/usr/lib/mlton/sml/mllpt-lib/ulex-buffer.sml is in mlton-basis 20130715-3.
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* COPYRIGHT (c) 2006
* John Reppy (http://www.cs.uchicago.edu/~jhr)
* Aaron Turon (http://www.cs.uchicago.edu/~adrassi)
* All rights reserved.
* Forward-chained buffers for lexing
structure ULexBuffer : sig
type stream
exception Incomplete (* raised by getu on an incomplete multi-byte character *)
val mkStream : (AntlrStreamPos.pos * (unit -> string)) -> stream
val getc : stream -> (char * stream) option
val getu : stream -> (word * stream) option
val getpos : stream -> AntlrStreamPos.pos
val subtract : stream * stream -> Substring.substring
val eof : stream -> bool
val lastWasNL : stream -> bool
end = struct
structure W = Word
datatype stream = S of (buf * int * bool)
and buf = B of {
data : string,
basePos : AntlrStreamPos.pos,
more : more ref,
input : unit -> string
and more = UNKNOWN | YES of buf | NO
fun mkStream (pos, input) =
(S (B {data = "", basePos = pos,
more = ref UNKNOWN,
input = input},
0, true))
(* advance the stream to the next block of input *)
fun advance (data, input, basePos, more) = (case !more
of UNKNOWN => (case input()
of "" => (more := NO; NO)
| data' => let
val buf' = B {
data = data',
basePos = AntlrStreamPos.forward (basePos, String.size data),
more = ref UNKNOWN,
input = input
more := YES buf';
YES buf'
(* end case *))
| m => m
(* end case *))
fun getc (S(buf as B{data, basePos, more, input}, pos, lastWasNL)) =
if pos < String.size data
then let
val c = String.sub (data, pos)
SOME (c, S (buf, pos+1, c = #"\n"))
else (case advance(data, input, basePos, more)
of NO => NONE
| YES buf' => getc (S (buf', 0, lastWasNL))
| UNKNOWN => raise Fail "impossible"
(* end case *))
exception Incomplete
(* get the next UTF8 character represented as a word *)
fun getu (S(buf as B{data, basePos, more, input}, pos, _)) =
if pos < String.size data
then let
val c = W.fromInt(Char.ord(String.sub(data, pos)))
if (c < 0w128)
then SOME(c, S(buf, pos+1, c = 0w10)) (* ord #"\n" = 10 *)
else let (* multibyte character *)
fun getByte (S(buf as B{data, basePos, more, input}, pos, _)) =
if pos < String.size data
then let
val c = W.fromInt(Char.ord(String.sub(data, pos)))
SOME (c, S (buf, pos+1, false))
else (case advance(data, input, basePos, more)
of NO => NONE
| YES buf' => getByte (S (buf', 0, false))
| UNKNOWN => raise Fail "impossible"
(* end case *))
fun getContByte (wc, strm) = (case getByte strm
of NONE => raise Incomplete
| SOME(b, strm') => if (W.andb(0wxc0, b) = 0wx80)
then (W.orb(W.<<(wc, 0w6), W.andb(0wx3f, b)), strm')
else raise Incomplete
(* end case *))
val strm = S(buf, pos+1, false)
case (W.andb(0wxe0, c))
of 0wxc0 => SOME(getContByte (W.andb(0wx1f, c), strm))
| 0wxe0 => SOME(getContByte(getContByte(W.andb(0wx0f, c), strm)))
| _ => raise Incomplete
(* end case *)
(* advance buffer *)
else (case advance(data, input, basePos, more)
of NO => NONE
| YES buf' => getu (S(buf', 0, false))
| UNKNOWN => raise Fail "impossible"
(* end case *))
fun getpos (S (B {basePos, ...}, pos, _)) = AntlrStreamPos.forward (basePos, pos)
fun subtract (new, old) = let
val (S (B {data = ndata, basePos = nbasePos, ...}, npos, _)) = new
val (S (B {data = odata, basePos = obasePos,
more, input}, opos, _)) = old
if nbasePos = obasePos then
Substring.substring (ndata, opos, npos-opos)
else case !more
of NO => raise Fail "BUG: ULexBuffer.subtract, but buffers are unrelated"
| UNKNOWN => raise Fail "BUG: ULexBuffer.subtract, but buffers are unrelated"
| YES buf =>
Substring.extract (
Substring.concat [
Substring.extract (odata, opos, NONE),
subtract (new, S (buf, 0, false))],
0, NONE)
fun eof s = not (isSome (getc s))
fun lastWasNL (S (_, _, lastWasNL)) = lastWasNL