/usr/share/racket/pkgs/contract-profile/module-graph-view.rkt is in racket-common 6.7-3.
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(require racket/contract/combinator
racket/format racket/list racket/match racket/set
"utils.rkt" "dot.rkt")
(provide module-graph-view)
;; Show graph of modules, with contract boundaries and contract costs for each
;; boundary.
;; Typed modules are in green, untyped modules are in red.
(define (module-graph-view correlated module-graph-file)
(match-define (contract-profile
total-time live-contract-samples all-blames regular-profile)
;; first, enumerate all the relevant modules
(define-values (nodes edge-samples)
(for/fold ([nodes (set)] ; set of modules
;; maps pos-neg edges (pairs) to lists of samples
[edge-samples (hash)])
([s (in-list live-contract-samples)])
(match-define (list blame sample-time stack-trace ...) s)
(when (empty? stack-trace)
(log-warning "contract profiler: sample had empty stack trace"))
(define pos (blame-positive blame))
(define neg (blame-negative blame))
;; We consider original blames and their swapped versions to be the same.
(define edge-key (if (blame-swapped? blame)
(cons neg pos)
(cons pos neg)))
(values (set-add (set-add nodes pos) neg) ; add all new modules
(hash-update edge-samples edge-key
(lambda (ss) (cons s ss))
(define nodes->typed?
(for/hash ([n nodes]
;; Needs to be either a file or a submodule.
;; I've seen 'unit and 'not-enough-info-for-blame go by here,
;; and we can't do anything with either.
#:when (or (path? n) (pair? n)))
;; typed modules have a #%type-decl submodule
(define submodule? (not (path? n)))
(define filename (if submodule? (car n) n))
(define typed?
([(lambda (e)
(and (exn:fail:contract? e)
(or (regexp-match "^dynamic-require: unknown module"
(exn-message e))
(regexp-match "^path->string"
(exn-message e)))))
(lambda _ #f)])
(append (list 'submod (list 'file (path->string filename)))
(if submodule? (cdr n) '())
(values n typed?)))
;; graphviz output
(printf "digraph {\n")
(printf "rankdir=LR\n")
(define nodes->names (for/hash ([n nodes]) (values n (gensym))))
(define node->labels (make-shortener nodes))
(for ([n nodes])
(printf "~a[label=\"~a\"][color=\"~a\"]\n"
(hash-ref nodes->names n)
(node->labels n)
(if (hash-ref nodes->typed? n #f) "green" "red")))
(for ([(k v) (in-hash edge-samples)])
(match-define (cons pos neg) k)
(printf "~a -> ~a[label=\"~ams\"]\n"
(hash-ref nodes->names neg)
(hash-ref nodes->names pos)
(~r (samples-time v) #:precision 2)))
(printf "}\n")))