/usr/share/tcltk/tcllib1.18/httpd/httpd.tcl is in tcllib 1.18-dfsg-3.
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# Author: Sean Woods, yoda@etoyoc.com
# Adapted from the "minihttpd.tcl" file distributed with Tclhttpd
# The working elements have been updated to operate as a TclOO object
# running with Tcl 8.6+. Global variables and hard coded tables are
# now resident with the object, allowing this server to be more easily
# embedded another program, as well as be adapted and extended to
# support the SCGI module
package require uri
package require cron
package require tool 0.4.1
package require oo::dialect
namespace eval ::url {}
namespace eval ::httpd {}
namespace eval ::scgi {}
set ::httpd::version 4.0.0
# Define the reply class
::tool::define ::httpd::reply {
property reply_headers_default {
Status: {200 OK}
Content-Type: {text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1}
Cache-Control: {no-cache}
Connection: close
array error_codes {
200 {Data follows}
204 {No Content}
302 {Found}
304 {Not Modified}
400 {Bad Request}
401 {Authorization Required}
403 {Permission denied}
404 {Not Found}
408 {Request Timeout}
411 {Length Required}
419 {Expectation Failed}
500 {Server Internal Error}
501 {Server Busy}
503 {Service Unavailable}
504 {Service Temporarily Unavailable}
505 {Internal Server Error}
constructor {ServerObj args} {
my variable chan
oo::objdefine [self] forward <server> $ServerObj
foreach {field value} [::oo::meta::args_to_options {*}$args] {
my meta set config $field: $value
# clean up on exit
destructor {
my close
method close {} {
my variable chan
catch {flush $chan}
catch {close $chan}
method HttpHeaders {sock {debug {}}} {
set result {}
# Set up a channel event to stream the data from the socket line by
# line. When a blank line is read, the HttpHeaderLine method will send
# a flag which will terminate the vwait.
# We do this rather than entering blocking mode to prevent the process
# from locking up if it's starved for input. (Or in the case of the test
# suite, when we are opening a blocking channel on the other side of the
# socket back to ourselves.)
chan configure $sock -translation {auto crlf} -blocking 0 -buffering line
my variable MimeHeadersSock
set MimeHeadersSock($sock) {}
set MimeHeadersSock($sock.done) {}
chan event $sock readable [namespace code [list my HttpHeaderLine $sock]]
vwait [my varname MimeHeadersSock]($sock.done)
chan event $sock readable {}
# Return our buffer
return $MimeHeadersSock($sock)
method HttpHeaderLine {sock} {
my variable MimeHeadersSock
if {[chan eof $sock]} {
# Socket closed... die
tailcall my destroy
try {
if {[gets $sock line]==0} {
set [my varname MimeHeadersSock]($sock.done) 1
} else {
append MimeHeadersSock($sock) $line \n
} trap {POSIX EBUSY} {err info} {
# Happens...
} on error {err info} {
puts "ERROR $err"
puts [dict print $info]
method MimeParse mimetext {
foreach line [split $mimetext \n] {
# This regexp picks up
# key: value
# MIME headers. MIME headers may be continue with a line
# that starts with spaces or a tab
if {[string length [string trim $line]]==0} break
if {[regexp {^([^ :]+):[ ]*(.*)} $line dummy key value]} {
# The following allows something to
# recreate the headers exactly
lappend data(headerlist) $key $value
# The rest of this makes it easier to pick out
# headers from the data(mime,headername) array
#set key [string tolower $key]
if {[info exists data(mime,$key)]} {
append data(mime,$key) ,$value
} else {
set data(mime,$key) $value
lappend data(mimeorder) $key
set data(key) $key
} elseif {[regexp {^[ ]+(.*)} $line dummy value]} {
# Are there really continuation lines in the spec?
if {[info exists data(key)]} {
append data(mime,$data(key)) " " $value
} else {
my error 400 "INVALID HTTP HEADER FORMAT: $line"
tailcall my output
} else {
my error 400 "INVALID HTTP HEADER FORMAT: $line"
tailcall my output
# To make life easier for our SCGI implementation rig things
# such that CONTENT_LENGTH is always first
set result {
foreach {key} $data(mimeorder) {
switch $key {
Content-Length {
dict set result CONTENT_LENGTH $data(mime,$key)
Content-Type {
dict set result CONTENT_TYPE $data(mime,$key)
default {
dict set result HTTP_[string map {"-" "_"} [string toupper $key]] $data(mime,$key)
return $result
method dispatch {newsock datastate} {
my query_headers replace $datastate
my variable chan rawrequest dipatched_time
set chan $newsock
chan event $chan readable {}
chan configure $chan -translation {auto crlf} -buffering line
set dispatched_time [clock seconds]
try {
set rawrequest [my HttpHeaders $chan]
