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Program: Visualization Toolkit
Module: $RCSfile: vtkYoungsMaterialInterface.h,v $
Copyright (c) Ken Martin, Will Schroeder, Bill Lorensen
All rights reserved.
See Copyright.txt or http://www.kitware.com/Copyright.htm for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notice for more information.
// .NAME vtkYoungsMaterialInterface - reconstructs material interfaces
// .SECTION Description
// Reconstructs material interfaces from a mesh containing mixed cells (where several materials are mixed)
// this implementation is based on the youngs algorithm, generalized to arbitrary cell types and works
// on both 2D and 3D meshes. the main advantage of the youngs algorithm is it guarantees the material volume correctness.
// for 2D meshes, the AxisSymetric flag allows to switch between a pure 2D (planar) algorithm and an axis symetric 2D algorithm
// handling volumes of revolution.
// .SECTION Thanks
// This file is part of the generalized Youngs material interface reconstruction algorithm contributed by <br>
// CEA/DIF - Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique, Centre DAM Ile-De-France <br>
// BP12, F-91297 Arpajon, France. <br>
// Implementation by Thierry Carrard (thierry.carrard@cea.fr)
// Modification by Philippe Pebay (philippe.pebay@kitware.com)
#ifndef vtkYoungsMaterialInterface_h
#define vtkYoungsMaterialInterface_h
#include "vtkFiltersGeneralModule.h" // For export macro
#include "vtkMultiBlockDataSetAlgorithm.h"
#include "vtkSmartPointer.h" // For SP ivars
class vtkIntArray;
class vtkInformation;
class vtkInformationVector;
class vtkYoungsMaterialInterfaceInternals;
class VTKFILTERSGENERAL_EXPORT vtkYoungsMaterialInterface : public vtkMultiBlockDataSetAlgorithm
static vtkYoungsMaterialInterface* New();
void PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent);
// Description:
// Set/Get wether the normal vector has to be flipped.
// Description:
// If this flag is on, material order in reversed.
// Otherwise, materials are sorted in ascending order depending on the given ordering array.
// Description:
// Set/Get OnionPeel flag. if this flag is on, the normal vector of the first
// material (which depends on material ordering) is used for all materials.
// Description:
// Turns on/off AxisSymetric computation of 2D interfaces.
// in axis symetric mode, 2D meshes are understood as volumes of revolution.
// Description:
// when UseFractionAsDistance is true, the volume fraction is interpreted as the distance
// of the cutting plane from the origin.
// in axis symetric mode, 2D meshes are understood as volumes of revolution.
// Description:
// When FillMaterial is set to 1, the volume containing material is output and not only the interface surface.
// Description:
// Set/Get minimum and maximum volume fraction value. if a material fills a volume above the minimum value, the material is considered to be void. if a material fills a volume fraction beyond the maximum value it is considered as filling the whole volume.
// Description:
// Sets/Gets the number of materials.
virtual void SetNumberOfMaterials(int n);
virtual int GetNumberOfMaterials();
// Description:
// Set/Get whether all material blocks should be used, irrespective of the material block mapping.
// Description:
// Only meaningfull for LOVE software. returns the maximum number of blocks conatining the same material
// Description:
// Set ith Material arrays to be used as volume fraction, interface normal and material ordering. Each parameter name a cell array.
virtual void SetMaterialArrays( int i, const char* volume, const char* normalX, const char* normalY, const char* normalZ, const char* ordering );
virtual void SetMaterialArrays( int i, const char* volume, const char* normal, const char* ordering );
virtual void SetMaterialVolumeFractionArray( int i, const char* volume );
virtual void SetMaterialNormalArray( int i, const char* normal );
virtual void SetMaterialOrderingArray( int i, const char* ordering );
// Description:
// Removes all meterials previously added.
virtual void RemoveAllMaterials();
// Description:
// Alternative API for associating Normal and Ordering arrays to materials
// identified by its volume-fraction array.
// Note that these mappings are cleared by a call to RemoveAllMaterials() but
// not by SetNumberOfMaterials().
// If one uses the SetMaterial*Array(int, ...) API to set the normal or
// ordering arrays, then that supersedes the values set using this API.
virtual void SetMaterialNormalArray(const char* volume, const char* normal);
virtual void SetMaterialOrderingArray(const char* volume, const char* ordering);
// Description:
// select blocks to be processed for each described material.
virtual void RemoveAllMaterialBlockMappings();
virtual void AddMaterialBlockMapping(int b);
vtkYoungsMaterialInterface ();
virtual ~vtkYoungsMaterialInterface ();
virtual int FillInputPortInformation(int port, vtkInformation *info);
virtual int RequestData(vtkInformation *request,
vtkInformationVector **inputVector,
vtkInformationVector *outputVector);
// Description:
// Serial implementation of the material aggregation.
virtual void Aggregate ( int, int* );
void UpdateBlockMapping();
int CellProduceInterface( int dim, int np, double fraction, double minFrac, double maxFrac );
// Description:
// Read-Write Properties
int FillMaterial;
int InverseNormal;
int AxisSymetric;
int OnionPeel;
int ReverseMaterialOrder;
int UseFractionAsDistance;
double VolumeFractionRange[2];
vtkSmartPointer<vtkIntArray> MaterialBlockMapping;
bool UseAllBlocks;
// Description:
// Read only properties
int NumberOfDomains;
// Desctiption:
// Internal data structures
vtkYoungsMaterialInterfaceInternals* Internals;
vtkYoungsMaterialInterface(const vtkYoungsMaterialInterface&); // Not implemented
void operator=(const vtkYoungsMaterialInterface&); // Not implemented