/usr/share/racket/collects/syntax/module-reader.rkt is in racket-common 6.7-3.
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(require syntax/readerr
(for-syntax racket/private/base))
(provide (rename-out [provide-module-reader #%module-begin]
[wrap wrap-read-all])
(except-out (all-from-out racket/private/base) #%module-begin))
(define ar? procedure-arity-includes?)
(define-syntax (provide-module-reader stx)
(define (err str [sub #f])
(raise-syntax-error 'syntax/module-reader str sub))
(define-syntax-rule (keywords body [kwd var default] ... [checks ...])
(define var #f) ...
(set! body
(let loop ([body body])
(if (not (and (pair? body)
(pair? (cdr body))
(keyword? (syntax-e (car body)))))
(datum->syntax stx body stx)
(let* ([k (car body)] [k* (syntax-e k)] [v (cadr body)])
(case k*
[(kwd) (if var
(err (format "got two ~s keywords" k*) k)
(begin (set! var v) (loop (cddr body))))]
[else (err "got an unknown keyword" (car body))])))))
checks ...
(unless var (set! var default)) ...))
(define <lang-id> (datum->syntax stx 'language-module stx))
(define <data-id> (datum->syntax stx 'language-data stx))
(define (construct-reader lang body)
(keywords body
[#:language ~lang lang]
[#:read ~read #'read]
[#:read-syntax ~read-syntax #'read-syntax]
[#:wrapper1 ~wrapper1 #'#f]
[#:wrapper2 ~wrapper2 #'#f]
[#:module-wrapper ~module-wrapper #'#f]
[#:whole-body-readers? ~whole-body-readers? #'#f]
[#:info ~info #'#f]
[#:language-info ~module-get-info #'#f]
[(when (equal? (and lang #t) (and ~lang #t))
(err (string-append
"must specify either a module language, or #:language"
(if (and lang ~lang) ", not both" ""))))
(unless (equal? (and ~read #t) (and ~read-syntax #t))
(err "must specify either both #:read and #:read-syntax, or none"))
(when (and ~whole-body-readers? (not (and ~read ~read-syntax)))
(err "got a #:whole-body-readers? without #:read and #:read-syntax"))])
;; FIXME: some generated code is constant and should be lifted out of the
;; template:
(quasisyntax/loc stx
(#%provide (rename lang:read read)
(rename lang:read-syntax read-syntax)
(define (lang:read in modpath line col pos)
(wrap-internal/wrapper #f #f in modpath line col pos))
(define (lang:read-syntax src in modpath line col pos)
(wrap-internal/wrapper #t src in modpath line col pos))
(define (wrap-internal/wrapper stx? src in modpath line col pos)
(let* ([props (read-properties in modpath line col pos)]
[lang (car props)] [#,<lang-id> lang] ;\ visible in
[data (cadr props)] [#,<data-id> data] ;/ user-code
[read (if stx?
(let ([rd #,~read-syntax])
(lambda (in) (rd src in)))
[w1 #,~wrapper1]
[w2 #,~wrapper2]
[mw #,~module-wrapper]
[whole? #,~whole-body-readers?]
[rd (lambda (in)
(wrap-internal (if (and (not stx?) (syntax? lang))
(syntax->datum lang)
in read whole? w1 stx?
modpath src line col pos))])
((or (and mw
(if (procedure-arity-includes? mw 2)
(lambda (thunk stx?) (mw thunk))))
(lambda (thunk stx?) (thunk)))
(lambda ()
(let ([r (cond [(not w2) (rd in)]
[(ar? w2 3) (w2 in rd stx?)]
[else (w2 in rd)])])
(if stx?
(let ([prop #,(if (syntax-e ~module-get-info)
(if prop
(syntax-property r 'module-language prop)
(define read-properties (lang->read-properties #,~lang))
(define (get-info in modpath line col pos)
(get-info-getter (read-properties in modpath line col pos)))
(define (get-info-getter props)
(define lang (car props))
(define data (cadr props))
(define (default-info what defval)
(case what
[(module-language) lang]
;; ... more?
[else defval]))
(define info
(let* ([#,<lang-id> lang] ;\ visible in
[#,<data-id> data] ;/ user-code
[info #,~info])
(if (or (not info) (and (procedure? info) (ar? info 3)))
(raise-type-error 'syntax/module-reader
"info procedure of 3 arguments" info))))
(define (language-info what defval)
(if info
(let ([r (info what defval default-info)])
(if (eq? r default-info) (default-info what defval) r))
(default-info what defval)))
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ lang body ...)
(not (keyword? (syntax-e #'lang)))
(construct-reader #''lang (syntax->list #'(body ...)))]
[(_ body ...) (construct-reader #f (syntax->list #'(body ...)))]))
;; turns the language specification (either a language or some flavor of a
;; function that returns a language and some properties) into a function that
;; returns (list <lang> <props>)
(define (lang->read-properties lang)
(define lang*
(cond [(not (procedure? lang)) (list lang #f)]
[(ar? lang 5) lang]
[(ar? lang 1) (lambda (in . _) (lang in))]
[(ar? lang 0) (lambda _ (lang))]
[else (raise-type-error
"language+reader procedure of 5, 1, or 0 arguments"
(define (read-properties in modpath line col pos)
(if (not (procedure? lang*))
(parameterize ([current-input-port in])
(lambda () (lang* in modpath line col pos))
(lambda xs
(case (length xs)
[(2) xs] [(1) (list (car xs) #f)]
[else (error 'syntax/module-reader
"wrong number of results from ~a, ~a ~e"
"the #:language function"
"expected 1 or 2 values, got"
(length xs))]))))))
;; Since there are users that wrap with `#%module-begin' in their reader
;; or wrapper1 functions, we need to avoid double-wrapping. Having to do
;; this for #lang readers should be considered deprecated, and hopefully
;; one day we'll move to just doing it unilaterally (making this code throw
;; an error in that case before that's done).
