/usr/share/racket/collects/net/uri-codec.rkt is in racket-common 6.7-3.
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People used to wonder why semicolons were the default. We then
decided to switch the default back to ampersands --
We recommend that HTTP server implementors, and in particular, CGI
implementors support the use of ";" in place of "&" to save authors
the trouble of escaping "&" characters in this manner.
See more in PR8831.
;;; <uri-codec.rkt> ---- En/Decode URLs and form-urlencoded data
;;; Time-stamp: <03/04/25 10:31:31 noel>
;;; Copyright (C) 2002 by Noel Welsh.
;;; This file is part of Net.
;;; Net is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
;;; version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;;; Net is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
;;; License along with Net; if not, write to the Free Software
;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
;;; 02110-1301 USA.
;;; Author: Noel Welsh <noelwelsh@yahoo.com>
;; Commentary:
;; The module provides functions to encode and decode strings using
;; the URI encoding rules given in RFC 2396, and to encode and decode
;; name/value pairs using the application/x-www-form-urlencoded
;; mimetype given the in HTML 4.0 specification. There are minor
;; differences between the two encodings.
;; The URI encoding uses allows a few characters to be represented `as
;; is': a-z, A-Z, 0-9, -, _, ., !, ~, *, ', ( and ). The remaining
;; characters are encoded as %xx, where xx is the hex representation
;; of the integer value of the character (where the mapping
;; character<->integer is determined by US-ASCII if the integer is
;; <128).
;; The encoding, inline with RFC 2396's recommendation, represents a
;; character as is, if possible. The decoding allows any characters
;; to be represented by their hex values, and allows characters to be
;; incorrectly represented `as is'.
;; The rules for the application/x-www-form-urlencoded mimetype given
;; in the HTML 4.0 spec are:
;; 1. Control names and values are escaped. Space characters are
;; replaced by `+', and then reserved characters are escaped as
;; described in [RFC1738], section 2.2: Non-alphanumeric characters
;; are replaced by `%HH', a percent sign and two hexadecimal digits
;; representing the ASCII code of the character. Line breaks are
;; represented as "CR LF" pairs (i.e., `%0D%0A').
;; 2. The control names/values are listed in the order they appear
;; in the document. The name is separated from the value by `=' and
;; name/value pairs are separated from each other by `&'.
;; NB: RFC 2396 supersedes RFC 1738.
;; This differs slightly from the straight encoding in RFC 2396 in
;; that `+' is allowed, and represents a space. We follow this
;; convention, encoding a space as `+' and decoding `+' as a space.
;; There appear to be some brain-dead decoders on the web, so we also
;; encode `!', `~', `'', `(' and ')' using their hex representation.
;; This is the same choice as made by the Java URLEncoder.
;; Draws inspiration from encode-decode.scm by Kurt Normark and a code
;; sample provided by Eli Barzilay
(require racket/string racket/list)
(provide uri-encode uri-decode
uri-path-segment-encode uri-path-segment-decode
uri-userinfo-encode uri-userinfo-decode
uri-unreserved-encode uri-unreserved-decode
uri-path-segment-unreserved-encode uri-path-segment-unreserved-decode
form-urlencoded-encode form-urlencoded-decode
alist->form-urlencoded form-urlencoded->alist
(define (self-map-chars str) (map (λ (ch) (cons ch ch)) (string->list str)))
;; The characters that always map to themselves
(define alphanumeric-mapping
;; Characters that sometimes map to themselves
;; called 'mark' in RFC 3986
(define safe-mapping (self-map-chars "-_.!~*'()"))
;; The strict URI mapping
(define uri-mapping `(,@alphanumeric-mapping ,@safe-mapping))
;; The uri path segment mapping from RFC 3986
(define path-segment-extra-mapping (self-map-chars "@+,=$&:"))
(define uri-path-segment-mapping `(,@uri-mapping ,@path-segment-extra-mapping))
;; from RFC 3986
(define unreserved-mapping `(,@alphanumeric-mapping ,@(self-map-chars "-._~")))
;; The uri path segment mapping from RFC 3986
(define uri-path-segment-unreserved-mapping
`(,@unreserved-mapping ,@path-segment-extra-mapping))
;; from RFC 3986
(define sub-delims-mapping (self-map-chars "!$&'()*+,;="))
;; The uri userinfo mapping from RFC 3986
(define uri-userinfo-mapping
`(,@unreserved-mapping ,@sub-delims-mapping ,@(self-map-chars ":")))
;; The form-urlencoded mapping
