
## 1 < a1 < a2 < .. < a_n < A
## of positive divisors of an integer A.
## The task is to enumerate all pairs 1 <= i <= j <= n
## such that a_i*a_j = A. This is done by
## i := 1;
## j := n;
## while i <= j do
## while j > i and a_i*a_j > A do
## j := j-1;
## end while;
## if a_i*a_j = A then
## "found i <= j with a_i*a_j = A"
## end if;
## i := i+1;
## end while;
## which is based on the following fact:
## Lemma:
## Let i1 <= j1, i2 <= j2 be such that
## a_i1*a_j1 = a_i2*a_j2 = A, then
## i2 > i1 ==> j2 < j1.
## Proof:
## i2 > i1
## ==> a_i2 > a_i1 by strictly increasing a's
## ==> a_i1*a_j1 = A = a_i2*a_j2 > a_i1*a_j2 by *a_j2
## ==> a_j1 > a_j2 by /a_i1
## ==> j1 > j2. q.e.d
## Now consider two strictly increasing chains
## 1 <= a1 < a2 < .. < a_n <= A
## 1 <= b1 < b2 < .. < b_m <= A
## of positive divisors of an integer A.
## The task is to enumerate all pairs i, j with
## 1 <= i <= n, 1 <= j <= m such that a_i*b_j = A.
## This is done by merging the two sequences into
## a single increasing sequence of pairs <c_i, which_i>
## where which_i indicates where c_i is in the a-sequence
## and where it is in the b-sequence if any. The the
## linear algorithm above may be used.
DeclareAttribute( "DirectFactorsOfGroup", IsGroup );
#A SemidirectFactorsOfGroup( <G> ) . decomposition into a semidirect product
## <ManSection>
## <Attr Name="SemidirectFactorsOfGroup" Arg="G"/>
## <Description>
## A list [[<A>H1</A>, <A>N1</A>], .., [<A>Hr</A>, <A>Nr</A>]] of all
## direct or semidirect decompositions with minimal <A>H</A>:
## <A>G</A> = <A>Hi</A> semidirect <A>Ni</A> and |<A>Hi</A>| = |<A>Hj</A>|
## is minimal with respect to all semidirect products.
## Note that this function also recognizes direct products.
## </Description>
## </ManSection>
## Literatur:
## [1] Huppert Bd. I, Springer 1983.
## [2] M. Hall: Theory of Groups. 2nd ed.,
## Chelsea Publ. Co., 1979 NY.
## Zerlegung eines semidirekten Produkts, Grundlagen
## =================================================
## Def.: Seien H, N Gruppen und f: H -> Aut(N) ein Gr.-Hom.
## Dann wird G := (H x N, *) eine Gruppe mit der Operation
## (h1, n1)*(h2, n2) := (h1 h2, f(h2)(n1)*n2).
## Wir nennen G das ("au"sere) semidirekte Produkt von H und N
## und schreiben G = H semidirect[f] N.
## Lemma1:
## Sei G eine endliche Gruppe, N ein Normalteiler und H eine
## Untergruppe von G mit den Eigenschaften
## (1) |H| * |N| = |G| und
## (2) |H meet N| = 1.
## Dann gibt es ein f mit G = H semidirect[f] N.
## Bew.: [2], Th. 6.5.3.
## Lemma2:
## Sei G = H semidirect[phi] N und h in H, n in N, dann ist auch
## G = H^(h n) semidirect[psi] N mit
## psi = inn_n o phi o inn_h^-1 o inn_n^-1.
## Bew.:
## 1. |H^(h n)| = |H| ==> |H^(h n)|*|N| = |G| und
## |H^(h n) meet N| = 1 <==> |H meet N| = 1, weil N normal ist.
## Daher ist G = H^(h n) semidirect[psi] N mit einem
## psi : H^(h n) -> Aut(N).
## 2. Das psi ist durch H und N eindeutig bestimmt.
## 3. Die Form von psi wie oben angegeben kann durch berechnen
## von psi(h)(n) nachgepr"uft werden.
DeclareAttribute( "SemidirectFactorsOfGroup", IsGroup );
#A DecompositionTypesOfGroup( <G> ) . . descriptions of decomposition types
#A DecompositionTypes( <G> )
