/usr/share/octave/packages/io-2.4.5/xlsopen.m is in octave-io 2.4.5-1.
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## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
## (at your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
## along with Octave; see the file COPYING. If not, see
## <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
## -*- texinfo -*-
## @deftypefn {Function File} @var{xls} = xlsopen (@var{filename})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} @var{xls} = xlsopen (@var{filename}, @var{readwrite})
## @deftypefnx {Function File} @var{xls} = xlsopen (@var{filename}, @var{readwrite}, @var{reqintf})
## Get a pointer to an Excel spreadsheet in the form of return argument
## (file pointer struct) @var{xls}. After processing the spreadsheet,
## the file pointer must be explicitly closed by calling xlsclose().
## Calling xlsopen without specifying a return argument is fairly useless!
## xlsopen works with interfaces, which are links to external software.
## For I/O from/to OOXML (Excel 2007 and up), ODS 1.2 and Gnumeric, no
## additional software is required when the OCT interface is used (see below).
## For all other spreadsheet formats, you need one or more of MS-Excel
## (95 - 2013), or a Java JRE plus Apache POI >= 3.5 and/or JExcelAPI
## and/or OpenXLS and/or OpenOffice.org (or clones) installed on your computer
## + proper javaclasspath set. These interfaces are referred to as COM, POI,
## JXL, OXS, and UNO, resp., and are preferred in that order by default
## (depending on their presence). Currently the OCT interface has the lowest
## priority as it is still experimental.
## For OOXML read/write support in principle no additional SW is needed.
## However, the COM, POI and UNO interfaces may provide better OOXML write
## performance and/or more flexibility.
## Excel'95 spreadsheets (BIFF5) can only be read using the COM (Excel-ActiveX),
## JXL (JExcelAPI), and UNO (Open-/LibreOffice) interfaces.
## @var{filename} should be a valid .xls or .xlsx Excel file name (including
## extension). But if you use the COM interface you can specify any extension
## that your installed Excel version can read AND write; the same goes for UNO
## (OpenOffice.org). Using the other Java interfaces, only .xls or .xlsx are
## allowed. If @var{filename} does not contain any directory path, the file
## is saved in the current directory. Reading/writing .xlsm and .xlsb files
## may be possible using the COM and UNO interfaces only, but is untested.
## If @var{readwrite} is set to 0 (default value) or omitted, the spreadsheet
## file is opened for reading. If @var{readwrite} is set to true or 1, a
## spreadsheet file is opened (or created) for reading & writing.
## Optional input argument @var{reqintf} can be used to override the Excel
## interface that otherwise is automatically selected by xlsopen. Currently
## implemented interfaces (in order of preference) are 'COM' (Excel/COM),
## 'POI' (Java/Apache POI), 'JXL' (Java/JExcelAPI), 'OXS' (Java/OpenXLS),
## 'UNO' (Java/OpenOffice.org - EXPERIMENTAL!), or 'OCT' (native Octave).
## In most situations this parameter is unneeded as xlsopen automatically
## selects the most useful interface present.
## Beware: Excel invocations may be left running invisibly in case of COM
## errors or forgetting to close the file pointer. Similarly for OpenOffice.org
## which may even prevent Octave from being closed.
## Examples:
## @example
## xls = xlsopen ('test1.xls');
## (get a pointer for reading from spreadsheet test1.xls)
## xls = xlsopen ('test2.xls', 1, 'POI');
## (as above, indicate test2.xls will be written to; in this case using Java
## and the Apache POI interface are requested)
## @end example
## @seealso {xlsclose, xlsread, xlswrite, xls2oct, oct2xls, xlsfinfo}
## @end deftypefn
## Author: Philip Nienhuis <prnienhuis at users.sf.net>
## Created: 2009-11-29
function [ xls ] = xlsopen (filename, xwrite=0, reqinterface=[])
persistent xlsinterfaces; persistent chkintf; persistent lastintf;
## xlsinterfaces.<intf> = [] (not yet checked), 0 (found to be unsupported) or 1 (OK)
if (isempty (chkintf));
chkintf = 1;
xlsinterfaces = struct ('COM', [], 'POI', [], 'JXL', [], 'OXS', [], 'UNO', [], "OCT", 1);
if (isempty (lastintf))
lastintf = "---";
xlsintf_cnt = 1;
xlssupport = 0;
if (nargout < 1)
error ("xlsopen.m: no return argument specified!\n usage: XLS = xlsopen (Xlfile [, Rw] [, reqintf])\n");
if (! (islogical (xwrite) || isnumeric (xwrite)))
error ("xlsopen.m: numerical or logical value expected for arg ## 2 (readwrite)\n")
if (ischar (filename))
[pth, fnam, ext] = fileparts (filename);
if (isempty (fnam))
error ("xlsopen.m: no filename or empty filename specified");
if (xwrite && ! isempty (pth))
apth = make_absolute_filename (pth);
if (exist (apth) != 7)
error ("xlsopen.m: cannot write into non-existent directory:\n'%s'\n", ...
