/usr/share/racket/pkgs/contract-profile/boundary-view.rkt is in racket-common 6.7-3.
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(require racket/list racket/match racket/contract racket/string
racket/set racket/dict racket/format
profile/structs profile/utils
"utils.rkt" "dot.rkt")
(provide boundary-view)
;; Boundary View
;; Shows contract costs associated with each each boundary (see definition
;; below) and, when possible, which call edges cross contract boundaries.
;; Because of the limitations of the profiler, some pieces of information
;; are conservative / best effort.
;; A boundary is, at a high-level, a profile node (contracted function) and a
;; (potentially empty) set of profile edges (incoming call edges that cross the
;; contract boundary).
;; A given node can be part of multiple boundaries if it enters into contracts
;; with multiple parties, in which case it is be part of one boundary per
;; party, and the incoming edges all come from that party.
;; Contract checking time can be assigned to boundaries, but not to individual
;; edges (from our perspective, the edges in a boundary can't be distinguished)
;; Edges are found by looking at the regular time profile for callers to the
;; node that originate from the contract's other party. Due to limitations in
;; the profiler (tail calls, mostly), the set of edges is an approximation
;; (both over- and under-).
(struct boundary (contracted-node edges blame time)
#:transparent) ;; TODO for debugging
;; Rendering options.
;; For large programs (e.g. Acquire), enabling module clustering when showing
;; all functions (not just contracted ones) makes renderings undecipherable.
;; Also, most non-dot Graphviz renderers cope poorly with our graphs. fdp is
;; probably the next best one.
;; This is less of a problem now that we never show non-contracted nodes.
;; draw borders to group functions from the same module
(define show-module-clustering? #t)
(define (boundary-view correlated boundary-view-file boundary-view-key-file)
(match-define (contract-profile
total-time live-contract-samples all-blames regular-profile)
(define all-contracts (remove-duplicates (map blame-contract all-blames)))
;; On the graph, contracts are abbreviated with a key ([1], [2], etc.).
;; The mapping from keys to actual contracts is printed separately.
;; TODO only have keys for contracts that actually show up in the profile, and only show these
(define contracts->keys (map cons all-contracts (range (length all-contracts))))
;; For each blame, find the edges (from the profile graph) that cross
;; contract boundaries.
;; Each blame may belong to multiple boundaries (multiple contracted
;; functions from the same module called from the same other party).
(define no-profile-nodes
(make-hash)) ; we may want to re-use nodes for multiple blames
(define all-boundaries
(for/list ([b (in-list all-blames)])
;; First, find the contracted function in the profile graph.
;; Some functions are not in the profile graph. We create nodes for them,
;; which won't be connected to the actual profile graph, but will show up
;; in the output. (See no-profile-nodes above.)
(define contracted-function
(or (for/first ([n (in-list (profile-nodes regular-profile))]
;; Matching is overly permissive (relies only on
;; function name). If two functions in the same module
;; have the same name, results may be bogus.
;; TODO fix this
;; Refining results using source locations would be
;; tricky: blame struct contains location of the *id*
;; of where the *contract* is applied, which doesn't
;; tell us anything about where the function actually
;; *is*. (For `define/contract', it's the id of the
;; definition, but that for `provide/contract', it's
;; a location inside the `provide/contract'.) So can't
;; really use source locations for correlation.
;; The current matching won't work for contracted
;; anonymous functions. (Probably rare, though.)
#:when (equal? (blame-value b) (node-id n)))
;; function is not in the profile. create a node for it (that will
;; not be connected to the profile graph), or reuse an existing
;; node if we created one for that id
(hash-ref! no-profile-nodes
(blame-value b)
(node (blame-value b)
#f ; no source ; TODO could we find it?
'(0) ; dummy thread-ids
0 0 ; if not in the profile, no time is a safe bet
'() '())))) ; no known callers or callees
;; Out of the callers of contracted-function, look for the ones that are
;; in the negative module. Those edges are the boundary edges.