## <ManSection>
## <Attr Name="DecompositionTypesOfGroup" Arg="G"/>
## <Attr Name="DecompositionTypes" Arg="G"/>
## <Description>
## A list of all possible decomposition types of the group
## into direct/semidirect products of non-splitting factors. <P/>
## A <E>decomposition type</E> <A>type</A> is denoted by a specification
## of the form
## <Log><![CDATA[
## <type> ::=
## <integer> ; cyclic group of prime power order
## | ["non-split", <integer>] ; non-split extension; size annotated
## | ["x", <type>, .., <type>] ; non-trivial direct product (ass., comm.)
## | [":", <type>, <type>] ; non-direct, non-trivial split extension
## ]]></Log>
## </Description>
## </ManSection>
DeclareAttribute( "DecompositionTypesOfGroup", IsGroup );
DeclareSynonym( "DecompositionTypes", DecompositionTypesOfGroup );
#P IsDihedralGroup( <G> )
#A DihedralGenerators( <G> )
## <ManSection>
## <Prop Name="IsDihedralGroup" Arg="G"/>
## <Attr Name="DihedralGenerators" Arg="G"/>
## <Description>
## Indicates whether the group <A>G</A> is a dihedral group.
## If it is, methods may set the attribute <C>DihedralGenerators</C> to
## [<A>t</A>,<A>s</A>], where <A>t</A> and <A>s</A> are two elements such
## that <A>G</A> = <M><A>t, s | t^2 = s^n = 1, s^t = s^-1</A></M>.
## </Description>
## </ManSection>
DeclareProperty( "IsDihedralGroup", IsGroup );
DeclareAttribute( "DihedralGenerators", IsGroup );
#P IsQuaternionGroup( <G> )
#A QuaternionGenerators( <G> )
## <ManSection>
## <Prop Name="IsQuaternionGroup" Arg="G"/>
## <Attr Name="QuaternionGenerators" Arg="G"/>
## <Description>
## Indicates whether the group <A>G</A> is a generalized quaternion group
## of size <M>N = 2^(k+1)</M>, <M>k >= 2</M>. If it is, methods may set
## the attribute <C>QuaternionGenerators</C> to [<A>t</A>,<A>s</A>],
## where <A>t</A> and <A>s</A> are two elements such that <A>G</A> =
## <M><A>t, s | s^(2^k) = 1, t^2 = s^(2^k-1), s^t = s^-1</A></M>.
## </Description>
## </ManSection>
DeclareProperty( "IsQuaternionGroup", IsGroup );
DeclareAttribute( "QuaternionGenerators", IsGroup );
#P IsQuasiDihedralGroup( <G> )
#A QuasiDihedralGenerators( <G> )
## <ManSection>
## <Prop Name="IsQuasiDihedralGroup" Arg="G"/>
## <Attr Name="QuasiDihedralGenerators" Arg="G"/>
## <Description>
## Indicates whether the group <A>G</A> is a quasidihedral group
## of size <M>N = 2^(k+1)</M>, <M>k >= 2</M>. If it is, methods may set
## the attribute <C>QuasiDihedralGenerators</C> to [<A>t</A>,<A>s</A>],
## where <A>t</A> and <A>s</A> are two elements such that <A>G</A> =
## <M><A>t, s | s^(2^k) = t^2 = 1, s^t = s^(-1 + 2^(k-1))</A></M>.
## </Description>
## </ManSection>
DeclareProperty( "IsQuasiDihedralGroup", IsGroup );
DeclareAttribute( "QuasiDihedralGenerators", IsGroup );
#P IsPSL( <G> )
