/usr/share/perl5/Dist/Zilla/Prereqs.pm is in libdist-zilla-perl 6.008-1.
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# ABSTRACT: the prerequisites of a Dist::Zilla distribution
use Moose;
use MooseX::Types::Moose qw(Bool HashRef);
use CPAN::Meta::Prereqs 2.120630; # add_string_requirement
use String::RewritePrefix;
use CPAN::Meta::Requirements 2.121; # requirements_for_module
use namespace::autoclean;
#pod =head1 DESCRIPTION
#pod Dist::Zilla::Prereqs is a subcomponent of Dist::Zilla. The C<prereqs>
#pod attribute on your Dist::Zilla object is a Dist::Zilla::Prereqs object, and is
#pod responsible for keeping track of the distribution's prerequisites.
#pod In fact, a Dist::Zilla::Prereqs object is just a thin layer over a
#pod L<CPAN::Meta::Prereqs> object, stored in the C<cpan_meta_prereqs> attribute.
#pod Almost everything this object does is proxied to the CPAN::Meta::Prereqs
#pod object, so you should really read how I<that> works.
#pod Dist::Zilla::Prereqs proxies the following methods to the CPAN::Meta::Prereqs
#pod object:
#pod =for :list
#pod * finalize
#pod * is_finalized
#pod * requirements_for
#pod * as_string_hash
#pod =cut
has cpan_meta_prereqs => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'CPAN::Meta::Prereqs',
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { CPAN::Meta::Prereqs->new },
handles => [ qw(
) ],
# storing this is sort of gross, but MakeMaker winds up needing the same data
# anyway. -- xdg, 2013-10-22
# This does *not* contain configure requires, as MakeMaker explicitly should
# not have it in its fallback prereqs.
has merged_requires => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'CPAN::Meta::Requirements',
init_arg => undef,
default => sub { CPAN::Meta::Requirements->new },
#pod =method register_prereqs
#pod $prereqs->register_prereqs(%prereqs);
#pod $prereqs->register_prereqs(\%arg, %prereqs);
#pod This method adds new minimums to the prereqs object. If a hashref is the first
#pod arg, it may have entries for C<phase> and C<type> to indicate what kind of
#pod prereqs are being registered. (For more information on phase and type, see
#pod L<CPAN::Meta::Spec>.) For example, you might say:
#pod $prereqs->register_prereqs(
#pod { phase => 'test', type => 'recommends' },
#pod 'Test::Foo' => '1.23',
#pod 'XML::YZZY' => '2.01',
#pod );
#pod If not given, phase and type default to runtime and requires, respectively.
#pod =cut
sub register_prereqs {
my $self = shift;
my $arg = ref($_[0]) ? shift(@_) : {};
my %prereq = @_;
my $phase = $arg->{phase} || 'runtime';
my $type = $arg->{type} || 'requires';
my $req = $self->requirements_for($phase, $type);
while (my ($package, $version) = each %prereq) {
$req->add_string_requirement($package, $version || 0);
before 'finalize' => sub {
my ($self) = @_;
# this avoids a long-standing CPAN.pm bug that incorrectly merges runtime and
# "build" (build+test) requirements by ensuring requirements stay unified
# across all three phases
sub sync_runtime_build_test_requires {
my $self = shift;
# first pass: generated merged requirements
for my $phase ( qw/runtime build test/ ) {
my $req = $self->requirements_for($phase, 'requires');
$self->merged_requires->add_requirements( $req );
# second pass: update from merged requirements
for my $phase ( qw/runtime build test/ ) {
my $req = $self->requirements_for($phase, 'requires');
for my $mod ( $req->required_modules ) {
$req->clear_requirement( $mod );
$mod => $self->merged_requires->requirements_for_module($mod)
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Dist::Zilla::Prereqs - the prerequisites of a Dist::Zilla distribution
=head1 VERSION
version 6.008
Dist::Zilla::Prereqs is a subcomponent of Dist::Zilla. The C<prereqs>
attribute on your Dist::Zilla object is a Dist::Zilla::Prereqs object, and is
responsible for keeping track of the distribution's prerequisites.
In fact, a Dist::Zilla::Prereqs object is just a thin layer over a
L<CPAN::Meta::Prereqs> object, stored in the C<cpan_meta_prereqs> attribute.
Almost everything this object does is proxied to the CPAN::Meta::Prereqs
object, so you should really read how I<that> works.
Dist::Zilla::Prereqs proxies the following methods to the CPAN::Meta::Prereqs
=over 4
=item *
=item *
=item *
=item *
=head1 METHODS
=head2 register_prereqs
$prereqs->register_prereqs(\%arg, %prereqs);
This method adds new minimums to the prereqs object. If a hashref is the first
arg, it may have entries for C<phase> and C<type> to indicate what kind of
prereqs are being registered. (For more information on phase and type, see
L<CPAN::Meta::Spec>.) For example, you might say:
{ phase => 'test', type => 'recommends' },
'Test::Foo' => '1.23',
'XML::YZZY' => '2.01',
If not given, phase and type default to runtime and requires, respectively.
=head1 AUTHOR
Ricardo SIGNES 😏 <rjbs@cpan.org>
This software is copyright (c) 2016 by Ricardo SIGNES.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.