/usr/share/octave/packages/optim-1.5.2/LinearRegression.m is in octave-optim 1.5.2-1.
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## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
## Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
## version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
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## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
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## -*- texinfo -*-
##@deftypefn {Function File} {[@var{p},@var{e_var},@var{r},@var{p_var},@var{y_var}] =} LinearRegression (@var{F},@var{y})
##@deftypefnx {Function File} {[@var{p},@var{e_var},@var{r},@var{p_var},@var{y_var}] =} LinearRegression (@var{F},@var{y},@var{w})
## general linear regression
## determine the parameters p_j (j=1,2,...,m) such that the function
## f(x) = sum_(i=1,...,m) p_j*f_j(x) is the best fit to the given values y_i = f(x_i)
## parameters:
## @itemize
## @item @var{F} is an n*m matrix with the values of the basis functions at
## the support points. In column j give the values of f_j at the points
## x_i (i=1,2,...,n)
## @item @var{y} is a column vector of length n with the given values
## @item @var{w} is n column vector of of length n vector with the weights of data points
##@end itemize
## return values:
## @itemize
## @item @var{p} is the vector of length m with the estimated values of the parameters
## @item @var{e_var} is the estimated variance of the difference between fitted and measured values
## @item @var{r} is the weighted norm of the residual
## @item @var{p_var} is the estimated variance of the parameters p_j
## @item @var{y_var} is the estimated variance of the dependend variables
##@end itemize
## Caution:
## do NOT request @var{y_var} for large data sets, as a n by n matrix is
## generated
## @c Will be cut out in optims info file and replaced with the same
## @c refernces explicitely there, since references to core Octave
## @c functions are not automatically transformed from here to there.
## @seealso{regress,leasqr,nonlin_curvefit,polyfit,wpolyfit,expfit}
## @end deftypefn
function [p,e_var,r,p_var,y_var] = LinearRegression (F,y,weight)
if (nargin < 2 || nargin >= 4)
usage ('wrong number of arguments in [p,e_var,r,p_var,y_var] = LinearRegression(F,y)');
[rF, cF] = size (F);
[ry, cy] = size (y);
if (rF != ry || cy > 1)
error ('LinearRegression: incorrect matrix dimensions');
if (nargin == 2) % set uniform weights if not provided
weight = ones (size (y));
wF = diag (weight) * F; % this now efficent with the diagonal matrix
%wF = F;
%for j = 1:cF
% wF(:,j) = weight.*F(:,j);
[Q,R] = qr (wF,0); % estimate the values of the parameters
p = R \ (Q' * (weight.*y));
# Compute the residual vector and its weighted norm
residual = F * p - y;
r = norm (weight .* residual);
# Variance of the weighted residuals
e_var = sum ((residual.^2) .* (weight.^4)) / (rF-cF);
# Compute variance of parameters, only if requested
if nargout > 3
M = inv (R) * Q' * diag(weight);
# compute variance of the dependent variable, only if requested
if nargout > 4
%% WARNING the nonsparse matrix M2 is of size rF by rF, rF = number of data points
M2 = F * M;
M2 = M2 .* M2; % square each entry in the matrix M2
y_var = e_var ./ (weight.^4) + M2 * (e_var./(weight.^4)); % variance of y values
M = M .* M; % square each entry in the matrix M
p_var = M * (e_var./(weight.^4)); % variance of the parameters
%! n = 100;
%! x = sort(rand(n,1)*5-1);
%! y = 1+0.05*x + 0.1*randn(size(x));
%! F = [ones(n,1),x(:)];
%! [p,e_var,r,p_var,y_var] = LinearRegression(F,y);
%! yFit = F*p;
%! figure()
%! plot(x,y,'+b',x,yFit,'-g',x,yFit+1.96*sqrt(y_var),'--r',x,yFit-1.96*sqrt(y_var),'--r')
%! title('straight line by linear regression')
%! legend('data','fit','+/-95%')
%! grid on
%! n = 100;
%! x = sort(rand(n,1)*5-1);
%! y = 1+0.5*sin(x) + 0.1*randn(size(x));
%! F = [ones(n,1),sin(x(:))];
%! [p,e_var,r,p_var,y_var] = LinearRegression(F,y);
%! yFit = F*p;
%! figure()
%! plot(x,y,'+b',x,yFit,'-g',x,yFit+1.96*sqrt(y_var),'--r',x,yFit-1.96*sqrt(y_var),'--r')
%! title('y = p1 + p2*sin(x) by linear regression')
%! legend('data','fit','+/-95%')
%! grid on