/usr/share/tcltk/tcllib1.18/crc/crc32.tcl is in tcllib 1.18-dfsg-3.
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# CRC32 Cyclic Redundancy Check.
# (for algorithm see http://www.rad.com/networks/1994/err_con/crc.htm)
# From http://mini.net/tcl/2259.tcl
# Written by Wayland Augur and Pat Thoyts.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
package require Tcl 8.2
namespace eval ::crc {
variable accel
array set accel {critcl 0 trf 0}
namespace export crc32
variable crc32_tbl [list 0x00000000 0x77073096 0xEE0E612C 0x990951BA \
0x076DC419 0x706AF48F 0xE963A535 0x9E6495A3 \
0x0EDB8832 0x79DCB8A4 0xE0D5E91E 0x97D2D988 \
0x09B64C2B 0x7EB17CBD 0xE7B82D07 0x90BF1D91 \
0x1DB71064 0x6AB020F2 0xF3B97148 0x84BE41DE \
0x1ADAD47D 0x6DDDE4EB 0xF4D4B551 0x83D385C7 \
0x136C9856 0x646BA8C0 0xFD62F97A 0x8A65C9EC \
0x14015C4F 0x63066CD9 0xFA0F3D63 0x8D080DF5 \
0x3B6E20C8 0x4C69105E 0xD56041E4 0xA2677172 \
0x3C03E4D1 0x4B04D447 0xD20D85FD 0xA50AB56B \
0x35B5A8FA 0x42B2986C 0xDBBBC9D6 0xACBCF940 \
0x32D86CE3 0x45DF5C75 0xDCD60DCF 0xABD13D59 \
0x26D930AC 0x51DE003A 0xC8D75180 0xBFD06116 \
0x21B4F4B5 0x56B3C423 0xCFBA9599 0xB8BDA50F \
0x2802B89E 0x5F058808 0xC60CD9B2 0xB10BE924 \
0x2F6F7C87 0x58684C11 0xC1611DAB 0xB6662D3D \
0x76DC4190 0x01DB7106 0x98D220BC 0xEFD5102A \
0x71B18589 0x06B6B51F 0x9FBFE4A5 0xE8B8D433 \
0x7807C9A2 0x0F00F934 0x9609A88E 0xE10E9818 \
0x7F6A0DBB 0x086D3D2D 0x91646C97 0xE6635C01 \
0x6B6B51F4 0x1C6C6162 0x856530D8 0xF262004E \
0x6C0695ED 0x1B01A57B 0x8208F4C1 0xF50FC457 \
0x65B0D9C6 0x12B7E950 0x8BBEB8EA 0xFCB9887C \
0x62DD1DDF 0x15DA2D49 0x8CD37CF3 0xFBD44C65 \
0x4DB26158 0x3AB551CE 0xA3BC0074 0xD4BB30E2 \
0x4ADFA541 0x3DD895D7 0xA4D1C46D 0xD3D6F4FB \
0x4369E96A 0x346ED9FC 0xAD678846 0xDA60B8D0 \
0x44042D73 0x33031DE5 0xAA0A4C5F 0xDD0D7CC9 \
0x5005713C 0x270241AA 0xBE0B1010 0xC90C2086 \
0x5768B525 0x206F85B3 0xB966D409 0xCE61E49F \
0x5EDEF90E 0x29D9C998 0xB0D09822 0xC7D7A8B4 \
0x59B33D17 0x2EB40D81 0xB7BD5C3B 0xC0BA6CAD \
0xEDB88320 0x9ABFB3B6 0x03B6E20C 0x74B1D29A \
0xEAD54739 0x9DD277AF 0x04DB2615 0x73DC1683 \
0xE3630B12 0x94643B84 0x0D6D6A3E 0x7A6A5AA8 \
0xE40ECF0B 0x9309FF9D 0x0A00AE27 0x7D079EB1 \
0xF00F9344 0x8708A3D2 0x1E01F268 0x6906C2FE \
0xF762575D 0x806567CB 0x196C3671 0x6E6B06E7 \
0xFED41B76 0x89D32BE0 0x10DA7A5A 0x67DD4ACC \
0xF9B9DF6F 0x8EBEEFF9 0x17B7BE43 0x60B08ED5 \
0xD6D6A3E8 0xA1D1937E 0x38D8C2C4 0x4FDFF252 \
0xD1BB67F1 0xA6BC5767 0x3FB506DD 0x48B2364B \
0xD80D2BDA 0xAF0A1B4C 0x36034AF6 0x41047A60 \
0xDF60EFC3 0xA867DF55 0x316E8EEF 0x4669BE79 \
0xCB61B38C 0xBC66831A 0x256FD2A0 0x5268E236 \
0xCC0C7795 0xBB0B4703 0x220216B9 0x5505262F \
0xC5BA3BBE 0xB2BD0B28 0x2BB45A92 0x5CB36A04 \
0xC2D7FFA7 0xB5D0CF31 0x2CD99E8B 0x5BDEAE1D \
0x9B64C2B0 0xEC63F226 0x756AA39C 0x026D930A \
0x9C0906A9 0xEB0E363F 0x72076785 0x05005713 \