## <ManSection>
## <Prop Name="IsPSL" Arg="G"/>
## <Description>
## Indicates whether the group <A>G</A> is isomorphic to the projective
## special linear group PSL(<A>n</A>,<A>q</A>) for some integer <A>n</A>
## and some prime power <A>q</A>. If it is, methods may set the attribute
## <C>ParametersOfGroupViewedAsPSL</C>.
## </Description>
## </ManSection>
DeclareProperty( "IsPSL", IsGroup );
#A ParametersOfGroupViewedAsPSL
#A ParametersOfGroupViewedAsSL
#A ParametersOfGroupViewedAsGL
## triples (n,p,e) such that the group is isomorphic to PSL(n,p^e), SL(n,p^e)
## and GL(n,p^e) respectively
## <ManSection>
## <Attr Name="ParametersOfGroupViewedAsPSL" Arg="G"/>
## <Attr Name="ParametersOfGroupViewedAsSL" Arg="G"/>
## <Attr Name="ParametersOfGroupViewedAsGL" Arg="G"/>
## <Description>
## </Description>
## </ManSection>
DeclareAttribute( "ParametersOfGroupViewedAsPSL", IsGroup );
DeclareAttribute( "ParametersOfGroupViewedAsSL", IsGroup );
DeclareAttribute( "ParametersOfGroupViewedAsGL", IsGroup );
#A AlternatingDegree . . . . degree of isomorphic natural alternating group
#A SymmetricDegree . . . . . . degree of isomorphic natural symmetric group
#A PSLDegree . . . . . . (one possible) degree of an isomorphic natural PSL
#A PSLUnderlyingField . . (one possible) underlying field " " "
#A SLDegree . . . . . . (one possible) degree of an isomorphic natural SL
#A SLUnderlyingField . . (one possible) underlying field " " "
#A GLDegree . . . . . . (one possible) degree of an isomorphic natural GL
#A GLUnderlyingField . . (one possible) underlying field " " "
## <Attr Name="AlternatingDegree" Arg="G"/>
## <Attr Name="SymmetricDegree" Arg="G"/>
## <Attr Name="PSLDegree" Arg="G"/>
## <Attr Name="PSLUnderlyingField" Arg="G"/>
## <Attr Name="SLDegree" Arg="G"/>
## <Attr Name="SLUnderlyingField" Arg="G"/>
## <Attr Name="GLDegree" Arg="G"/>
## <Attr Name="GLUnderlyingField" Arg="G"/>
## <Description>
## </Description>
## </ManSection>
DeclareAttribute( "AlternatingDegree", IsGroup );
DeclareAttribute( "SymmetricDegree", IsGroup );
DeclareAttribute( "PSLDegree", IsGroup );
DeclareAttribute( "PSLUnderlyingField", IsGroup );
DeclareAttribute( "SLDegree", IsGroup );
DeclareAttribute( "SLUnderlyingField", IsGroup );
DeclareAttribute( "GLDegree", IsGroup );
DeclareAttribute( "GLUnderlyingField", IsGroup );
#F SizeGL( <n>, <q> )
#F SizeSL( <n>, <q> )
#F SizePSL( <n>, <q> )
## <ManSection>
## <Func Name="SizeGL" Arg="n, q"/>
## <Func Name="SizeSL" Arg="n, q"/>
## <Func Name="SizePSL" Arg="n, q"/>
## <Description>
## Computes the size of the group GL(<A>n</A>,<A>p</A>^<A>e</A>),
## SL(<A>n</A>,<A>p</A>^<A>e</A>) or PSL(<A>n</A>,<A>p</A>^<A>e</A>),
## respectively.
## </Description>
## </ManSection>
## The following formulas are used:
## |GL(n, p, e)| = Product(p^(e n) - p^(e k) : k in [0..n-1])
## |SL(n, p, e)| = |GL(n, p, e)| / (p^e - 1)
## |PSL(n, p, e)| = |SL(n, p, e)| / gcd(p^e - 1, n)
DeclareGlobalFunction( "SizeGL" );
DeclareGlobalFunction( "SizeSL" );
DeclareGlobalFunction( "SizePSL" );
#F LinearGroupParameters( <N> )