foreach {field value} [my MimeParse $rawrequest] {
my query_headers set $field $value
# Dispatch to the URL implementation.
my content
} on error {err info} {
dict print $info
#puts stderr $::errorInfo
my error 500 $err
} finally {
my output
dictobj query_headers query_headers {
initialize {
netstring {
set result {}
foreach {name value} $%VARNAME% {
append result $name \x00 $value \x00
return "[string length $result]:$result,"
dictobj reply_headers reply_headers {
initialize {
Content-Type: {text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1}
Connection: close
method error {code {msg {}}} {
puts [list [self] ERROR $code $msg]
my query_headers set HTTP_ERROR $code
my reset
my variable error_codes
set qheaders [my query_headers dump]
if {![info exists error_codes($code)]} {
set errorstring "Unknown Error Code"
} else {
set errorstring $error_codes($code)
dict with qheaders {}
my reply_headers replace {}
my reply_headers set Status: "$code $errorstring"
my reply_headers set Content-Type: {text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1}
my puts "
<TITLE>$code $errorstring</TITLE>
if {$msg eq {}} {
my puts "
Got the error <b>$code $errorstring</b>
while trying to obtain $REQUEST_URI
} else {
my puts "
Guru meditation #[clock seconds]
The server encountered an internal error:
For deeper understanding:
my puts "</BODY>
# This method is the "meat" of your application.
# It writes to the result buffer via the "puts" method
# and can tweak the headers via "meta put header_reply"
method content {} {
my puts "<HTML>"
my puts "<BODY>"
my puts "<H1>HELLO WORLD!</H1>"
my puts "</BODY>"
my puts "</HTML>"
method EncodeStatus {status} {
return "HTTP/1.0 $status"
# Output the result or error to the channel
# and destroy this object
method output {} {
my variable reply_body reply_chan chan
chan configure $chan -translation {binary binary}
set headers [my reply_headers dump]
if {[dict exists $headers Status:]} {
set result "[my EncodeStatus [dict get $headers Status:]]\n"
} else {
set result "[my EncodeStatus {505 Internal Error}]\n"
foreach {key value} $headers {
# Ignore Status and Content-length, if given
if {$key in {Status: Content-length:}} continue
append result "$key $value" \n
# Return dynamic content
#set reply_body [string trim $reply_body]
set length [string length $reply_body]
if {${length} > 0} {
append result "Content-length: [string length $reply_body]" \n \n
append result $reply_body
} else {
append result \n
puts -nonewline $chan $result
chan flush $chan
my destroy
method Url_Decode data {
regsub -all {\+} $data " " data
regsub -all {([][$\\])} $data {\\\1} data
regsub -all {%([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])} $data {[format %c 0x\1]} data
return [subst $data]
method FormData {} {
my variable formdata
# Run this only once
if {[info exists formdata]} {
return $formdata
if {[my query_headers get REQUEST_METHOD] in {"POST" "PUSH"}} {
set body [my PostData]
switch [my query_headers get CONTENT_TYPE] {
application/x-www-form-urlencoded {
# These foreach loops are structured this way to ensure there are matched
# name/value pairs. Sometimes query data gets garbled.
set result {}
foreach pair [split $body "&"] {
foreach {name value} [split $pair "="] {
lappend formdata [my Url_Decode $name] [my Url_Decode $value]
} else {
foreach pair [split [my query_headers getnull QUERY_STRING] "&"] {
foreach {name value} [split $pair "="] {
lappend formdata [my Url_Decode $name] [my Url_Decode $value]
return $formdata
method PostData {} {
my variable postdata
# Run this only once
if {[info exists postdata]} {
return $postdata
set postdata {}
if {[my query_headers get REQUEST_METHOD] in {"POST" "PUSH"}} {
my variable chan
chan configure $chan -translation binary -blocking 0 -buffering full -buffersize 4096
set length [my query_headers get CONTENT_LENGTH]
set postdata [read $chan $length]
return $postdata
method TransferComplete args {
foreach c $args {
catch {close $c}
my destroy
# Append to the result buffer
method puts line {
my variable reply_body
append reply_body $line \n
# Read out the contents of the POST
method query_body {} {
my variable query_body
return $query_body
# Reset the result
method reset {} {
my variable reply_body
my reply_headers replace [my meta cget reply_headers_default]
my reply_headers set Server: [my <server> cget server_string]
my reply_headers set Date: [my timestamp]
set reply_body {}
# Return true of this class as waited too long to respond
method timeOutCheck {} {
my variable dipatched_time
if {([clock seconds]-$dipatched_time)>30} {
# Something has lasted over 2 minutes. Kill this
my error 505 {Operation Timed out}
my output
# Return a timestamp
method timestamp {} {
return [clock format [clock seconds] -format {%a, %d %b %Y %T %Z}]
