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# Addition to the statistics package
# Copyright 2007 Eric Kemp-Benedict
# Released under the BSD license under any terms
# that allow it to be compatible with tcllib
package require math::linearalgebra 1.0
# ::math::statistics --
# This file adds:
# mvlinreg = Multivariate Linear Regression
namespace eval ::math::statistics {
variable epsilon 1.0e-7
namespace export tstat mv-wls mv-ols
namespace import -force \
::math::linearalgebra::mkMatrix \
::math::linearalgebra::mkVector \
::math::linearalgebra::mkIdentity \
::math::linearalgebra::mkDiagonal \
::math::linearalgebra::getrow \
::math::linearalgebra::setrow \
::math::linearalgebra::getcol \
::math::linearalgebra::setcol \
::math::linearalgebra::getelem \
::math::linearalgebra::setelem \
::math::linearalgebra::dotproduct \
::math::linearalgebra::matmul \
::math::linearalgebra::add \
::math::linearalgebra::sub \
::math::linearalgebra::solveGauss \
# tstats --
# Returns inverse of the single-tailed t distribution
# given number of degrees of freedom & confidence
# Arguments:
# n Number of degrees of freedom
# alpha Confidence level (defaults to 0.05)
# Result:
# Inverse of the t-distribution
# Note:
# Iterates until result is within epsilon of the target.
# It is possible that the iteration does not converge
proc ::math::statistics::tstat {n {alpha 0.05}} {
variable epsilon
variable tvals
if [info exists tvals($n:$alpha)] {
return $tvals($n:$alpha)
set deltat [expr {100 * $epsilon}]
# For one-tailed distribution,
set ptarg [expr {1.000 - $alpha/2.0}]
set maxiter 100
# Initial value for t
set t 2.0
set niter 0
while {abs([::math::statistics::cdf-students-t $n $t] - $ptarg) > $epsilon} {
set pstar [::math::statistics::cdf-students-t $n $t]
set pl [::math::statistics::cdf-students-t $n [expr {$t - $deltat}]]
set ph [::math::statistics::cdf-students-t $n [expr {$t + $deltat}]]
set t [expr {$t + 2.0 * $deltat * ($ptarg - $pstar)/($ph - $pl)}]
incr niter
if {$niter == $maxiter} {
return -code error "::math::statistics::tstat: Did not converge after $niter iterations"
