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## Create an extractor that extracts the modified original matrix, e.g.
## LD for BunchKaufman, UL for CholeskyDense, LU for LUDense and
## define size methods for Factorization types using it.
immutable BunchKaufman{T,S<:AbstractMatrix} <: Factorization{T}
BunchKaufman(LD::AbstractMatrix{T}, ipiv::Vector{BlasInt}, uplo::Char, symmetric::Bool) = new(LD, ipiv, uplo, symmetric)
BunchKaufman{T}(LD::AbstractMatrix{T}, ipiv::Vector{BlasInt}, uplo::Char, symmetric::Bool) = BunchKaufman{T,typeof(LD)}(LD, ipiv, uplo, symmetric)
function bkfact!{T<:BlasReal}(A::StridedMatrix{T}, uplo::Symbol=:U, symmetric::Bool=issym(A))
if !symmetric
throw(ArgumentError("Bunch-Kaufman decomposition is only valid for symmetric matrices"))
LD, ipiv = LAPACK.sytrf!(char_uplo(uplo) , A)
BunchKaufman(LD, ipiv, char_uplo(uplo), symmetric)
function bkfact!{T<:BlasComplex}(A::StridedMatrix{T}, uplo::Symbol=:U, symmetric::Bool=issym(A))
LD, ipiv = (symmetric ? LAPACK.sytrf! : LAPACK.hetrf!)(char_uplo(uplo) , A)
BunchKaufman(LD, ipiv, char_uplo(uplo), symmetric)
bkfact{T<:BlasFloat}(A::StridedMatrix{T}, uplo::Symbol=:U, symmetric::Bool=issym(A)) = bkfact!(copy(A), uplo, symmetric)
bkfact{T}(A::StridedMatrix{T}, uplo::Symbol=:U, symmetric::Bool=issym(A)) = bkfact!(convert(Matrix{promote_type(Float32,typeof(sqrt(one(T))))},A),uplo,symmetric)
convert{T}(::Type{BunchKaufman{T}},B::BunchKaufman) = BunchKaufman(convert(Matrix{T},B.LD),B.ipiv,B.uplo,B.symmetric)
convert{T}(::Type{Factorization{T}}, B::BunchKaufman) = convert(BunchKaufman{T}, B)
size(B::BunchKaufman) = size(B.LD)
size(B::BunchKaufman,d::Integer) = size(B.LD,d)
issym(B::BunchKaufman) = B.symmetric
ishermitian(B::BunchKaufman) = !B.symmetric
inv{T<:BlasReal}(B::BunchKaufman{T}) = copytri!(LAPACK.sytri!(B.uplo, copy(B.LD), B.ipiv), B.uplo, true)
function inv{T<:BlasComplex}(B::BunchKaufman{T})
if issym(B)
copytri!(LAPACK.sytri!(B.uplo, copy(B.LD), B.ipiv), B.uplo)
copytri!(LAPACK.hetri!(B.uplo, copy(B.LD), B.ipiv), B.uplo, true)
A_ldiv_B!{T<:BlasReal}(B::BunchKaufman{T}, R::StridedVecOrMat{T}) = LAPACK.sytrs!(B.uplo, B.LD, B.ipiv, R)
function A_ldiv_B!{T<:BlasComplex}(B::BunchKaufman{T}, R::StridedVecOrMat{T})
(issym(B) ? LAPACK.sytrs! : LAPACK.hetrs!)(B.uplo, B.LD, B.ipiv, R)
## reconstruct the original matrix
## TODO: understand the procedure described at
## http://www.nag.com/numeric/FL/nagdoc_fl22/pdf/F07/f07mdf.pdf