error ("xlsopen.m: filename expected for argument #1");
if (! isempty (reqinterface))
intfmsg = "requested";
if (! (ischar (reqinterface) || iscell (reqinterface)))
error ("Arg ## 3 (interface) not recognized - character value required\n");
## Turn arg3 into cell array if needed
if (! iscell (reqinterface))
reqinterface = {reqinterface};
## Check if previously used interface matches a requested interface
if (isempty (regexpi (reqinterface, lastintf, 'once'){1}) ||
! xlsinterfaces.(upper (reqinterface{1})))
## New interface requested
xlsinterfaces.COM = 0; xlsinterfaces.POI = 0; xlsinterfaces.JXL = 0;
xlsinterfaces.OXS = 0; xlsinterfaces.UNO = 0; xlsinterfaces.OCT = 0;
for ii=1:numel (reqinterface)
reqintf = toupper (reqinterface {ii});
## Try to invoke requested interface(s) for this call. Check if it
## is supported anyway by emptying the corresponding var.
if (strcmpi (reqintf, 'COM'))
xlsinterfaces.COM = [];
elseif (strcmpi (reqintf, 'POI'))
xlsinterfaces.POI = [];
elseif (strcmpi (reqintf, 'JXL'))
xlsinterfaces.JXL = [];
elseif (strcmpi (reqintf, 'OXS'))
xlsinterfaces.OXS = [];
elseif (strcmpi (reqintf, 'UNO'))
xlsinterfaces.UNO = [];
elseif (strcmpi (reqintf, 'OCT'))
xlsinterfaces.OCT = [];
error (sprintf (["xlsopen.m: unknown .xls interface \"%s\" requested.\n"
"Only COM, POI, JXL, OXS, UNO, or OCT) supported\n"], reqinterface{}));
printf ("Checking requested interface(s):\n");
xlsinterfaces = getxlsinterfaces (xlsinterfaces);
## Well, is/are the requested interface(s) supported on the system?
xlsintf_cnt = 0;
for ii=1:numel (reqinterface)
if (! xlsinterfaces.(toupper (reqinterface{ii})))
## No it aint
printf ("%s is not supported.\n", upper (reqinterface{ii}));
## Reset interface check indicator if no requested support found
if (! xlsintf_cnt)
chkintf = [];
xls = [];
intfmsg = "available";
## Check if Excel file exists. First check for (supported) file name suffix:
ftype = 0;
has_suffix = 1;
[sfxpos, ~, ~, ext] = regexpi (filename, '(\.xlsx?|\.gnumeric|\.ods|\.csv)');
if (! isempty (sfxpos))
ext = lower (ext{end});
## .xls or .xls[x,m,b] or .gnumeric is there, but at the right(most) position?
if (sfxpos(end) <= length (filename) - length (ext))
## Apparently not, or it is an unrecognized extension
## If xwrite = 0, check file suffix, else add .xls
has_suffix = 0;
switch ext
case ".xls" ## Regular (binary) BIFF
ftype = 1;
case {".xlsx", ".xlsm", ".xlsb"} ## Zipped XML / OOXML. Catches xlsx, xlsb, xlsm
ftype = 2;
case ".ods" ## ODS 1.2 (Excel 2007+ & OOo/LO can read ODS)
ftype = 3;
case ".gnumeric" ## Zipped XML / gnumeric
ftype = 5;
case ".csv" ## csv. Detected for xlsread afficionados
ftype = 6;
warning ("xlsopen: file type ('%s' extension) not supported\n", ext);
has_suffix = 0;
## Var readwrite is really used to avoid creating files when wanting to read,
## or not finding not-yet-existing files when wanting to write a new one.
## Adapt file open mode for readwrite argument
if (xwrite)
fmode = 'r+b';
if (! has_suffix)
## Provisionally add .xls suffix to filename (most used format)
filename = [filename ".xls"];
ext = ".xls";
ftype = 1
fmode = 'rb';
if (! has_suffix)
## Try to find find existing file name. We ignore .gnumeric
filnm = dir ([filename ".xls*"]);
if (! isempty (filnm))
## Simply choose the first one
if (isstruct (filnm))
filename = filnm(1).name;
filename = filnm;
fid = fopen (filename, fmode);
if (fid < 0) ## File doesn't exist...
if (! xwrite) ## ...which obviously is fatal for reading...
