/usr/share/ncarg/nclex/gsun/gsun10n.ncl is in libncarg-data 6.3.0-13.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 | load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl"
function wigley(time:integer)
local i, j, k
y = new(dimsizes(time),float)
i = ind(time.lt.1953.) ; Get indices where time is < 1953.
y(i) = ((time(i)-1860.)/(1953.-1860.)) * 35.0
j = ind(time.ge.1953.and.time.le.1973) ; Indices where 1953 <= time < 1973
y(j) = ((time(j)-1953.)/(1973.-1953.)) * (68. - 35.) + 35.
k = ind(time.gt.1973.and.time.le.1990) ; Indices where 1973 < time <- 1990.
y(k) = ((time(k)-1973.)/(1990.-1973.)) * (75. - 68.) + 68.
time1 = (/ 1990, 1985, 1980, 1970, 1960, 1950, 1940, 1930, \
1920, 1910, 1900, 1890, 1880, 1870, 1860/)
y1 = (/68.065, 65.00, 70.67, 63.06, 43.42, 28.28, 23.00, 20.25, \
17.77, 15.36, 10.01, 6.40, 3.98, 2.18, 1.54/)
time2 = ispan(min(time1),max(time1),1) ; Get range of equally space values.
y2 = wigley(time2) ; Calculate proposed values as
; a function of time.
maxdim = max( (/dimsizes(y1),dimsizes(y2)/) )
y = new((/2,maxdim/),float,-999.) ; Create new 2D arrays to hold 1D
time = new((/2,maxdim/),float,-999.) ; arrays you just declared above.
y(0,0:dimsizes(y1)-1) = y1 ; Copy y1 and y2 to y.
y(1,0:dimsizes(y2)-1) = y2
time(0,0:dimsizes(time1)-1) = time1 ; Copy time1 and time2 to time.
time(1,0:dimsizes(time2)-1) = time2
wks = gsn_open_wks("x11","gsun10n") ; Open an X11 workstation.
cmap = (/(/1.,1.,1./),(/0.,0.,0./)/) ; Change background color to white
gsn_define_colormap(wks,cmap) ; and foreground color to black.
resources = True ; Get ready to set some resources.
resources@vpWidthF = 0.8
resources@vpXF = 0.13
resources@tiMainString = "~F22~Sulfur Emissions" ; "~F22~" changes
resources@tiXAxisString = "~F22~Year" ; the font to "22"
resources@tiYAxisString = "~F22~Tg s/yr" ; which is helvetica
; bold.
resources@tmXBLabelFont = 21
resources@tmYLLabelFont = 21
resources@trXMinF = 1855 ; Set minimum X axes value.
resources@xyDashPatterns = (/16,0/) ; ( dash, solid )
resources@xyMarkLineModes = (/"MarkLines","Lines"/)
resources@xyMarker = 1
resources@xyMarkerSizeF = 0.05 ; Default is 0.01
resources@gsnFrame = False ; Don't advance the frame.
resources@gsnScale = True ; Draw X/Y axes labels in same size.
xy = gsn_xy(wks,time,y,resources) ; Create and draw XY plot.
txresources = True
txresources@txFontHeightF = 0.015
txresources@txJust = "CenterLeft" ; Default is "CenterCenter".
strings = (/"Wigley (Moller/IPCC)",\
"~F22~CSM-proposed:~F~~C~(Orn et.al./GEIA + Smith)",\
"~F22~CSM SO~B~4~N~ Scaling Factor: ~V1Q~~F22~S~B~emis~N~ (yr)~H-7Q~~V-1Q~---------------~H-9Q~~V-1Q~S~B~emis~N~ (1985)"/)
xpos = (/1885.,1940.,1860./) ; Define X/Y locations for text.
ypos = (/30.,18.,70./)
do i = 0,dimsizes(strings)-1 ; Loop through text strings and draw them.
end do
frame(wks) ; Advance the frame.