/usr/share/faumachine/experiments/install-OpenBSD-3.5/generate is in faumachine-data 20110812-1.2.
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# $Id: generate,v 1.1 2009-02-16 15:12:37 potyra Exp $
cdrom_insert OpenBSD-3.5-CD-1
wait_asc boot> 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc (S)hell? 1min
type "i\0d"
wait_asc [vt220] 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc table? [no] 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc install? [no] 1min
type "yes\0d"
wait_asc [wd0] 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc OpenBSD? [no] 1min
type "yes\0d"
wait_asc > 1min
type "d a\0d"
wait_ppm disklabel-0.png 1min
type "a a\0d"
wait_asc [63] 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc [524097] 1min
type "520000\0d"
wait_asc [4.2BSD] 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc point: [none] 1min
type "/\0d"
wait_ppm disklabel-1.png 1min
type "a b\0d"
wait_asc [520063] 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc [4097] 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc [swap] 1min
type "\0d"
wait_ppm disklabel-2.png 1min
type "w\0d"
wait_ppm disklabel-3.png 1min
type "q\0d"
wait_asc proceed? [no] 1min
type "yes\0d"
wait_asc 'foo') 1min
type "foo\0d"
wait_asc network? [yes] 1min
type "no\0d"
wait_asc echo) 1min
type "WeV0te4u!\0d"
wait_asc again) 1min
type "WeV0te4u!\0d"
wait_asc (or 'done') 1min
type "c\0d"
wait_asc [cd0] 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc [3.5/i386] 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc [bsd.rd] 1min
type "done\0d"
wait_asc sets? [yes] 1min
type "\0d"
wait_ppm done-1.png 6min
type "done\0d"
wait_asc by default? [yes] 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc X Window System? [yes] 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc [Canada/Mountain] 1min
type "Europe/Berlin\0d"
wait_ppm done-2.png 4min
type "halt\0d"
wait_asc to reboot. 1min
delay 1sec