/usr/share/uforadiant/user.xml is in ufoai-uforadiant-data 2.5-3.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 | <?xml version="1.0"?>
There are three types of children that can be placed in the toolbar container:
<toolbutton /> A basic tool button
Required attributes: name, action, tooltip and icon
The "action" attribute refers to the action labels listed under "Help>Shortcuts List..."
in DarkRadiant, so it is possible to add button commands that are not necessarily listed here.
<toggletoolbutton /> A toggle tool button, basically the same as <toolbutton />
Required attributes: name, action, tooltip and icon
This is rather unflexible as there is a limited amount of "toggle commands" available in Radiant.
<separator /> A toolbar separator, to keep your icons organised
<showAllLightRadii value="0" />
<showSelectedLightRadii value="0" />
<enableCubicClipping value="1" />
<discreteMovement value="1" />
<invertMouseVerticalAxis value="0" />
<movementSpeed value="100" />
<rotationSpeed value="3" />
<strafespeed value="0.65" />
<!-- Use the forward strafe factor to invert the direction of the mouse movement -->
<forwardStrafeFactor value="1" />
<cubicScale value="13" />
<drawMode value="2" />
<window xPosition="-1" yPosition="-1" width="640" height="480" state="4" />
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<scaleYStep value="1.0" />
<scaleZStep value="1.0" />
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<caulkTexture value="tex_common/nodraw" />
<queueSize value="64" />
<defaultGridPower value="3" />
<skipCommon value="0" />
<defaultTextureScale value="0.5" />
<quality value="3" />
<mode value="5" />
<gamma value="1.0" />
<hideUnused value="0" />
<hideInvalid value="1" />
<uniformSize value="128" />
<thumbnailScale value="2" />
<licensepath value="../LICENSES" />
<window xPosition="200" yPosition="100" width="550" height="500" />
<window xPosition="150" yPosition="200" width="280" height="242" />
<gridActive value="1" />
<faceVertexScalePivotIsCentroid value="0" />
<hShiftStep value="1" />
<vShiftStep value="1" />
<hScaleStep value="0.05" />
<vScaleStep value="0.05" />
<rotStep value="45" />
<textureLock value="1" />
<numMRU value="5" />
<loadLastMap value="0" />
<autoSaveEnabled value="1" />
<autoSaveInterval value="5" />
<autoSaveSnapshots value="0" />
<snapshotFolder value="snapshots/" />
<maxSnapshotFolderSize value="100" />
<showGrid value="1" />
<chaseMouse value="1" />
<camXYUpdate value="1" />
<solidSelectionBoxes value="1" />
<showCrossHairs value="0" />
<showEntityAngles value="1" />
<showEntityNames value="1" />
<showBlocks value="0" />
<showSizeInfo value="1" />
<defaultBlockSize value="1024" />
<showCoordinates value="1" />
<showOutline value="0" />
<showAxes value="1" />
<showWorkzone value="0" />
<alwaysCaulkForNewBrushes value="1" />
<caulkTexture value="tex_common/nodraw" />
<visible value="0" />
<transparency value="0.3" />
<image value="" />
<proportional value="1" />
<translationX value="0.0" />
<translationY value="0.0" />
<scale value="1.0" />
<scaleWithOrthoView value="1" />
<panWithOrthoView value="0" />
<errorcheckparameters value="-v 1 -check" />
<errorfixparameters value="-v 1 -fix" />
<binary value="" />
<parameters value="-soft" />
<materialparameters value="-material" />
<toolbar name="view" align="horizontal">
<toolbutton name="open" action="OpenMap" tooltip="Open a map file" icon="file_open.png" />
<toolbutton name="save" action="SaveMap" tooltip="Save the current map" icon="file_save.png" />
<toolbutton name="undo" action="Undo" tooltip="Undo" icon="undo.png" />
<toolbutton name="redo" action="Redo" tooltip="Redo" icon="redo.png" />
<toolbutton name="xflip" action="MirrorSelectionX" tooltip="x-axis Flip" icon="brush_flipx.png" />
<toolbutton name="xrotate" action="RotateSelectionX" tooltip="x-axis Rotate" icon="brush_rotatex.png" />
<toolbutton name="yflip" action="MirrorSelectionY" tooltip="y-axis Flip" icon="brush_flipy.png" />
<toolbutton name="yrotate" action="RotateSelectionY" tooltip="y-axis Rotate" icon="brush_rotatey.png" />
<toolbutton name="zflip" action="MirrorSelectionZ" tooltip="z-axis Flip" icon="brush_flipz.png" />
<toolbutton name="zrotate" action="RotateSelectionZ" tooltip="z-axis Rotate" icon="brush_rotatez.png" />
<toolbutton name="selectcompletetall" action="SelectCompleteTall" tooltip="Select complete tall" icon="selection_selectcompletetall.png" />
<toolbutton name="selecttouching" action="SelectTouching" tooltip="Select touching" icon="selection_selecttouching.png" />
<toolbutton name="selectinside" action="SelectInside" tooltip="Select inside" icon="selection_selectinside.png" />
<toolbutton name="selectentity" action="ExpandSelectionToEntities" tooltip="Select whole entity" icon="selection_selectentities.png" />
<toolbutton name="selectalloftype" action="SelectAllOfType" tooltip="Select all of type" icon="selection_selectcompletetall.png" />
<toolbutton name="selectallfacetexture" action="SelectAllFacesOfTex" tooltip="Select all Faces of same texture" icon="selection_selectallsametex.png" />
