/usr/share/gap/lib/random.gi is in gap-libs 4r8p6-2.
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#W random.gi GAP library Frank Lübeck
#W Max Neunhöffer
#Y Copyright (C) 2006 The GAP Group
## This file implements the basic operations for some types of random
## sources.
## Generic methods for random sources.
# The generic initializer of a random source creates a dummy object of the
# right type and then calls 'Init'.
InstallMethod(RandomSource, [IsOperation, IsObject], function(rep, seed)
local res;
res := Objectify(NewType(RandomSourcesFamily, rep), rec());
return Init (res, seed);
InstallMethod(RandomSource, [IsOperation], function(rep)
return RandomSource(rep, 1);
# A generic Reset if no seed is given (then seed=1 is chosen).
InstallMethod(Reset, [IsRandomSource], function(rs)
return Reset(rs, 1);
# Generic fallback methods, such that it is sufficient to install Random for
# lists or for pairs of integers.
InstallMethod(Random, [IsRandomSource, IsInt, IsInt], function(rs, a, b)
local d, x, r, y;
d := b - a;
if d < 0 then
return fail;
elif a = b then
return a;
x := LogInt( d, 2 ) + 1;
r := 0;
while 0 < x do
y := Minimum( 10, x );
x := x - y;
r := r * 2 ^ y + Random( rs, [ 0 .. (2 ^ y - 1) ] );
if d < r then
return Random( rs, a, b );
return a + r;
InstallMethod(Random, [IsRandomSource, IsList], function(rs, list)
return list[Random(rs, 1, Length(list))];
# A print method.
InstallMethod(PrintObj, [IsRandomSource], function(rs)
local cat;
cat := Difference(CategoriesOfObject(rs), [ "IsRandomSource" ]);
Print("<RandomSource in ", JoinStringsWithSeparator(cat, " and "), ">");
## We provide the "classical" GAP random generator via a random source.
InstallValue(GlobalRandomSource, Objectify(NewType(RandomSourcesFamily,
InstallMethod(Init, [IsGlobalRandomSource, IsObject], function(rs, seed)
if IsInt(seed) then
R_N := seed[1];
R_X := ShallowCopy(seed[2]);
return GlobalRandomSource;
Init(GlobalRandomSource, 1);
InstallMethod(State, [IsGlobalRandomSource], function(rs)
return [R_N, ShallowCopy(R_X)];
InstallMethod(Reset, [IsGlobalRandomSource, IsObject], function(rs, seed)
local old;
old := State(GlobalRandomSource);
Init(rs, seed);
return old;
InstallMethod(Random, [IsGlobalRandomSource, IsList], function(rs, l)
if Length(l) < 2^28 then
return RANDOM_LIST(l);
return l[Random(rs, 1, Length(l))];
## The classical GAP random generator as independent random sources.
InstallMethod(Init, [IsGAPRandomSource, IsObject], function(rs, seed)
local old;
if seed = 1 then
rs!.R_N := 45;
rs!.R_X := [ 66318732, 86395905, 22233618, 21989103, 237245480,
264566285, 240037038, 264902875, 9274660, 180361945, 94688010, 24032135,
106293216, 27264613, 126456102, 243761907, 80312412, 2522186, 59575208,
70682510, 228947516, 173992210, 175178224, 250788150, 73030390, 210575942,
128491926, 194508966, 201311350, 63569414, 185485910, 62786150, 213986102,
88913350, 94904086, 252860454, 247700982, 233113990, 75685846, 196780518,
74570934, 7958751, 130274620, 247708693, 183364378, 82600777, 28385464,
184547675, 20423483, 75041763, 235736203, 54265107, 49075195, 100648387,
114539755 ];
elif IsInt(seed) then
old := Reset(GlobalRandomSource, seed);
rs!.R_N := R_N;
rs!.R_X := ShallowCopy(R_X);
Reset(GlobalRandomSource, old);
rs!.R_N := seed[1];
rs!.R_X := ShallowCopy(seed[2]);
return rs;
InstallMethod(State, [IsGAPRandomSource], function(rs)
return [rs!.R_N, ShallowCopy(rs!.R_X)];
InstallMethod(Reset, [IsGAPRandomSource, IsObject], function(rs, seed)
local old;
old := State(rs);
Init(rs, seed);
return old;
InstallMethod(Random, [IsGAPRandomSource, IsList], function(rs, list)
local rx, rn;
if Length(list) < 2^28 then
# we need to repeat the code of RANDOM_LIST
rx := rs!.R_X;
rn := rs!.R_N mod 55 + 1;
rs!.R_N := rn;
rx[rn] := (rx[rn] + rx[(rn+30) mod 55+1]) mod R_228;
return list[ QUO_INT( rx[rn] * LEN_LIST(list), R_228 ) + 1 ];
return list[Random(rs, 1, Length(list))];
## Random source using the Mersenne twister kernel functions.
InstallMethod(Init, [IsMersenneTwister, IsObject], function(rs, seed)
local st, endianseed, endiansys, perm, tmp, i;
if IsPlistRep(seed) and IsString(seed[1]) and Length(seed[1]) = 2504 then
st := ShallowCopy(seed[1]);
# maybe adjust endianness if seed comes from different machine:
endianseed := st{[2501..2504]};
endiansys := GlobalMersenneTwister!.state{[2501..2504]};
if endianseed <> endiansys then
perm := List(endiansys, c-> Position(endianseed, c));
tmp := "";
for i in [0..625] do
tmp{[4*i+1..4*i+4]} := st{4*i+perm};
st := tmp;
rs!.state := st;
if not IsString(seed) then
seed := ShallowCopy(String(seed));
# padding such that length is positive and divisible by 4
while Length(seed) = 0 or Length(seed) mod 4 <> 0 do
Add(seed, CHAR_INT(0));
rs!.state := InitRandomMT(seed);
return rs;
InstallMethod(State, [IsMersenneTwister], function(rs)
return [ShallowCopy(rs!.state)];
InstallMethod(Reset, [IsMersenneTwister, IsObject], function(rs, seed)
local old;
old := State(rs);
Init(rs, seed);
return old;
InstallMethod(Random, [IsMersenneTwister, IsList], function(rs, list)
return list[Random(rs, 1, Length(list))];
InstallMethod(Random, [IsMersenneTwister, IsInt, IsInt], function(rs, a, b)
local d, nrbits, res;
d := b-a+1;
if d < 0 then
return fail;
elif d = 0 then
return a;
nrbits := Log2Int(d) + 1;
res := RandomIntegerMT(rs!.state, nrbits);
until res < d;
return res + a;
# One global Mersenne twister random source, can be used to overwrite
# the library Random(list) and Random(a,b) methods.
InstallValue(GlobalMersenneTwister, RandomSource(IsMersenneTwister, "1"));
# default random method for lists and pairs of integers using the Mersenne
# twister
InstallMethod( Random, "for an internal list",
[ IsList and IsInternalRep ], 100, function(l)
return l[Random(GlobalMersenneTwister, 1, Length(l))];
end );
InstallMethod( Random,
"for two integers",
[ IsInt,
IsInt ],
function(low, high)
return Random(GlobalMersenneTwister, low, high);
end );