/usr/lib/R/site-library/rgl/NAMESPACE is in r-cran-rgl 0.96.0-1.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 | export(.check3d,
abclines3d, addNormals, addToSubscene3d,
arrow3d, as.mesh3d,
ageSetter, asEuclidean, asHomogeneous, aspect3d, axes3d, axis3d, box3d,
bbox3d, bg3d, bgplot3d,
clear3d, clearSubsceneList, clipplanes3d, clipplaneSlider, cube3d, cuboctahedron3d,
currentSubscene3d, cylinder3d,
decorate3d, deform.mesh3d, delFromSubscene3d, divide.mesh3d, dodecahedron3d, dot3d, ellipse3d, extrude3d,
gc3d, getr3dDefaults, GramSchmidt, grid3d,
highlevel, hook_rgl, hook_webgl,
icosahedron3d, identify3d, identityMatrix,
layout3d, legend3d, light3d, lines3d, lowlevel, material3d,
matrixSetter, mfrow3d, movie3d, mtext3d,
newSubscene3d, next3d, normalize.mesh3d, observer3d, octahedron3d, oh3d, open3d,
par3d, par3dinterp, par3dinterpSetter, particles3d, pch3d, persp3d, planes3d,
play3d, plot3d, points3d,
polygon3d, pop3d, propertySetter, propertySlider,
qmesh3d, quads3d, readOBJ, readSTL, rgl.abclines, rgl.bbox, rgl.bg, rgl.bringtotop, rgl.clear,
rgl.getMouseCallbacks, rgl.getWheelCallback,
rgl.close, rgl.cur, rgl.ids, rgl.init, rgl.light, rgl.lines, rgl.linestrips,
rgl.clipplanes, rgl.material, rgl.open, rgl.pixels, rgl.planes, rgl.points, rgl.pop, rgl.postscript,
rgl.primitive, rgl.projection, rgl.quads, rgl.quit, rgl.Sweave, rgl.Sweave.off,
rgl.select, rgl.select3d, rgl.set, rgl.snapshot, rgl.spheres, rgl.sprites,
rgl.surface, rgl.texts, rgl.triangles, rgl.user2window,
rgl.attrib, rgl.attrib.count, rgl.attrib.info, rgl.dev.list, rgl.useNULL,
rglToLattice, rglToBase,
rgl.viewpoint, rgl.window2user, rglFonts, r3dDefaults, rotate3d, rotationMatrix,
scale3d, scaleMatrix, scene3d, segments3d, select3d, selectpoints3d,
rgl.setMouseCallbacks, rgl.setWheelCallback, setupKnitr, shade3d,
shapelist3d, show2d, snapshot3d,
spheres3d, spin3d, sprites3d, subdivision3d,
subsceneInfo, subsceneList, subsetSetter, subsetSlider, Sweave.snapshot,
surface3d, terrain3d,
tetrahedron3d, text3d,
texts3d, title3d, toggleButton, triangulate,
tmesh3d, transform3d, translate3d, translationMatrix, triangles3d,
turn3d, useSubscene3d, vertexSetter, view3d, wire3d,
writeASY, writeOBJ, writePLY, writeSTL, writeWebGL)
S3method(dot3d, shapelist3d)
S3method(wire3d, shapelist3d)
S3method(shade3d, shapelist3d)
S3method(translate3d, shapelist3d)
S3method(rotate3d, shapelist3d)
S3method(scale3d, shapelist3d)
S3method(addNormals, shapelist3d)
S3method(dot3d, mesh3d)
S3method(translate3d, mesh3d)
S3method(rotate3d, mesh3d)
S3method(scale3d, mesh3d)
S3method(wire3d, mesh3d)
S3method(shade3d, mesh3d)
S3method(subdivision3d, mesh3d)
S3method(addNormals, mesh3d)
S3method(plot3d, mesh3d)
S3method(as.mesh3d, deldir)
S3method(translate3d, default)
S3method(rotate3d, default)
S3method(scale3d, default)
S3method(ellipse3d, default)
S3method(ellipse3d, lm)
S3method(ellipse3d, glm)
S3method(ellipse3d, nls)
S3method(plot3d, default)
S3method(persp3d, default)
S3method(persp3d, "function")
S3method(persp3d, deldir)
S3method(plot3d, rglscene)
S3method(plot3d, rglobject)
S3method(plot3d, rglbboxdeco)
S3method(plot3d, rglbackground)
S3method(plot3d, rglsubscene)
S3method(plot3d, "function")
S3method(plot3d, deldir)
S3method(print, rglscene)
S3method(print, rglobject)
S3method(print, rglsubscene)
S3method(print, indexedSetter)
S3method(print, rglId)
S3method(knit_print, rglId)
S3method(summary, rglscene)
S3method(summary, rglsubscene)
if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {
importFrom(utils, getWindowsHandle)
importFrom(graphics, legend, par, plot, polygon)
importFrom(grDevices, col2rgb, colorRamp, dev.off, png,
postscript, rgb, xy.coords, xyz.coords)
importFrom(stats, approxfun, qchisq, qf, splinefun, var)
importFrom(utils, file_test, flush.console,
packageVersion, read.table)
# These were in rglwidget
export(rglwidget, renderRglwidget, rglwidgetOutput,
playwidget, renderPlaywidget, playwidgetOutput,
subsetControl, propertyControl, clipplaneControl, ageControl, vertexControl,
elementId2Prefix, registerSceneChange, sceneChange,
importFrom(htmlwidgets, createWidget, shinyRenderWidget, shinyWidgetOutput, sizingPolicy)
importFrom(htmltools, includeScript, tags, tagList, browsable)
importFrom(jsonlite, toJSON)
importFrom(knitr, fig_path, hook_plot_custom, image_uri, knit_hooks, knit_print, opts_knit)
importFrom(shiny, getDefaultReactiveDomain)
importFrom(magrittr, "%>%")
S3method(playwidget, default)
S3method(playwidget, rglWebGL)
S3method(playwidget, rglPlayer)
S3method(playwidget, shiny.tag.list)