/usr/lib/R/site-library/spdep/NAMESPACE is in r-cran-spdep 0.6-9-1.
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importFrom(stats, model.matrix, model.response, aggregate, optimize, optim, nlminb, influence.measures, lag, punif, na.fail, as.formula, terms, lm, model.extract, coefficients, residuals, var, deviance, integrate, summary.lm, coef, pchisq, logLik, gaussian, pnorm, model.weights, model.offset, glm.fit, sd, predict, formula, lm.fit, anova, ppois, model.frame, AIC, qnorm, napredict, nlm, optimHess, resid, fitted, weighted.residuals, weights, naresid, rnorm, optimise, uniroot, mahalanobis, dist, p.adjust, density, fitted.values, delete.response, printCoefmat, quantile, na.omit, cor, predict.lm)
importFrom("stats", "dbeta", "rchisq", "runif")
importFrom(nlme, fdHess)
importFrom(deldir, deldir)
importFrom(boot, boot)
importFrom(MASS, mvrnorm)
importFrom(coda, as.mcmc, HPDinterval)
importFrom(splines, interpSpline)
importFrom(graphics, par, locator, lines, text, plot.new, plot.window, segments, points, identify, symbols, abline, hist, arrows, axis, stem)
importFrom(utils, write.table, object.size, read.table, read.csv, packageDescription)
importFrom(grDevices, rainbow)
if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") importFrom(grDevices, bringToTop)
importFrom(LearnBayes, rwmetrop)
importFrom(gmodels, estimable)
export(EBImoran.mc, probmap, choynowski, EBest, EBlocal, LR.sarlm,
LR1.sarlm, Wald1.sarlm, airdist, card, rookcell,
queencell, mrc2vi, vi2mrc, cell2nb, n.comp.nb, diffnb,
dnearneigh, droplinks, eigenw, errorsarlm, lmSLX, create_WX,
predict.SLX, gabrielneigh, geary.test,
geary, geary.mc, globalG.test, graph2nb, joincount.test, joincount.mc,
joincount.multi, print.jcmulti,
knearneigh, knn2nb, lagsarlm, listw2sn, sn2listw, read.gwt2nb,
write.sn2gwt, lm.LMtests, lm.morantest, localG, localmoran, moran,
moran.test, moran.mc, moran.plot, localmoran.sad, lm.morantest.sad,
nb2listw, nb2mat, listw2mat, mat2listw, invIrM, invIrW, nbdists, nblag,
nblag_cumul, poly2nb, read.gal, write.nb.gal, read.geoda, relativeneigh,
soi.graph, sp.correlogram, sp.mantel.mc, set.spChkOption, chkIDs,
get.spChkOption, spNamedVec, tri2nb,
spweights.constants, lag.listw, listw2U, listw2star, is.symmetric.nb,
sym.attr.nb, include.self, make.sym.nb, union.nb, intersect.nb,
setdiff.nb, complement.nb, Szero, spdep, print.nb, summary.nb,
plot.nb, edit.nb, subset.nb, summary.listw, print.listw, subset.listw,
plot.Gabriel, plot.relative, print.jclist, print.LMtestlist,
plot.mc.sim, as.data.frame.localmoransad, print.localmoransad,
summary.localmoransad, print.summary.localmoransad, print.moransad,
summary.moransad, print.summary.moransad, print.spcor, plot.spcor,
print.sarlm, summary.sarlm, residuals.sarlm, deviance.sarlm,
coef.sarlm, fitted.sarlm, logLik.sarlm, anova.sarlm, vcov.sarlm,
predict.sarlm, print.summary.sarlm, print.sarlm.pred, bptest.sarlm,
write.sn2dat, read.dat2listw, nb2blocknb, p.adjustSP,
# asMatrixCsrListw, asMatrixCsrI, asMatrixCsrIrW, asListwMatrixCsr,
is.symmetric.glist, similar.listw, nb2lines, listw2lines, df2sn,
plot.listw, aggregate.nb, old.make.sym.nb, Hausman.test)
export(set.VerboseOption, get.VerboseOption, set.ZeroPolicyOption,
export(set.mcOption, get.mcOption, set.coresOption, get.coresOption,
set.ClusterOption, get.ClusterOption)
export(spautolm, residuals.spautolm, deviance.spautolm, coef.spautolm,
fitted.spautolm, print.spautolm, summary.spautolm, LR1.spautolm,
logLik.spautolm, print.summary.spautolm, autocov_dist, GMerrorsar,
gstsls, GMargminImage,
residuals.gmsar, deviance.gmsar, coef.gmsar, fitted.gmsar,
print.gmsar, summary.gmsar,