## <ManSection>
## <Func Name="LinearGroupParameters" Arg="N"/>
## <Description>
## Determines all parameters <A>n</A> >= 2, <A>p</A> prime, <A>e</A> >= 1,
## such that the given number is the size of one of the linear groups
## GL(<A>n</A>,<A>p</A>^<A>e</A>), SL(<A>n</A>,<A>p</A>^<A>e</A>) or
## PSL(<A>n</A>,<A>p</A>^<A>e</A>). <P/>
## A record with the fields <C>npeGL</C>, <C>npeSL</C>, <C>npePSL</C> is
## returned, which contains the lists of possible triples
## [<A>n</A>,<A>p</A>,<A>e</A>].
## </Description>
## </ManSection>
## Lemma (o.B.):
## Es bezeichne
## gl(n, p, e) = Product(p^(e n) - p^(e k) : k in [0..n-1])
## sl(n, p, e) = gl(n, p, e) / (p^e - 1)
## psl(n, p, e) = sl(n, p, e) / gcd(p^e - 1, n)
## die Gr"o"sen der Gruppen GL, SL, PSL mit den Parametern
## n, p, e. Dann gilt
## gl(n, p, e) = sl(n, p, e) <==> p^e = 2
## sl(n, p, e) = psl(n, p, e) <==> gcd(p^e - 1, n) = 1
## psl(n, p, e) = gl(n, p, e) <==> p^e = 2
## und in diesen F"allen sind die dazugeh"origen Gruppen auch
## isomorph. Dar"uberhinaus existieren genau die folgenden
## sporadischen "Ubereinstimmungen
## psl(2, 2, 2) = psl(2, 5, 1) = 60 ; PSL(2, 4) ~= PSL(2, 5) ~= A5
## psl(2, 7, 1) = psl(3, 2, 1) = 168 ; PSL(2, 7) ~= PSL(3, 2)
## psl(4, 2, 1) = psl(3, 2, 2) = 20160 ; PSL(4, 2) not~= PSL(3, 4)
## wobei in den ersten beiden F"allen die dazugeh"origen Gruppen
## isomorph sind, im letzten Fall aber nicht! Die Gruppen PSL(4, 2)
## und PSL(3, 4) sind "uber das Zentrum ihrer 2-Sylowgruppen
## unterscheidbar (Huppert: S.185).
## Es bezeichne Z1, Z2 die Zentren der 2-Sylowgruppen von PSL(4, 2)
## bzw. PSL(3, 4). Dann ist |Z1| = 2 und |Z2| = 4.
## Die Aussage des Lemmas wurde rechnerisch bis zur Gruppenordnung 10^100
## getestet.
DeclareGlobalFunction( "LinearGroupParameters" );
#A StructureDescription( <G> )
