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Module: ROTP
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<div id="content"><h1>Module: ROTP
<dl class="box">
<dt class="r1 last">Defined in:</dt>
<dd class="r1 last">lib/rotp.rb<span class="defines">,<br />
lib/rotp/otp.rb,<br /> lib/rotp/cli.rb,<br /> lib/rotp/hotp.rb,<br /> lib/rotp/totp.rb,<br /> lib/rotp/base32.rb,<br /> lib/rotp/version.rb,<br /> lib/rotp/arguments.rb</span>
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<h2>Defined Under Namespace</h2>
<p class="children">
<strong class="classes">Classes:</strong> <span class='object_link'><a href="ROTP/Arguments.html" title="ROTP::Arguments (class)">Arguments</a></span>, <span class='object_link'><a href="ROTP/Base32.html" title="ROTP::Base32 (class)">Base32</a></span>, <span class='object_link'><a href="ROTP/CLI.html" title="ROTP::CLI (class)">CLI</a></span>, <span class='object_link'><a href="ROTP/HOTP.html" title="ROTP::HOTP (class)">HOTP</a></span>, <span class='object_link'><a href="ROTP/OTP.html" title="ROTP::OTP (class)">OTP</a></span>, <span class='object_link'><a href="ROTP/TOTP.html" title="ROTP::TOTP (class)">TOTP</a></span>
<h2>Constant Summary</h2>
<dl class="constants">
<dt id="DEFAULT_INTERVAL-constant" class="">DEFAULT_INTERVAL =
<dd><pre class="code"><span class='int'>30</span></pre></dd>
<dt id="VERSION-constant" class="">VERSION =
<dd><pre class="code"><span class='tstring'><span class='tstring_beg'>"</span><span class='tstring_content'>2.1.1</span><span class='tstring_end'>"</span></span></pre></dd>
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