(define form-urlencoded-mapping
`(,@(self-map-chars ".-*_") (#\space . #\+) ,@alphanumeric-mapping))
(define (number->hex-string number)
(define (hex n) (string-ref "0123456789ABCDEF" n))
(string #\% (hex (quotient number 16)) (hex (modulo number 16))))
(define ascii-size 128)
;; (listof (cons char char)) -> (values (vectorof string) (vectorof int))
(define (make-codec-tables alist)
(define encoding-table (build-vector ascii-size number->hex-string))
(define decoding-table (build-vector ascii-size values))
(for ([orig+enc (in-list alist)])
(vector-set! encoding-table
(char->integer (car orig+enc))
(string (cdr orig+enc)))
(vector-set! decoding-table
(char->integer (cdr orig+enc))
(char->integer (car orig+enc))))
(values encoding-table decoding-table))
;; vector string -> string
(define (encode table str)
;; First, check for an ASCII string with no conversion needed:
(if (for/and ([char (in-string str)])
(define v (char->integer char))
(and (< v ascii-size)
(let ([s (vector-ref table v)])
(and (= 1 (string-length s))
(eq? char (string-ref s 0))))))
(let ([out (open-output-string)])
(for ([byte (in-bytes (string->bytes/utf-8 str))])
(cond [(< byte ascii-size)
(write-string (vector-ref table byte) out)]
(write-string (number->hex-string byte) out)]))
(get-output-string out))))
;; vector string -> string
(define (decode table str)
(define max-ascii (integer->char ascii-size))
(define in (open-input-string str))
(define out (open-output-bytes))
(let loop ()
(define c (read-char in))
(unless (eof-object? c)
(cond [(eqv? c #\%)
(define hex (read-string 2 in))
(define hex-n (and (string? hex) (string->number hex 16)))
(cond [(exact-nonnegative-integer? hex-n) ;; not negative, fractional
;; Note: write as byte to support multi-byte Unicode chars
(write-byte hex-n out)]
;; Pass through failed %-escapes as-is, for compatibility with
;; previous version of code.
(write-char #\% out)
(when (string? hex)
(write-string hex out))])]
[(char<? c max-ascii)
(write-char (integer->char (vector-ref table (char->integer c))) out)]
;; This should probably error, but strings to be decoded might
;; come from misbehaving sources; maybe it's better to add some
;; parameter for a permissive mode; one source of such bad URLs
;; is user-defined strings where the string is entered directly
;; and not properly encoded -- similar justification to
;; browsers accepting unencoded chars in manually entered URLs.
(write-char c out)])
(get-output-string out))
;; Utility for defining codecs
(define-syntax-rule (define-codecs [encoder decoder mapping] ...)
(begin (define-values [encoder decoder]
(let-values ([(v:en v:de) (make-codec-tables mapping)])
(define (encoder str) (encode v:en str))
(define (decoder str) (decode v:de str))
(values encoder decoder)))
;; All of these are string -> string
[uri-encode uri-decode uri-mapping]
[uri-path-segment-encode uri-path-segment-decode uri-path-segment-mapping]
[uri-userinfo-encode uri-userinfo-decode uri-userinfo-mapping]
[uri-unreserved-encode uri-unreserved-decode unreserved-mapping]
[uri-path-segment-unreserved-encode uri-path-segment-unreserved-decode
[form-urlencoded-encode form-urlencoded-decode form-urlencoded-mapping])
;; listof (cons string string) -> string
;; http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/appendix/notes.html#ampersands-in-uris
;; listof (cons symbol string) -> string
(define (alist->form-urlencoded args)
(for/list ([arg (in-list args)])
(define name (form-urlencoded-encode (symbol->string (car arg))))
(define value (and (cdr arg) (form-urlencoded-encode (cdr arg))))
(if value (string-append name "=" value) name))
(if (memq (current-alist-separator-mode) '(semi semi-or-amp)) ";" "&")))
;; string -> listof (cons string string)
;; http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/appendix/notes.html#ampersands-in-uris
(define (form-urlencoded->alist str)
(define sep-regexp
(case (current-alist-separator-mode)
[(semi) #rx"[;]"]
[(amp) #rx"[&]"]
[else #rx"[&;]"]))
(if (equal? "" str) '()
(for/list ([keyval (in-list (regexp-split sep-regexp str))])
;; m = #f => no "=..." part
(define m (regexp-match-positions #rx"=" keyval))
(cons (string->symbol (form-urlencoded-decode
(if m (substring keyval 0 (caar m)) keyval)))
(and m (form-urlencoded-decode (substring keyval (cdar m))))))))
(define current-alist-separator-mode
(make-parameter 'amp-or-semi
(lambda (s)
(unless (memq s '(amp semi amp-or-semi semi-or-amp))
(raise-type-error 'current-alist-separator-mode
"'amp, 'semi, 'amp-or-semi, or 'semi-or-amp"
;;; uri-codec.rkt ends here