# A simplistic web server, with a few caveats:
# 1) It only really understands "GET" style queries.
# 2) It is not hardened in any way against malicious attacks
# 3) By default it will only listen on localhost
::tool::define ::httpd::server {
option port {default: auto}
option myaddr {default:}
option server_string [list default: [list TclHttpd $::httpd::version]]
property socket buffersize 32768
property socket translation {auto crlf}
property reply_class ::httpd::reply
constructor {args} {
my configure {*}$args
my start
destructor {
my stop
method connect {sock ip port} {
# If an IP address is blocked
# send a "go to hell" message
if {[my validation Blocked_IP $sock $ip]} {
catch {close $sock}
chan configure $sock \
-blocking 1 \
-translation {auto crlf} \
-buffering line
my counter url_hit
try {
set readCount [gets $sock line]
dict set query REQUEST_METHOD [lindex $line 0]
set uriinfo [::uri::split [lindex $line 1]]
dict set query REQUEST_URI [lindex $line 1]
dict set query REQUEST_PATH [dict get $uriinfo path]
dict set query REQUEST_VERSION [lindex [split [lindex $line end] /] end]
if {[dict get $uriinfo host] eq {}} {
dict set query HTTP_HOST [info hostname]
} else {
dict set query HTTP_HOST [dict get $uriinfo host]
dict set query HTTP_CLIENT_IP $ip
dict set query QUERY_STRING [dict get $uriinfo query]
dict set query REQUEST_RAW $line
} on error {err errdat} {
puts stderr $err
my log HttpError $line
catch {close $sock}
try {
set reply [my dispatch $query]
if {[llength $reply]} {
if {[dict exists $reply class]} {
set class [dict get $reply class]
} else {
set class [my cget reply_class]
set pageobj [$class create [namespace current]::reply::[::tool::uuid_short] [self]]
if {[dict exists $reply mixin]} {
oo::objdefine $pageobj mixin [dict get $reply mixin]
$pageobj dispatch $sock $reply
my log HttpAccess $line
} else {
try {
my log HttpMissing $line
puts $sock "HTTP/1.0 404 NOT FOUND"
dict with query {}
set body [subst [my template notfound]]
puts $sock "Content-length: [string length $body]"
puts $sock
puts $sock $body
} on error {err errdat} {
puts stderr "FAILED ON 404: $err"
} finally {
catch {close $sock}
} on error {err errdat} {
try {
puts stderr [dict print $errdat]
puts $sock "HTTP/1.0 505 INTERNAL ERROR"
dict with query {}
set body [subst [my template internal_error]]
puts $sock "Content-length: [string length $body]"
puts $sock
puts $sock $body
my log HttpError $line
} on error {err errdat} {
puts stderr "FAILED ON 505: $::errorInfo"
} finally {
catch {close $sock}
method counter which {
my variable counters
incr counters($which)
# Clean up any process that has gone out for lunch
method CheckTimeout {} {
foreach obj [info commands [namespace current]::reply::*] {
try {
$obj timeOutCheck
} on error {} {
catch {$obj destroy}
# This method should perform any transformations
# or setup to the page object based on headers/state/etc
# If all is well, return 200. Any other code will be interpreted
# as an error
method dispatch {data} {
return $data
method log args {
# Do nothing for now
method port_listening {} {
my variable port_listening
return $port_listening
method start {} {
# Build a namespace to contain replies
namespace eval [namespace current]::reply {}
my variable socklist port_listening
set port [my cget port]
if { $port in {auto {}} } {
package require nettool
set port [::nettool::allocate_port 8015]
set port_listening $port
set myaddr [my cget myaddr]
#puts [list [self] listening on $port $myaddr]
if {$myaddr ne {}} {
foreach ip $myaddr {
lappend socklist [socket -server [namespace code [list my connect]] -myaddr $ip $port]
} else {
lappend socklist [socket -server [namespace code [list my connect]] $port]
::cron::every [self] 120 [namespace code {my CheckTimeout}]
method stop {} {
my variable socklist
foreach sock $socklist {
catch {close $sock}
set socklist {}
::cron::cancel [self]
method template page {
my variable template
if {[info exists template($page)]} {
return $template($page)
set template($page) [my TemplateSearch $page]
return $template($page)
method TemplateSearch page {
set doc_root [my cget doc_root]
if {$doc_root ne {} && [file exists [file join $doc_root $page.tml]]} {
return [::fileutil::cat [file join $doc_root $page.tml]]
if {$doc_root ne {} && [file exists [file join $doc_root $page.html]]} {
return [::fileutil::cat [file join $doc_root $page.html]]
switch $page {
internal_error {
return {
<HEAD><TITLE>505: Internal Server Error</TITLE></HEAD>
Error serving <b>${REQUEST_URI}</b>:
The server encountered an internal server error
notfound {
return {
<HEAD><TITLE>404: Page Not Found</TITLE></HEAD>
The page you are looking for: <b>${REQUEST_URI}</b> does not exist.
# Return true if this IP address is blocked
# The socket will be closed immediately after returning
# This handler is welcome to send a polite error message
method validation::Blocked_IP {sock ip} {
return 0
package provide httpd 4.0