<toggletoolbutton name="dragvertices" action="DragVertices" tooltip="Select Vertices" icon="modify_vertices.png" />
<toggletoolbutton name="dragedges" action="DragEdges" tooltip="Select Edges" icon="modify_edges.png" />
<toggletoolbutton name="dragfaces" action="DragFaces" tooltip="Select Faces" icon="modify_faces.png" />
<toggletoolbutton name="dragentities" action="DragEntities" tooltip="Select Entities" icon="modify_entities.png"/>
<toolbutton name="refreshmodels" action="RefreshReferences" tooltip="Refresh Models" icon="refresh_models.png" />
<toolbutton name="generatematerial" action="GenerateMaterialFromTexture" tooltip="Create material entries for selected faces" icon="material_generate.png" />
<toggletoolbutton name="showpathfinding" action="ShowPathfinding" tooltip="Show pathfinding info" icon="pathfinding.png" />
<toolbutton name="filterlevel1" action="FilterLevel1" tooltip="Level 1" icon="ufoai_level1.png" />
<toolbutton name="filterlevel2" action="FilterLevel2" tooltip="Level 2" icon="ufoai_level2.png" />
<toolbutton name="filterlevel3" action="FilterLevel3" tooltip="Level 3" icon="ufoai_level3.png" />
<toolbutton name="filterlevel4" action="FilterLevel4" tooltip="Level 4" icon="ufoai_level4.png" />
<toolbutton name="filterlevel5" action="FilterLevel5" tooltip="Level 5" icon="ufoai_level5.png" />
<toolbutton name="filterlevel6" action="FilterLevel6" tooltip="Level 6" icon="ufoai_level6.png" />
<toolbutton name="filterlevel7" action="FilterLevel7" tooltip="Level 7" icon="ufoai_level7.png" />
<toolbutton name="filterlevel8" action="FilterLevel8" tooltip="Level 8" icon="ufoai_level8.png" />
<toggletoolbutton name="showbbox" action="ToggleShowModelBoundingBox" tooltip="Show model bounding box" icon="iconDrawBBox.png" />
<toggletoolbutton name="shownormals" action="ToggleShowModelNormals" tooltip="Show model normals" icon="model_normals.png" />
<toolbutton name="changeviews" action="NextView" tooltip="Change views" icon="view_change.png" />
<toolbutton name="neworthoview" action="NewOrthoView" tooltip="New XY View" icon="grid_window.png" />
<toggletoolbutton name="cubicclip" action="ToggleCubicClip" tooltip="Cubic clip the camera view" icon="view_cubicclipping.png" />
<toolbar name="texture">
<toolbutton name="flush" action="RefreshShaders" tooltip="Flush & Reload Shaders" icon="texwindow_flushandreload.png"/>
<toolbutton name="showall" action="ShowAllTextures" tooltip="Show all" icon="texwindow_showall.png"/>
<toggletoolbutton name="showinuse" action="ShowInUse" tooltip="Hide Unused" icon="texwindow_hideunused.png"/>
<toggletoolbutton name="showinvalid" action="ShowInvalid" tooltip="Hide Invalid" icon="texwindow_hideinvalid.png"/>
<toggletoolbutton name="skipcommon" action="SkipCommon" tooltip="Skip common textures" icon="texwindow_skipcommon.png"/>
<toolbutton name="findandreplace" action="FindReplaceTextures" tooltip="Find & Replace" icon="texwindow_findandreplace.png"/>
<toolbar name="edit" align="vertical">
<toggletoolbutton name="translate" action="MouseTranslate" tooltip="Translate" icon="select_mousetranslate.png" />
<toggletoolbutton name="rotate" action="MouseRotate" tooltip="Rotate" icon="select_mouserotate.png" />
<toggletoolbutton name="scale" action="MouseScale" tooltip="Scale" icon="select_mousescale.png" />
<toggletoolbutton name="resize" action="MouseDrag" tooltip="Resize" icon="select_mouseresize.png" />
<toggletoolbutton name="clipper" action="ToggleClipper" tooltip="Clipper" icon="view_clipper.png" />
<toolbutton name="csgsubstract" action="CSGSubtract" tooltip="CSG Subtract" icon="selection_csgsubtract.png" />
<toolbutton name="csgsubstractoriginal" action="CSGSubtractOrig" tooltip="CSG Subtract Original" icon="selection_csgsubtract.png" />
<toolbutton name="csgmerge" action="CSGMerge" tooltip="CSG Merge" icon="selection_csgmerge.png" />
<toolbutton name="csghollow" action="CSGHollow" tooltip="Hollow" icon="selection_makehollow.png" />
<toggletoolbutton name="texturelock" action="TogTexLock" tooltip="Texture Lock" icon="texture_lock.png" />
<toolbar name="textool" align="horizontal">
<toolbutton name="griddown" action="TexToolGridDown" tooltip="Decrease Grid Size" icon="grid_down.png"/>
<toolbutton name="gridup" action="TexToolGridUp" tooltip="Increase Grid Size" icon="grid_up.png"/>
<toolbutton name="gridsnap" action="TexToolSnapToGrid" tooltip="Snap to Grid" icon="grid_snap.png"/>
<toggletoolbutton name="usegrid" action="TexToolToggleGrid" tooltip="Toggle Grid" icon="grid_toggle.png"/>
<toolbutton name="mergeitems" action="TexToolMergeItems" tooltip="Merge Selection" icon="textool_merge.png"/>
<toolbutton name="texflips" action="TexToolFlipS" tooltip="Flip Selection Horiz (S-Axis)" icon="tex_flips.png"/>
<toolbutton name="texflipt" action="TexToolFlipT" tooltip="Flip Selection Vertical (T-Axis)" icon="tex_flipt.png"/>
<toggletoolbutton name="togglefacevertexscalepivot" action="TexToolToggleFaceVertexScalePivot" tooltip="Center Pivot when scaling faces" icon="textool_facescale_pivot.png"/>