(define caller-module (blame-negative b))
(define boundary-edges
(for*/list ([e (node-callers contracted-function)]
[src (in-value (node-src (edge-caller e)))]
#:when (and src (equal? caller-module (srcloc-source src))))
(define time-spent ; TODO probably more efficient to group ahead of time
(samples-time (for/list ([s (in-list live-contract-samples)]
#:when (equal? (car s) b))
(boundary contracted-function boundary-edges b time-spent)))
(render all-boundaries all-blames contracts->keys))
;; print contract key
;; TODO find a way to add to pdf
;; TODO also to add to pdf: show proportion of time spent in contracts
;; otherwise we have no idea if we're looking at a case where contracts are
;; bottlenecks or not
(when boundary-view-key-file
(with-output-to-file boundary-view-key-file
#:exists 'replace
(lambda ()
(for ([contract+key (in-list contracts->keys)])
(printf "[~a] = ~a\n"
(cdr contract+key)
(car contract+key)))))))
;; given a profile node, return all the boundaries centered there
(define (node->boundaries node all-boundaries)
(for/list ([b (in-list all-boundaries)]
#:when (eq? node (boundary-contracted-node b)))
(define (node->module node) ; approximate. if no source info, useless
(define src (node-src node))
(and src (srcloc-source src)))
(define (node-location node shortened-srcloc)
(define id (node-id node))
(define src (node-src node))
(format "~a~a~a"
(if id (format "~a" id) "")
(if (and id src) "\n" "")
(if src (format-source shortened-srcloc) "")))
;; Inspired by ../render-graphviz.rkt
(define (render all-boundaries all-blames contracts->keys)
(define total-contract-time
(max 1e-20 (for/sum ([b (in-list all-boundaries)]) (boundary-time b))))
(define max-self%
(/ (for/fold ([m 1e-20]) ([b (in-list all-boundaries)])
(max m (boundary-time b)))
;; All boundary-related nodes, which includes both actual boundary nodes and
;; callers that call boundary nodes across boundary edges.
(define nodes
(for/fold ([nodes (set)])
([b (in-list all-boundaries)])
(for/fold ([nodes* (set-add nodes (boundary-contracted-node b))])
([e (in-list (boundary-edges b))])
(set-add nodes* (edge-caller e))))))
(define nodes->names (for/hash ([n nodes]) (values n (gensym))))
(define node->shortened-path
(make-srcloc-shortener (filter node-src nodes) ; nodes with paths only
(define party->shortened-path
(make-shortener (set-union (map blame-positive all-blames)
(map blame-negative all-blames))))
(define (summarize-boundary b contracts->keys)
(define blame (boundary-blame b))
(format "\n[~a] @ ~a : ~ams"
;; show the contract key
(dict-ref contracts->keys (blame-contract blame))
(party->shortened-path (blame-negative blame))
(~r (boundary-time b) #:precision 2)))
(printf "digraph Profile {\n")
(printf "splines=\"true\"\n") ; polyline kinda works too, maybe
;; cluster nodes per module, to show boundaries
(for ([module-nodes (in-list (group-by node->module nodes))]
[cluster-idx (in-naturals 1)])
(define known-module? (node->module (first module-nodes)))
;; don't cluster nodes for which we have no module info
(when (and known-module? show-module-clustering?)
(printf "subgraph cluster_~a {\n" cluster-idx)
(printf "penwidth=3.0\n")
(printf "graph[shape=\"ellipse\"]\n"))
;; render the cluster's nodes
(for ([node (in-list module-nodes)])
(define boundaries (node->boundaries node all-boundaries))
(define self% (/ (for/sum ([b (in-list boundaries)]) (boundary-time b))
(define label
(node-location node (node->shortened-path node))
(node-self node) ; raw running time (not contracts)
;; Display a summary of each boundary, which includes which contract
;; is used, the negative party and contract time spent.
(for/list ([b (in-list boundaries)])
(summarize-boundary b contracts->keys))
(printf "~a [label=~s, style=filled" (dict-ref nodes->names node) label)
;; Boundary nodes are boxes, caller nodes are ovals.
(unless (null? boundaries)
(printf ", shape=\"box\", fillcolor=\"1,~a,1\""
(/ self% max-self% 1.0)))
(printf "];\n"))
(when (and known-module? show-module-clustering?)
(printf "}\n")))
;; draw edges
;; needs to be done after the clusters, otherwise any node mentioned in an
;; edge printed inside a cluster is considered to be in the cluster, which
;; messes things up
(for* ([node (in-list nodes)]
[boundary (in-list (node->boundaries node all-boundaries))]
[edge (in-list (boundary-edges boundary))])
(printf "~a -> ~a;\n"
(dict-ref nodes->names (edge-caller edge))
(dict-ref nodes->names node)))
(printf "}\n"))