## FIXME process open apps (Excel, LibreOffice, etc) before hard crash
error ( sprintf ("xlsopen.m: file %s not found\n", filename));
else ## ...but for writing, we need more info:
fid = fopen (filename, 'rb'); ## Check if it exists at all...
if (fid < 0) ## File didn't exist yet. Simply create it
xwrite = 3;
else ## File exists, but isn't writable => Error
fclose (fid); ## Do not forget to close the handle neatly
error (sprintf ("xlsopen.m: write mode requested but file %s is not writable\n", filename))
## Close file anyway to avoid COM or Java errors
fclose (fid);
## Check for the various Excel interfaces. No problem if they've already
## been checked, getxlsinterfaces (far below) just returns immediately then.
xlsinterfaces = getxlsinterfaces (xlsinterfaces);
## If no external interface was detected and no suffix was given, use .xlsx
if (! has_suffix && ! (xlsinterfaces.COM + xlsinterfaces.POI + ...
xlsinterfaces.JXL + xlsinterfaces.OXS + ...
## Just add 'x' - .xls was already added higher up
filename = [filename "x"];
ftype = 2;
## Initialize file ptr struct
xls = struct ("xtype", 'NONE',
"app", [],
"filename", [],
"workbook", [],
"changed", 0,
"limits", []);
## Keep track of which interface is selected
xlssupport = 0;
## Interface preference order is defined below: currently COM -> POI -> JXL -> OXS -> UNO -> OCT
## ftype (file type) is conveyed depending on interface capabilities
if ((! xlssupport) && xlsinterfaces.COM && (ftype != 5))
## Excel functioning has been tested above & file exists, so we just invoke it.
[ xls, xlssupport, lastintf ] = __COM_spsh_open__ (xls, xwrite, filename, xlssupport);
if ((! xlssupport) && xlsinterfaces.POI && (ftype <= 2))
[ xls, xlssupport, lastintf ] = __POI_spsh_open__ (xls, xwrite, filename, xlssupport, ftype, xlsinterfaces);
if ((! xlssupport) && xlsinterfaces.JXL && ftype == 1)
[ xls, xlssupport, lastintf ] = __JXL_spsh_open__ (xls, xwrite, filename, xlssupport, ftype, xlsinterfaces);
if ((! xlssupport) && xlsinterfaces.OXS && ftype == 1)
[ xls, xlssupport, lastintf ] = __OXS_spsh_open__ (xls, xwrite, filename, xlssupport, ftype);
if ((! xlssupport) && xlsinterfaces.UNO && (ftype != 5))
## Warn for LO / OOo stubbornness
if (ftype == 0 || ftype == 5 || ftype == 6)
warning ("UNO interface will write ODS format for unsupported file extensions\n")
[ xls, xlssupport, lastintf ] = __UNO_spsh_open__ (xls, xwrite, filename, xlssupport);
if ((! xlssupport) && xlsinterfaces.OCT && ...
(ftype == 2 || ftype == 3 || ftype == 5))
[ xls, xlssupport, lastintf ] = __OCT_spsh_open__ (xls, xwrite, filename, xlssupport, ftype);
## if
## ---- other interfaces
## endif
## Rounding up. If none of the xlsinterfaces is supported we're out of luck.
if (! xlssupport)
if (isempty (reqinterface))
## If no suitable interface was detected (COM or UNO can read .csv), handle
## .csv in xlsread (as that's where Matlab n00bs would expect .csv support)
if (ftype != 6)
## This message is appended after message from getxlsinterfaces()
printf ("None.\n");
warning ("xlsopen.m: no'%s' spreadsheet I/O support with %s interfaces.\n", ...
ext, intfmsg);
## No match between file type & interface found
warning ("xlsopen.m: file type not supported by %s %s %s %s %s %s\n", reqinterface{:});
xls = [];
## Reset found interfaces for re-testing in the next call. Add interfaces if needed.
chkintf = [];
## From here on xwrite is tracked via xls.changed in the various lower
## level r/w routines
xls.changed = xwrite;
## xls.changed = 0 (existing/only read from), 1 (existing/data added), 2 (new,
## data added) or 3 (pristine, no data added).
## Until something was written to existing files we keep status "unchanged".
if (xls.changed == 1)
xls.changed = 0;