# Cache the result to shorten the call in future
set tvals($n:$alpha) $t
return $t
# mv-wls --
# Weighted Least Squares
# Arguments:
# data Alternating list of weights and observations
# Result:
# List containing:
# * R-squared
# * Adjusted R-squared
# * Coefficients of x's in fit
# * Standard errors of the coefficients
# * 95% confidence bounds for coefficients
# Note:
# The observations are lists starting with the dependent variable y
# and then the values of the independent variables (x1, x2, ...):
# mv-wls [list w [list y x's] w [list y x's] ...]
proc ::math::statistics::mv-wls {data} {
# Fill the matrices of x & y values, and weights
# For n points, k coefficients
# The number of points is equal to half the arguments (n weights, n points)
set n [expr {[llength $data]/2}]
set firstloop true
# Sum up all y values to take an average
set ysum 0
# Add up the weights
set wtsum 0
# Count over rows (points) as you go
set point 0
foreach {wt pt} $data {
# Check inputs
if {[string is double $wt] == 0} {
return -code error "::math::statistics::mv-wls: Weight \"$wt\" is not a number"
return {}
## -- Check dimensions, initialize
if $firstloop {
# k = num of vals in pt = 1 + number of x's (because of constant)
set k [llength $pt]
if {$n <= [expr {$k + 1}]} {
return -code error "::math::statistics::mv-wls: Too few degrees of freedom: $k variables but only $n points"
return {}
set X [mkMatrix $n $k]
set y [mkVector $n]
set I_x [mkIdentity $k]
set I_y [mkIdentity $n]
set firstloop false
} else {
# Have to have same number of x's for all points
if {$k != [llength $pt]} {
return -code error "::math::statistics::mv-wls: Point \"$pt\" has wrong number of values (expected $k)"
# Clean up
return {}
## -- Extract values from set of points
# Make a list of y values
set yval [expr {double([lindex $pt 0])}]
setelem y $point $yval
set ysum [expr {$ysum + $wt * $yval}]
set wtsum [expr {$wtsum + $wt}]
# Add x-values to the x-matrix
set xrow [lrange $pt 1 end]
# Add the constant (value = 1.0)
lappend xrow 1.0
setrow X $point $xrow
# Create list of weights & square root of weights
lappend w [expr {double($wt)}]
lappend sqrtw [expr {sqrt(double($wt))}]
incr point
set ymean [expr {double($ysum)/$wtsum}]
set W [mkDiagonal $w]
set sqrtW [mkDiagonal $sqrtw]
# Calculate sum os square differences for x's
for {set r 0} {$r < $k} {incr r} {
set xsqrsum 0.0
set xmeansum 0.0
# Calculate sum of squared differences as: sum(x^2) - (sum x)^2/n
for {set t 0} {$t < $n} {incr t} {
set xval [getelem $X $t $r]
set xmeansum [expr {$xmeansum + double($xval)}]
set xsqrsum [expr {$xsqrsum + double($xval * $xval)}]
lappend xsqr [expr {$xsqrsum - $xmeansum * $xmeansum/$n}]
## -- Set up the X'WX matrix
set XtW [matmul [::math::linearalgebra::transpose $X] $W]
set XtWX [matmul $XtW $X]
# Invert
set M [solveGauss $XtWX $I_x]
set beta [matmul $M [matmul $XtW $y]]
### -- Residuals & R-squared
# 1) Generate list of diagonals of the hat matrix
set H [matmul $X [matmul $M $XtW]]
for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} {
lappend h_ii [getelem $H $i $i]
set R [matmul $sqrtW [matmul [sub $I_y $H] $y]]
set yhat [matmul $H $y]
# 2) Generate list of residuals, sum of squared residuals, r-squared
set sstot 0.0
set ssreg 0.0
# Note: Relying on representation of Vector as a list for y, yhat
foreach yval $y wt $w yhatval $yhat {
set sstot [expr {$sstot + $wt * ($yval - $ymean) * ($yval - $ymean)}]
set ssreg [expr {$ssreg + $wt * ($yhatval - $ymean) * ($yhatval - $ymean)}]
set r2 [expr {double($ssreg)/$sstot}]
set adjr2 [expr {1.0 - (1.0 - $r2) * ($n - 1)/($n - $k)}]
set sumsqresid [dotproduct $R $R]
set s2 [expr {double($sumsqresid) / double($n - $k)}]
### -- Confidence intervals for coefficients
set tvalue [tstat [expr {$n - $k}]]
for {set i 0} {$i < $k} {incr i} {
set stderr [expr {sqrt($s2 * [getelem $M $i $i])}]
set mid [lindex $beta $i]
lappend stderrs $stderr
lappend confinterval [list [expr {$mid - $tvalue * $stderr}] [expr {$mid + $tvalue * $stderr}]]
return [list $r2 $adjr2 $beta $stderrs $confinterval]
# mv-ols --
# Ordinary Least Squares
# Arguments:
# data List of observations, list of lists
# Result:
# List containing:
# * R-squared
# * Adjusted R-squared
# * Coefficients of x's in fit
# * Standard errors of the coefficients
# * 95% confidence bounds for coefficients
# Note:
# The observations are lists starting with the dependent variable y
# and then the values of the independent variables (x1, x2, ...):
# mv-ols [list y x's] [list y x's] ...
proc ::math::statistics::mv-ols {data} {
set newdata {}
foreach pt $data {
lappend newdata 1 $pt
return [mv-wls $newdata]