print.summary.gmsar, SpatialFiltering, print.SFResult, fitted.SFResult,
ME, print.ME_res, fitted.ME_res, stsls, print.stsls, summary.stsls,
print.summary.stsls, residuals.stsls, coef.stsls, deviance.stsls)
export(nb2WB, listw2WB, as_dgRMatrix_listw, as_dsTMatrix_listw, as_dsCMatrix_I,
as_dsCMatrix_IrW, Jacobian_W, powerWeights, nb2INLA)
export(lm.morantest.exact, print.moranex, localmoran.exact, localmoran.exact.alt, print.localmoranex, as.data.frame.localmoranex)
export(mstree, nbcosts, nbcost, plot.mst, plot.skater, prunecost, ssw, prunemst, skater)
export(aple, aple.mc, aple.plot, localAple)
export(trW, impacts, intImpacts)
export(lagmess, sacsarlm)
export(mom_calc, mom_calc_int2)
export(do_ldet, eigen_setup, mcdet_setup, cheb_setup, spam_setup,
Matrix_setup, LU_setup, Matrix_J_setup, spam_update_setup,
moments_setup, SE_classic_setup, SE_whichMin_setup, SE_interp_setup,
LU_prepermutate_setup, eigen_pre_setup)
export(jacobianSetup, can.be.simmed)
export(griffith_sone, subgraph_eigenw)
export(tolerance.nb, Rotation)
export(lextrB, lextrW, lextrS, l_max)
export(lee.mc, lee, lee.test)
S3method(print, nb)
S3method(summary, nb)
S3method(plot, nb)
S3method(edit, nb)
S3method(subset, nb)
S3method(aggregate, nb)
S3method(summary, listw)
S3method(print, listw)
S3method(plot, listw)
S3method(subset, listw)
S3method(lag, listw)
S3method(plot, Gabriel)
S3method(plot, relative)
S3method(print, jclist)
S3method(print, jcmulti)
S3method(print, LMtestlist)
S3method(summary, LMtestlist)
S3method(print, LMtestlist.summary)
S3method(plot, mc.sim)
S3method(as.data.frame, localmoransad)
S3method(print, localmoransad)
S3method(summary, localmoransad)
S3method(print, summary.localmoransad)
S3method(print, moransad)
S3method(summary, moransad)
S3method(print, summary.moransad)
S3method(print, moranex)
S3method(print, localmoranex)
S3method(as.data.frame, localmoranex)
S3method(print, spcor)
S3method(plot, spcor)
S3method(print, sarlm)
S3method(summary, sarlm)
S3method(residuals, sarlm)
S3method(deviance, sarlm)
S3method(coef, sarlm)
S3method(vcov, sarlm)
S3method(fitted, sarlm)
S3method(logLik, sarlm)
S3method(anova, sarlm)
S3method(predict, sarlm)
S3method(impacts, sarlm)
S3method(Hausman.test, sarlm)
S3method(MCMCsamp, sarlm)
S3method(impacts, MCMC_sar_g)
S3method(impacts, SLX)
S3method(predict, SLX)
S3method(print, summary.sarlm)
S3method(print, sarlm.pred)
S3method(as.data.frame, sarlm.pred)
S3method(residuals, spautolm)
S3method(deviance, spautolm)
S3method(coef, spautolm)
S3method(fitted, spautolm)
S3method(print, spautolm)
S3method(summary, spautolm)
S3method(logLik, spautolm)
S3method(MCMCsamp, spautolm)
S3method(print, summary.spautolm)
S3method(residuals, gmsar)
S3method(deviance, gmsar)
S3method(coef, gmsar)
S3method(fitted, gmsar)
S3method(print, gmsar)
S3method(summary, gmsar)
S3method(Hausman.test, gmsar)
S3method(impacts, gmsar)
S3method(print, summary.gmsar)
S3method(fitted, SFResult)
S3method(print, SFResult)
S3method(fitted, ME_res)
S3method(print, ME_res)
S3method(residuals, stsls)
S3method(deviance, stsls)
S3method(coef, stsls)
S3method(print, stsls)
S3method(summary, stsls)
S3method(impacts, stsls)
S3method(print, summary.stsls)
S3method(plot, mst)
S3method(plot, skater)
S3method(print, lagImpact)
S3method(plot, lagImpact)
S3method(summary, lagImpact)
S3method(HPDinterval, lagImpact)
S3method(print, summary.lagImpact)
S3method(print, WXImpact)
S3method(summary, WXImpact)
S3method(print, summary.WXImpact)
S3method(print, lagmess)
S3method(summary, lagmess)
S3method(print, summary.lagmess)
S3method(residuals, lagmess)
S3method(deviance, lagmess)
S3method(coef, lagmess)
S3method(fitted, lagmess)
S3method(logLik, lagmess)