/usr/share/racket/collects/syntax/free-vars.rkt is in racket-common 6.7-3.
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;; this finds the free variables of fully-expanded racket expressions
;; adapted from code by mflatt
(require syntax/kerncase
(for-template racket/base))
(provide free-vars)
;; An id-tree is either
;; - null
;; - id
;; - (cons id-tree id-tree)
;; merge : id-tree -> (listof id)
;; merges lists of identifiers, removing module-identifier=?
;; duplicates
(define (merge t)
(define m (make-module-identifier-mapping))
(let loop ([t t] [a null])
[(null? t) a]
[(identifier? t)
(if (module-identifier-mapping-get m t (lambda () #f))
(module-identifier-mapping-put! m t #t)
(cons t a)))]
[(pair? t) (loop (cdr t) (loop (car t) a))]
[else (error "internal error")]))))
;; formals->ids : formals-stx -> (listof identifier?)
;; Parses a procedure "formals" and returns the binding ids
;; in a table
(define (formals->ids f)
(let loop ([f f])
[(identifier? f) (list f)]
[(pair? f) (cons (car f)
(loop (cdr f)))]
[(null? f) null]
[(syntax? f) (loop (syntax-e f))])))
;; free-vars : expr-stx [inspector?] [#:module-bound? any/c] -> (listof id)
;; Returns a list of free lambda- and let-bound identifiers in a
;; given epression. The expression must be fully expanded.
;; If `module-bound?` is true, also return module-bound variables.
(define (free-vars e
#:module-bound? [module-bound? #f])
(define (submodule-error e)
(error 'free-vars "submodules not supported: ~a" e))
;; It would be nicer to have a functional mapping:
(define bindings (make-bound-identifier-mapping))
(let free-vars ([e e])
(kernel-syntax-case (syntax-disarm e code-insp) #f
(identifier? #'id)
(let ([b (identifier-binding #'id)])
(cond [(and (eq? 'lexical b)
(not (bound-identifier-mapping-get bindings #'id (lambda () #f))))
(list #'id)]
[(and module-bound? ; do we count module-bound vars too?
;; we're in an expression context, so any module-bound
;; variable is free
(list? b))
(list #'id)]
[(#%top . id) null]
[(quote q) null]
[(quote-syntax . _) null]
[(#%plain-lambda formals expr ...)
(let ([ids (formals->ids #'formals)])
(for ([id (in-list ids)])
(bound-identifier-mapping-put! bindings id #t))
(map free-vars (syntax->list #'(expr ...)))
;; Since every binding should be distinct, it shouldn't
;; matter whether we map them back to #f, but just in case
;; we get a weird expression...
(for ([id (in-list ids)])
(bound-identifier-mapping-put! bindings id #f))))]
[(case-lambda [formals expr ...] ...)
(map free-vars (syntax->list
#'((#%plain-lambda formals expr ...) ...)))]
[(let-values ([(id ...) rhs] ...) expr ...)
(cons (free-vars #'(#%plain-lambda (id ... ...) expr ...))
(map free-vars (syntax->list #'(rhs ...))))]
[(letrec-values ([(id ...) rhs] ...) expr ...)
(free-vars #'(#%plain-lambda (id ... ...) rhs ... expr ...))]
[(letrec-syntaxes+values stx-bindings ([(id ...) rhs] ...) expr ...)
(free-vars #'(#%plain-lambda (id ... ...) rhs ... expr ...))]
[(kw expr ...)
(ormap (lambda (k) (free-identifier=? k #'kw))
(list #'if #'begin #'begin0 #'set! #'#%plain-app #'#%expression
#'#%variable-reference #'with-continuation-mark))
(map free-vars (syntax->list #'(expr ...)))]
[(module . _)
(submodule-error e)]
[(module* . _)
(submodule-error e)]
[(kw . _)
(error 'free-vars "unknown core form: ~a" (syntax->datum #'kw))]))))