0x95BF4A82 0xE2B87A14 0x7BB12BAE 0x0CB61B38 \
0x92D28E9B 0xE5D5BE0D 0x7CDCEFB7 0x0BDBDF21 \
0x86D3D2D4 0xF1D4E242 0x68DDB3F8 0x1FDA836E \
0x81BE16CD 0xF6B9265B 0x6FB077E1 0x18B74777 \
0x88085AE6 0xFF0F6A70 0x66063BCA 0x11010B5C \
0x8F659EFF 0xF862AE69 0x616BFFD3 0x166CCF45 \
0xA00AE278 0xD70DD2EE 0x4E048354 0x3903B3C2 \
0xA7672661 0xD06016F7 0x4969474D 0x3E6E77DB \
0xAED16A4A 0xD9D65ADC 0x40DF0B66 0x37D83BF0 \
0xA9BCAE53 0xDEBB9EC5 0x47B2CF7F 0x30B5FFE9 \
0xBDBDF21C 0xCABAC28A 0x53B39330 0x24B4A3A6 \
0xBAD03605 0xCDD70693 0x54DE5729 0x23D967BF \
0xB3667A2E 0xC4614AB8 0x5D681B02 0x2A6F2B94 \
0xB40BBE37 0xC30C8EA1 0x5A05DF1B 0x2D02EF8D]
# calculate the sign bit for the current platform.
variable signbit
if {![info exists signbit]} {
variable v
for {set v 1} {int($v) != 0} {set signbit $v; set v [expr {$v<<1}]} {}
unset v
variable uid ; if {![info exists uid]} {set uid 0}
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# crc::Crc32Init --
# Create and initialize a crc32 context. This is cleaned up
# when we we call Crc32Final to obtain the result.
proc ::crc::Crc32Init {{seed 0xFFFFFFFF}} {
variable uid
variable accel
set token [namespace current]::[incr uid]
upvar #0 $token state
array set state [list sum $seed]
# If the initial seed is set to some other value we cannot use Trf.
if {$accel(trf) && $seed == 0xFFFFFFFF} {
set s {}
switch -exact -- $::tcl_platform(platform) {
windows { set s [open NUL w] }
unix { set s [open /dev/null w] }
if {$s != {}} {
fconfigure $s -translation binary -buffering none
::crc-zlib -attach $s -mode write \
-write-type variable \
-write-destination ${token}(trfwrite)
array set state [list trfread 0 trfwrite 0 trf $s]
return $token
# crc::Crc32Update --
# This is called to add more data into the checksum. You may
# call this as many times as you require. Note that passing in
# "ABC" is equivalent to passing these letters in as separate
# calls -- hence this proc permits summing of chunked data.
# If we have a C-based implementation available, then we will
# use it here in preference to the pure-Tcl implementation.
proc ::crc::Crc32Update {token data} {
variable accel
upvar #0 $token state
set sum $state(sum)
if {$accel(critcl)} {
set sum [Crc32_c $data $sum]
} elseif {[info exists state(trf)]} {
puts -nonewline $state(trf) $data
} else {
set sum [Crc32_tcl $data $sum]
set state(sum) [expr {$sum ^ 0xFFFFFFFF}]
# crc::Crc32Final --
# This procedure is used to close the context and returns the
# checksum value. Once this procedure has been called the checksum
# context is freed and cannot be used again.
proc ::crc::Crc32Final {token} {
upvar #0 $token state
if {[info exists state(trf)]} {
close $state(trf)
binary scan $state(trfwrite) i sum
set sum [expr {$sum & 0xFFFFFFFF}]
} else {
set sum [expr {($state(sum) ^ 0xFFFFFFFF) & 0xFFFFFFFF}]
