/usr/share/julia/base/float16.jl is in julia-common 0.4.7-6.
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function convert(::Type{Float32}, val::Float16)
ival::UInt32 = reinterpret(UInt16, val)
sign::UInt32 = (ival & 0x8000) >> 15
exp::UInt32 = (ival & 0x7c00) >> 10
sig::UInt32 = (ival & 0x3ff) >> 0
if exp == 0
if sig == 0
sign = sign << 31
ret = sign | exp | sig
n_bit = 1
bit = 0x0200
while (bit & sig) == 0
n_bit = n_bit + 1
bit = bit >> 1
sign = sign << 31
exp = (-14 - n_bit + 127) << 23
sig = ((sig & (~bit)) << n_bit) << (23 - 10)
ret = sign | exp | sig
elseif exp == 0x1f
if sig == 0 # Inf
if sign == 0
ret = 0x7f800000
ret = 0xff800000
else # NaN
ret = 0x7fc00000 | (sign<<31)
sign = sign << 31
exp = (exp - 15 + 127) << 23
sig = sig << (23 - 10)
ret = sign | exp | sig
return reinterpret(Float32, ret)
# Float32 -> Float16 algorithm from:
# "Fast Half Float Conversion" by Jeroen van der Zijp
# ftp://ftp.fox-toolkit.org/pub/fasthalffloatconversion.pdf
const basetable = Array(UInt16, 512)
const shifttable = Array(UInt8, 512)
for i = 0:255
e = i - 127
if e < -24 # Very small numbers map to zero
basetable[i|0x000+1] = 0x0000
basetable[i|0x100+1] = 0x8000
shifttable[i|0x000+1] = 24
shifttable[i|0x100+1] = 24
elseif e < -14 # Small numbers map to denorms
basetable[i|0x000+1] = (0x0400>>(-e-14))
basetable[i|0x100+1] = (0x0400>>(-e-14)) | 0x8000
shifttable[i|0x000+1] = -e-1
shifttable[i|0x100+1] = -e-1
elseif e <= 15 # Normal numbers just lose precision
basetable[i|0x000+1] = ((e+15)<<10)
basetable[i|0x100+1] = ((e+15)<<10) | 0x8000
shifttable[i|0x000+1] = 13
shifttable[i|0x100+1] = 13
elseif e < 128 # Large numbers map to Infinity
basetable[i|0x000+1] = 0x7C00
basetable[i|0x100+1] = 0xFC00
shifttable[i|0x000+1] = 24
shifttable[i|0x100+1] = 24
else # Infinity and NaN's stay Infinity and NaN's
basetable[i|0x000+1] = 0x7C00
basetable[i|0x100+1] = 0xFC00
shifttable[i|0x000+1] = 13
shifttable[i|0x100+1] = 13
function convert(::Type{Float16}, val::Float32)
f = reinterpret(UInt32, val)
i = (f >> 23) & 0x1ff + 1
sh = shifttable[i]
f &= 0x007fffff
h::UInt16 = basetable[i] + (f >> sh)
# round
# NOTE: we maybe should ignore NaNs here, but the payload is
# getting truncated anyway so "rounding" it might not matter
nextbit = (f >> (sh-1)) & 1
if nextbit != 0
if h&1 == 1 || # round halfway to even
(f & ((1<<(sh-1))-1)) != 0 # check lower bits
h += 1
reinterpret(Float16, h)
convert(::Type{Bool}, x::Float16) = x==0 ? false : x==1 ? true : throw(InexactError())
convert(::Type{Int128}, x::Float16) = convert(Int128, Float32(x))
convert(::Type{UInt128}, x::Float16) = convert(UInt128, Float32(x))
convert{T<:Integer}(::Type{T}, x::Float16) = convert(T, Float32(x))
round{T<:Integer}(::Type{T}, x::Float16) = round(T, Float32(x))
trunc{T<:Integer}(::Type{T}, x::Float16) = trunc(T, Float32(x))
floor{T<:Integer}(::Type{T}, x::Float16) = floor(T, Float32(x))
ceil{ T<:Integer}(::Type{T}, x::Float16) = ceil(T, Float32(x))
round(x::Float16) = Float16(round(Float32(x)))
trunc(x::Float16) = Float16(trunc(Float32(x)))
floor(x::Float16) = Float16(floor(Float32(x)))
ceil(x::Float16) = Float16( ceil(Float32(x)))
isnan(x::Float16) = reinterpret(UInt16,x)&0x7fff > 0x7c00
isinf(x::Float16) = reinterpret(UInt16,x)&0x7fff == 0x7c00
isfinite(x::Float16) = reinterpret(UInt16,x)&0x7c00 != 0x7c00
function ==(x::Float16, y::Float16)
ix = reinterpret(UInt16,x)
iy = reinterpret(UInt16,y)
if (ix|iy)&0x7fff > 0x7c00 #isnan(x) || isnan(y)
return false
if (ix|iy)&0x7fff == 0x0000
return true
return ix == iy
-(x::Float16) = reinterpret(Float16, reinterpret(UInt16,x) $ 0x8000)
abs(x::Float16) = reinterpret(Float16, reinterpret(UInt16,x) & 0x7fff)
for op in (:+,:-,:*,:/,:\,:^)
@eval ($op)(a::Float16, b::Float16) = Float16(($op)(Float32(a), Float32(b)))
function fma(a::Float16, b::Float16, c::Float16)
Float16(fma(Float32(a), Float32(b), Float32(c)))
function muladd(a::Float16, b::Float16, c::Float16)
Float16(muladd(Float32(a), Float32(b), Float32(c)))
for op in (:<,:<=,:isless)
@eval ($op)(a::Float16, b::Float16) = ($op)(Float32(a), Float32(b))
for func in (:sin,:cos,:tan,:asin,:acos,:atan,:sinh,:cosh,:tanh,:asinh,:acosh,
@eval begin
$func(a::Float16) = Float16($func(Float32(a)))
$func(a::Complex32) = Complex32($func(Complex64(a)))
for func in (:div,:fld,:cld,:rem,:mod,:atan2,:hypot)
@eval begin
$func(a::Float16,b::Float16) = Float16($func(Float32(a),Float32(b)))
ldexp(a::Float16, b::Integer) = Float16(ldexp(Float32(a), b))
^(x::Float16, y::Integer) = Float16(Float32(x)^y)
rationalize{T<:Integer}(::Type{T}, x::Float16; tol::Real=eps(x)) = rationalize(T, Float32(x); tol=tol)
reinterpret(::Type{Unsigned}, x::Float16) = reinterpret(UInt16,x)
sign_mask(::Type{Float16}) = 0x8000
exponent_mask(::Type{Float16}) = 0x7c00
exponent_one(::Type{Float16}) = 0x3c00
exponent_half(::Type{Float16}) = 0x3800
significand_mask(::Type{Float16}) = 0x03ff