/usr/share/racket/pkgs/contract-profile/main.rkt is in racket-common 6.7-3.
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(require racket/list racket/match racket/format racket/set
profile/sampler profile/utils profile/analyzer
"boundary-view.rkt" "module-graph-view.rkt"
(for-syntax racket/base syntax/parse))
(define limit-dots " ... ")
;; (listof (U blame? #f)) profile-samples -> contract-profile struct
(define (correlate-contract-samples contract-samples* samples*)
;; car of samples* is total time, car of each sample is thread id
;; for now, we just assume a single thread. fix this eventually.
(define total-time (car samples*))
;; reverse is there to sort samples in forward time, which get-times
;; needs.
(define samples
(for/list ([s (in-list (get-times (map cdr (reverse (cdr samples*)))))])
;; don't want fractions for printing
(cons (real->double-flonum (car s)) (cdr s))))
(define contract-samples
(for/list ([c-s (in-list contract-samples*)])
;; In some cases, blame information is missing a party, in which.
;; case the contract system provides a pair of the incomplete blame
;; and the missing party. We combine the two here.
(if (and (pair? c-s))
(if (blame-missing-party? (car c-s))
(blame-add-missing-party (car c-s) (cdr c-s))
(car c-s))
;; combine blame info and stack trace info. samples should line up
(define aug-contract-samples
;; If the sampler was stopped after recording a contract sample, but
;; before recording the corresponding time sample, the two lists may
;; be of different lengths. That's ok, just drop the extra sample.
(for/list ([c-s (in-list contract-samples)]
[s (in-list samples)])
(cons c-s s)))
(define live-contract-samples (filter car aug-contract-samples))
(define all-blames
(set->list (for/set ([b (in-list contract-samples)]
#:when b)
;; An original blamed and its swapped version are the same
;; for our purposes.
(if (blame-swapped? b)
(blame-swap b) ; swap back
(define regular-profile (analyze-samples samples*))
;; all blames must be complete, otherwise we get bogus profiles
(for ([b (in-list all-blames)])
(unless (not (blame-missing-party? b))
(error (string-append "contract-profile: incomplete blame:\n"
(format-blame b)))))
total-time live-contract-samples all-blames regular-profile))
(define (analyze-contract-samples
#:module-graph-file [module-graph-file #f]
#:boundary-view-file [boundary-view-file #f]
#:boundary-view-key-file [boundary-view-key-file #f])
(define correlated (correlate-contract-samples contract-samples samples*))
(print-breakdown correlated)
(when module-graph-file
(module-graph-view correlated module-graph-file))
(when boundary-view-file
(boundary-view correlated boundary-view-file boundary-view-key-file)))
;; Break down contract checking time by contract, then by callee and by chain
;; of callers.
(define (print-breakdown correlated [show-by-caller? #f])
(match-define (contract-profile
total-time live-contract-samples all-blames regular-profile)
(define total-contract-time (samples-time live-contract-samples))
(define contract-ratio (/ total-contract-time (max total-time 1) 1.0))
(printf "Running time is ~a% contracts\n"
(~r (* 100 contract-ratio) #:precision 2))
(printf "~a/~a ms\n\n"
(~r total-contract-time #:precision 0)
(define shorten-source
(make-srcloc-shortener all-blames blame-source))
(define (format-contract/loc c s)
(~a (blame-contract c) #:limit-marker limit-dots #:width location-width)
(~a (format-samples-time s) "\n")
(~a (srcloc->string (shorten-source c))
#:limit-marker limit-dots
#:limit-prefix? #t
#:width (- location-width 1))))
(define (format-samples-time s)
(format "~a ms" (~r (samples-time s) #:precision 2)))
(define samples-by-contract
(sort (group-by (lambda (x) (blame-contract (car x)))
> #:key length #:cache-keys? #t))
(define location-width 65)
(for ([g (in-list samples-by-contract)])
(define representative (caar g))
(displayln (format-contract/loc representative g))
(for ([x (sort
(group-by (lambda (x)
(blame-value (car x))) ; callee source, maybe
> #:key length)])
(display (~a " " (blame-value (caar x)) #:limit-marker limit-dots #:width location-width))
(displayln (format-samples-time x)))
(when show-by-caller?
(define samples-by-contract-by-caller
(for/list ([g (in-list samples-by-contract)])
(sort (group-by cddr ; pruned stack trace
(map sample-prune-stack-trace g))
> #:key length)))
(displayln "\nBY CALLER\n")
(for* ([g samples-by-contract-by-caller]
[c g])
(define representative (car c))
(displayln (format-contract/loc (car representative) c))
(for ([frame (in-list (cddr representative))])
(printf " ~a @ ~a\n" (car frame) (srcloc->string (cdr frame))))
;; Unrolls the stack until it hits a function on the negative side of the
;; contract boundary (based on module location info).
;; Will give bogus results if source location info is incomplete.
(define (sample-prune-stack-trace sample)
(match-define (list blame timestamp stack-trace ...) sample)
(define caller-module (blame-negative blame))
(define new-stack-trace
(dropf stack-trace
[(cons name loc)
(or (not loc)
(not (equal? (srcloc-source loc) caller-module)))])))
(list* blame timestamp new-stack-trace))
;; Entry point
(provide (rename-out [contract-profile/user contract-profile])
analyze-contract-samples) ; for feature-specific profiler
;; TODO have kw args for sampler, etc.
(define-syntax (contract-profile/user stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ (~or
;; these arguments are: (or/c filename 'stdout #f) ; #f = disabled
;; absent means default filename
(~optional (~seq #:module-graph-file module-graph-file:expr)
#:defaults ([module-graph-file #'#f]))
(~optional (~seq #:boundary-view-file boundary-view-file:expr)
#:defaults ([boundary-view-file #'#f]))
(~optional (~seq #:boundary-view-key-file boundary-view-key-file:expr)
#:defaults ([boundary-view-key-file #'#f])))
body:expr ...)
#`(let ([sampler (create-sampler (current-thread) 0.005 (current-custodian)
(list contract-continuation-mark-key))])
(begin0 (begin body ...)
(let ()
(sampler 'stop)
(define samples (sampler 'get-snapshots))
(define contract-samples
(for/list ([s (in-list (sampler 'get-custom-snapshots))])
(and (not (empty? s)) (vector-ref (car s) 0))))
#:module-graph-file module-graph-file
#:boundary-view-file boundary-view-file
#:boundary-view-key-file boundary-view-key-file))))]))
(define (contract-profile-thunk f
#:module-graph-file [module-graph-file #f]
#:boundary-view-file [boundary-view-file #f]
#:boundary-view-key-file [boundary-view-key-file #f])
#:module-graph-file module-graph-file
#:boundary-view-file boundary-view-file
#:boundary-view-key-file boundary-view-key-file