unset state
return $sum
# crc::Crc32_tcl --
# The pure-Tcl implementation of a table based CRC-32 checksum.
# The seed should always be 0xFFFFFFFF to begin with, but for
# successive chunks of data the seed should be set to the result
# of the last chunk.
proc ::crc::Crc32_tcl {data {seed 0xFFFFFFFF}} {
variable crc32_tbl
variable signbit
set signmask [expr {~$signbit>>7}]
set crcval $seed
binary scan $data c* nums
foreach {n} $nums {
set ndx [expr {($crcval ^ $n) & 0xFF}]
set lkp [lindex $crc32_tbl $ndx]
set crcval [expr {($lkp ^ ($crcval >> 8 & $signmask)) & 0xFFFFFFFF}]
return [expr {$crcval ^ 0xFFFFFFFF}]
# crc::Crc32_c --
# A C version of the CRC-32 code using the same table. This is
# designed to be compiled using critcl.
if {[package provide critcl] != {}} {
namespace eval ::crc {
critcl::ccommand Crc32_c {dummy interp objc objv} {
int r = TCL_OK;
unsigned long t = 0xFFFFFFFFL;
if (objc < 2 || objc > 3) {
Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, objv, "data ?seed?");
return TCL_ERROR;
if (objc == 3) {
r = Tcl_GetLongFromObj(interp, objv[2], (long *)&t);
if (r == TCL_OK) {
int cn, size, ndx;
unsigned char *data;
unsigned long lkp;
Tcl_Obj *tblPtr, *lkpPtr;
tblPtr = Tcl_GetVar2Ex(interp, "::crc::crc32_tbl", NULL,
if (tblPtr == NULL) {
if (r == TCL_OK) {
data = Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj(objv[1], &size);
for (cn = 0; r == TCL_OK && cn < size; cn++) {
ndx = (t ^ data[cn]) & 0xFF;
r = Tcl_ListObjIndex(interp, tblPtr, ndx, &lkpPtr);
if (r == TCL_OK) {
r = Tcl_GetLongFromObj(interp, lkpPtr, (long*) &lkp);
if (r == TCL_OK) {
t = lkp ^ (t >> 8);
if (r == TCL_OK) {
Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewLongObj(t ^ 0xFFFFFFFF));
return r;
# LoadAccelerator --
# This package can make use of a number of compiled extensions to
# accelerate the digest computation. This procedure manages the
# use of these extensions within the package. During normal usage
# this should not be called, but the test package manipulates the
# list of enabled accelerators.
proc ::crc::LoadAccelerator {name} {
variable accel
set r 0
switch -exact -- $name {
critcl {
if {![catch {package require tcllibc}]
|| ![catch {package require crcc}]} {
set r [expr {[info commands ::crc::Crc32_c] != {}}]
trf {
if {![catch {package require Trf}]} {
set r [expr {![catch {::crc-zlib aa} msg]}]
default {
return -code error "invalid accelerator package:\
must be one of [join [array names accel] {, }]"
set accel($name) $r
# crc::Pop --
# Pop the nth element off a list. Used in options processing.
proc ::crc::Pop {varname {nth 0}} {
upvar $varname args
set r [lindex $args $nth]
set args [lreplace $args $nth $nth]
return $r
# crc::crc32 --
# Provide a Tcl implementation of a crc32 checksum similar to the
# cksum and sum unix commands.
# Options:
# -filename name - return a checksum for the specified file.
# -format string - return the checksum using this format string.
# -seed value - seed the algorithm using value (default is 0xffffffff)
proc ::crc::crc32 {args} {
array set opts [list -filename {} -format %u -seed 0xffffffff \
-channel {} -chunksize 4096 -timeout 30000]
while {[string match -* [set option [lindex $args 0]]]} {
switch -glob -- $option {
-file* { set opts(-filename) [Pop args 1] }
-for* { set opts(-format) [Pop args 1] }
-chan* { set opts(-channel) [Pop args 1] }
-chunk* { set opts(-chunksize) [Pop args 1] }
-time* { set opts(-timeout) [Pop args 1] }
-seed { set opts(-seed) [Pop args 1] }
-impl* { set junk [Pop args 1] }
default {
if {[llength $args] == 1} { break }
if {[string compare $option "--"] == 0} { Pop args; break }
set err [join [lsort [array names opts -*]] ", "]
return -code error "bad option \"$option\": must be $err"
Pop args
# If a file was given - open it
if {$opts(-filename) != {}} {
set opts(-channel) [open $opts(-filename) r]
fconfigure $opts(-channel) -translation binary
if {$opts(-channel) == {}} {
if {[llength $args] != 1} {
return -code error "wrong # args: should be \
\"crc32 ?-format string? ?-seed value? \
-channel chan | -file name | data\""
set tok [Crc32Init $opts(-seed)]
Crc32Update $tok [lindex $args 0]
set r [Crc32Final $tok]
} else {
set r $opts(-seed)
set tok [Crc32Init $opts(-seed)]
while {![eof $opts(-channel)]} {
Crc32Update $tok [read $opts(-channel) $opts(-chunksize)]
set r [Crc32Final $tok]
if {$opts(-filename) != {}} {
close $opts(-channel)
return [format $opts(-format) $r]
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Try and load a compiled extension to help (note - trf is fastest)
namespace eval ::crc {
variable e {}
foreach e {trf critcl} {
if {[LoadAccelerator $e]} break
unset e
package provide crc32 1.3.2
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Local variables:
# mode: tcl
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# End: