/usr/lib/R/site-library/robustbase/NAMESPACE is in r-cran-robustbase 0.92-7-1.
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if(FALSE) {##MM
stopifnot(require(codetoolsBioC), require(robustbase))
importFrom("grDevices", dev.interactive, extendrange)
importFrom("graphics", abline, box, legend, lines, matplot, mtext,
panel.smooth, par, plot, points, strheight, text, title)
aggregate, alias, as.formula, binomial,
coef, cor, cov, cov.wt, cov2cor, delete.response, deviance, dnorm, dpois,
family, fitted, fivenum, formula,
gaussian, glm, glm.fit, hatvalues,
integrate, is.empty.model, lm.fit, lm.wfit,
mad, mahalanobis, median, model.frame, model.matrix, model.matrix.lm,
model.offset, model.response, model.weights,
na.fail, na.omit, na.pass, napredict, naresid,
nlminb, nls, nls.control, nobs,
optim, optimize, pbinom, pchisq, pf, pgamma, pnorm, poisson, ppois,
predict, printCoefmat, pt,
qchisq, qnorm, qpois, qqline, qqnorm, qt, quantile,
resid, residuals, residuals.lm, setNames, splinefun, symnum,
terms, uniroot, var, vcov, weights, .checkMFClasses, .getXlevels,
## S3 generics (*not* shown yet by findExternalDeps() above):
anova, case.names, confint,
dummy.coef, logLik, profile, variable.names
## ^^^^ MASS has a bit more; take it as example
if(getRversion() >= "3.1.0")
importFrom("stats", .lm.fit, confint.lm, dummy.coef.lm)
if(getRversion() >= "3.3.0") {
importFrom("stats", sigma)
} else {
S3method(sigma, nls)
importFrom("utils", globalVariables, str)
## MASS has many rlm S3 methods; should we use some of them - for rnls() ?!
## we also currently use MASS::cov.rob(); but probably only temporarily
importFrom("methods", is, new, setClass, setMethod, slot, "slot<-")
importFrom("DEoptimR", JDEoptim)
## Functions defined in this package
export(Sn, Qn, Qn.old,
s_Sn, s_Qn, s_mad, s_IQR,
covMcd, .MCDcons, .MCDcnp2, .MCDcnp2.rew, .MCDsingularityMsg,
robMD, mahalanobisD, # <- still "internal"
## RENAME ?!? :
covPlot, ltsPlot,
## NO! ddplot, distplot, chi2qqplot
rrcov.control,## << RENAME --- FIXME
colMedians, rowMedians,
covOGK, covGK, hard.rejection, scaleTau2,
## comedian, COM, -- not yet
smoothWgt, .wgtFUN.covMcd, .wgtFUN.covComed,
psiFunc, huberPsi, hampelPsi,
## Not yet:
## tukeyPsi, # = biweight / bisquare
tukeyChi, tukeyPsi1, # TODO deprecate: see ./TODO
Mpsi, Mchi, Mwgt, MrhoInf, .Mpsi, .Mchi, .Mwgt, .MrhoInf,
.Mchi.tuning.default, .Mpsi.tuning.default, .regularize.Mpsi,
.Mchi.tuning.defaults, .Mpsi.tuning.defaults,
.psi2ipsi, .psi.ggw.findc, .psi.lqq.findc,
lmrob, lmrob.fit,
lmrob.fit.MM, lmrob..M..fit, lmrob..D..fit,
lmrob.S, lmrob.lar, lmrob.M.S,
.lmrob.hat, # was lmrob.leverages()
mc, # Mia Hubers's medcouple
nlrob, nlrob.control
, glmrobMqle.control, glmrobBY.control, glmrobMT.control
, BYlogreg ## R/BYlogreg.R FIXME: add to glmrob() and "deprecate"
## , glmrobMT ## R/MTestimador2.R
, estimethod
## related to detMCD() and to be used in rrcov etc:
, r6pack, doScale
, rankMM, classPC, .signflip
## S3 methods for ``our own'' S3 generics:
S3method(ltsReg, default)
S3method(ltsReg, formula)
S3method(adjbox, default)
S3method(adjbox, formula)
## Register all the methods for S3 generics elsewhere
## in case namespace is loaded but not currently attached.
S3method(anova, lmrob)
S3method(anova, glmrob)
S3method(alias, lmrob)
S3method(case.names, lmrob)
S3method(confint, lmrob)
S3method(confint, nlrob)
S3method(dummy.coef, lmrob)
S3method(estimethod, nlrob)
S3method(family, lmrob)
S3method(hatvalues, lmrob)
S3method(kappa, lmrob)
S3method(labels, lmrob)
S3method(model.matrix, lmrob)
S3method(nobs, lmrob)
S3method(nobs, lmrob.S, nobs.lmrob)# use the same as "lmrob"
S3method(nobs, mcd)
S3method(residuals, lmrob)
S3method(variable.names, lmrob)
S3method(weights, glmrob)
S3method(weights, lmrob)
S3method(weights, lmrob.S, weights.lmrob)# use the same as "lmrob"
S3method(weights, nlrob, weights.lmrob)# use the same as "lmrob"
S3method(formula, nlrob)
S3method(fitted, nlrob)
S3method(plot, lts)
S3method(plot, mcd)
S3method(plot, lmrob)
S3method(predict, lmrob)
S3method(predict, glmrob)
S3method(predict, nlrob)
S3method(print, glmrob)
S3method(print, lts)
S3method(print, mcd)
S3method(print, nlrob)
S3method(print, lmrob)
S3method(print, lmrob.S)
S3method(print, summary.glmrob)
S3method(print, summary.lmrob)
S3method(print, summary.nlrob)
S3method(print, summary.lts)
S3method(qr, lmrob)
## lmrob uses residuals.default
S3method(residuals, nlrob)
S3method(residuals, glmrob)
S3method(summary, glmrob)
S3method(summary, lmrob)
S3method(summary, lts)
S3method(summary, mcd)
S3method(summary, nlrob)
S3method(sigma, lmrob)
S3method(sigma, nlrob)
S3method(vcov, glmrob)
S3method(vcov, lmrob)
S3method(vcov, nlrob)
S3method(print, summary.mcd)
## S4 Generics {only those defined in this package}:
"functionX", # function(x, <tune_par>): VECTORIZED in 'x'
"functionXal", # a functional: function of tuning par.s only
"psi_func" # containing rho(), psi(), psi'(), ...