## <#GAPDoc Label="StructureDescription">
## <ManSection>
## <Attr Name="StructureDescription" Arg="G"/>
## <Description>
## The method for <Ref Func="StructureDescription"/> exhibits a structure
## of the given group <A>G</A> to some extent, using the strategy outlined
## below. The idea is to return a possibly short string which gives some
## insight in the structure of the considered group. It is intended
## primarily for small groups (order less than 100) or groups with few normal
## subgroups, in other cases, in particular large <M>p</M>-groups, it can
## be very costly. Furthermore, the string returned is -- as the action on
## chief factors is not described -- often not the most useful way to describe
## a group.<P/>
## The string returned by <Ref Func="StructureDescription"/> is
## <B>not</B> an isomorphism invariant: non-isomorphic groups can have the
## same string value, and two isomorphic groups in different representations
## can produce different strings.
## The value returned by <Ref Func="StructureDescription"/> is a string of
## the following form: <P/>
## <Listing><![CDATA[
## StructureDescription(<G>) ::=
## 1 ; trivial group
## | C<size> ; cyclic group
## | A<degree> ; alternating group
## | S<degree> ; symmetric group
## | D<size> ; dihedral group
## | Q<size> ; quaternion group
## | QD<size> ; quasidihedral group
## | PSL(<n>,<q>) ; projective special linear group
## | SL(<n>,<q>) ; special linear group
## | GL(<n>,<q>) ; general linear group
## | PSU(<n>,<q>) ; proj. special unitary group
## | O(2<n>+1,<q>) ; orthogonal group, type B
## | O+(2<n>,<q>) ; orthogonal group, type D
## | O-(2<n>,<q>) ; orthogonal group, type 2D
## | PSp(2<n>,<q>) ; proj. special symplectic group
## | Sz(<q>) ; Suzuki group
## | Ree(<q>) ; Ree group (type 2F or 2G)
## | E(6,<q>) | E(7,<q>) | E(8,<q>) ; Lie group of exceptional type
## | 2E(6,<q>) | F(4,<q>) | G(2,<q>)
## | 3D(4,<q>) ; Steinberg triality group
## | M11 | M12 | M22 | M23 | M24
## | J1 | J2 | J3 | J4 | Co1 | Co2
## | Co3 | Fi22 | Fi23 | Fi24' | Suz
## | HS | McL | He | HN | Th | B
## | M | ON | Ly | Ru ; sporadic simple group
## | 2F(4,2)' ; Tits group
## | PerfectGroup(<size>,<id>) ; the indicated group from the
## ; library of perfect groups
## | A x B ; direct product
## | N : H ; semidirect product
## | C(G) . G/C(G) = G' . G/G' ; non-split extension
## ; (equal alternatives and
## ; trivial extensions omitted)
## | Phi(G) . G/Phi(G) ; non-split extension:
## ; Frattini subgroup and
## ; Frattini factor group
## ]]></Listing>
## <P/>
## Note that the <Ref Func="StructureDescription"/> is only <E>one</E>
## possible way of building up the given group from smaller pieces. <P/>
## The option <Q>short</Q> is recognized - if this option is set, an
## abbreviated output format is used (e.g. <C>"6x3"</C> instead of
## <C>"C6 x C3"</C>). <P/>
## If the <Ref Func="Name"/> attribute is not bound, but
## <Ref Func="StructureDescription"/> is, <Ref Func="View"/> prints the
## value of the attribute <Ref Func="StructureDescription"/>.
## The <Ref Func="Print"/>ed representation of a group is not affected
## by computing a <Ref Func="StructureDescription"/>. <P/>
## The strategy used to compute a <Ref Func="StructureDescription"/> is
## as follows:
## <P/>
## <List>
## <Mark>1.</Mark>
## <Item>
## Lookup in a precomputed list, if the order of <A>G</A> is not
## larger than 100 and not equal to 64.
## </Item>
## <Mark>2.</Mark>
## <Item>
## If <A>G</A> is abelian, then decompose it into cyclic factors
## in <Q>elementary divisors style</Q>. For example,
## <C>"C2 x C3 x C3"</C> is <C>"C6 x C3"</C>.
## </Item>
## <Mark>3.</Mark>
## <Item>
## Recognize alternating groups, symmetric groups,
## dihedral groups, quasidihedral groups, quaternion groups,
## PSL's, SL's, GL's and simple groups not listed so far
## as basic building blocks.
## </Item>
## <Mark>4.</Mark>
## <Item>
## Decompose <A>G</A> into a direct product of irreducible factors.
## </Item>
## <Mark>5.</Mark>
## <Item>
## Recognize semidirect products <A>G</A>=<M>N</M>:<M>H</M>,
## where <M>N</M> is normal.
## Select a pair <M>N</M>, <M>H</M> with the following preferences:
## <List>
## <Mark>1.</Mark>
## <Item>
## <M>H</M> is abelian
## </Item>
## <Mark>2.</Mark>
## <Item>
## <M>N</M> is abelian
## </Item>
## <Mark>2a.</Mark>
## <Item>
## <M>N</M> has many abelian invariants
## </Item>
## <Mark>3.</Mark>
## <Item>
## <M>N</M> is a direct product
## </Item>
## <Mark>3a.</Mark>
## <Item>
## <M>N</M> has many direct factors
## </Item>
## <Mark>4.</Mark>
## <Item>
## <M>\phi: H \rightarrow</M> Aut(<M>N</M>),
## <M>h \mapsto (n \mapsto n^h)</M> is injective.
## </Item>
## </List>
## </Item>
## <Mark>6.</Mark>
## <Item>
## Fall back to non-splitting extensions:
## If the centre or the commutator factor group is non-trivial,
## write <A>G</A> as Z(<A>G</A>).<A>G</A>/Z(<A>G</A>) or
## <A>G</A>'.<A>G</A>/<A>G</A>', respectively.
## Otherwise if the Frattini subgroup is non-trivial, write <A>G</A>
## as <M>\Phi</M>(<A>G</A>).<A>G</A>/<M>\Phi</M>(<A>G</A>).
## </Item>
## <Mark>7.</Mark>
## <Item>
## If no decomposition is found (maybe this is not the case for
## any finite group), try to identify <A>G</A> in the perfect groups
## library. If this fails also, then return a string describing this
## situation.
## </Item>
## </List>
## Note that <Ref Func="StructureDescription"/> is <E>not</E> intended
## to be a research tool, but rather an educational tool. The reasons for
## this are as follows:
## <List>
## <Mark>1.</Mark>
## <Item>
## <Q>Most</Q> groups do not have <Q>nice</Q> decompositions.
## This is in some contrast to what is often taught in elementary
## courses on group theory, where it is sometimes suggested that
## basically every group can be written as iterated direct or
## semidirect product of cyclic groups and nonabelian simple groups.
## </Item>
## <Mark>2.</Mark>
## <Item>
## In particular many <M>p</M>-groups have very <Q>similar</Q>
## structure, and <Ref Func="StructureDescription"/> can only
## exhibit a little of it. Changing this would likely make the
## output not essentially easier to read than a pc presentation.
## </Item>
## </List>
## <Example><![CDATA[
## gap> l := AllSmallGroups(12);;
## gap> List(l,StructureDescription);; l;
## [ C3 : C4, C12, A4, D12, C6 x C2 ]
## gap> List(AllSmallGroups(40),G->StructureDescription(G:short));
## [ "5:8", "40", "5:8", "5:Q8", "4xD10", "D40", "2x(5:4)", "(10x2):2",
## "20x2", "5xD8", "5xQ8", "2x(5:4)", "2^2xD10", "10x2^2" ]
## gap> List(AllTransitiveGroups(DegreeAction,6),
## > G->StructureDescription(G:short));
## [ "6", "S3", "D12", "A4", "3xS3", "2xA4", "S4", "S4", "S3xS3",
## "(3^2):4", "2xS4", "A5", "(S3xS3):2", "S5", "A6", "S6" ]
## gap> StructureDescription(PSL(4,2));
## "A8"
## ]]></Example>
## </Description>
## </ManSection>
## <#/GAPDoc>
DeclareAttribute( "StructureDescription", IsGroup );