;; This function takes "body" as a sequence of expressions (can be syntaxes
;; and/or sexprs) and returns a new body as a *single* expression that is
;; wrapped in a `#%module-begin' -- using the input if it was a single
;; pre-wrapped expression.
(define (wrap-module-begin body)
(let ([exprs (if (syntax? body) (syntax->list body) body)])
(if (and (pair? exprs) (null? (cdr exprs))
(let* ([x (car exprs)]
[x (if (syntax? x) (syntax-e x) x)]
[x (and (pair? x) (car x))]
[x (if (syntax? x) (syntax-e x) x)])
(eq? x '#%module-begin)))
(car exprs)
(cons '#%module-begin body))))
(define (wrap-internal lang port read whole? wrapper stx?
modpath src line col pos)
(let* ([lang (if stx? (datum->syntax #f lang modpath modpath) lang)]
[body (lambda ()
(if whole?
(read port)
(parameterize ([read-accept-lang #f])
(let loop ([a null])
(let ([v (read port)])
(if (eof-object? v)
(reverse a)
(loop (cons v a))))))))]
[body (cond [(not wrapper) (body)]
[(ar? wrapper 2) (wrapper body stx?)]
[else (wrapper body)])]
[body (wrap-module-begin body)]
[all-loc (vector src line col pos
(let-values ([(l c p) (port-next-location port)])
(and p pos (max 0 (- p pos)))))]
[p-name (object-name port)]
[name (if (path? p-name)
(let-values ([(base name dir?) (split-path p-name)])
(path->string (path-replace-extension name #""))))
[tag-src (lambda (v)
(if stx?
#f v (vector src line col pos
(and pos (max 0
(- (or (syntax-position modpath)
(add1 pos))
[r `(,(tag-src 'module) ,(tag-src name) ,lang ,body)])
(if stx? (datum->syntax #f r all-loc) r)))
(define (wrap lang port read modpath src line col pos)
(wrap-internal lang port read #f #f #f modpath src line col pos))
(define (make-meta-reader
self-sym module-path-desc spec->module-path
(lambda (in)
(let ([spec (regexp-try-match #px"^[ \t]+(.*?)(?=\\s|$)" in)]) ;; if this changes, the regexp in planet's lang/reader.rkt must also change
(and spec (let ([s (cadr spec)])
(if (equal? s "") #f s)))))])
(define (get in export-sym src line col pos spec-as-stx? mk-fail-thunk)
(define (bad str eof?)
((if eof? raise-read-eof-error raise-read-error)
(let ([msg (format "bad ~a following ~a" module-path-desc self-sym)])
(if str (format "~a: ~a" msg str) msg))
src line col pos
(let-values ([(line col pos2) (port-next-location in)])
(and pos pos2 (- pos2 pos)))))
(let*-values ([(spec-line spec-col spec-pos) (port-next-location in)]
[(spec) (read-spec in)]
[(spec-end-line spec-end-col spec-end-pos) (port-next-location in)])
(if (not spec)
(bad #f (eof-object? (peek-byte in)))
(let ([parsed-spec (spec->module-path spec)])
(if parsed-spec
(let loop ([specs (if (vector? parsed-spec)
(vector->list parsed-spec)
(list parsed-spec))])
(define parsed-spec (car specs))
(define guarded-spec ((current-reader-guard) parsed-spec))
(if (or (null? (cdr specs))
(module-declared? guarded-spec #t))
(dynamic-require guarded-spec export-sym
(mk-fail-thunk spec))
(if spec-as-stx?
(datum->syntax #f
(vector src spec-line spec-col spec-pos
(max 0 (- spec-end-pos spec-pos))))
(loop (cdr specs))))
(bad spec #f))))))
(define (-get-info inp mod line col pos)
(let-values ([(r next-mod)
(get inp 'get-info (object-name inp) line col pos #f
(lambda (spec)
(lambda ()
(lambda (inp mod line col pos)
(lambda (tag defval) defval)))))])
(convert-get-info (r inp next-mod line col pos))))
(define (read-fn in read-sym args src mod line col pos convert)
(let-values ([(r next-mod)
(get in read-sym src #|mod|# line col pos
(eq? read-sym 'read-syntax)
(lambda (spec)
(lambda ()
(error read-sym "cannot find reader for `#lang ~a ~s'"
(let ([r (convert r)])
(if (and (procedure? r)
(procedure-arity-includes? r (+ 5 (length args))))
(apply r (append args (list in next-mod line col pos)))
(apply r (append args (list in)))))))
(define (-read inp mod line col pos)
(read-fn inp 'read null (object-name inp) mod line col pos
(define (-read-syntax src inp mod line col pos)
(read-fn inp 'read-syntax (list src) src mod line col pos
(values -read -read-syntax -get-info))
;; lang-reader-module-paths : Byte-String -> (U False (Vectorof Module-Path))
;; To be used as the third argument to make-meta-reader in lang-extensions
;; like at-exp. On success, returns a vector of module paths, one of which
;; should point to the reader module for the #lang bstr language.
(define (lang-reader-module-paths bstr)
(let* ([str (bytes->string/latin-1 bstr)]
[sym (string->symbol str)])
(and (module-path? sym)
;; try submod first:
`(submod ,sym reader)
;; fall back to /lang/reader:
(string->symbol (string-append str "/lang/reader"))))))