/usr/share/faumachine/experiments/install-OpenBSD-4.5/generate.in is in faumachine-data 20110812-1.2.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 | #
# $Id: generate.in,v 1.1 2009-05-07 13:43:02 vrsieh Exp $
cdrom_insert OpenBSD-4.5-@ARCH@-CD-1
wait_asc boot> 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc (S)hell? 5min
type "i\0d"
wait_asc [vt220] 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc kbd(8) mapping 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc install? [no] 1min
type "yes\0d"
wait_asc [wd0] 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc OpenBSD? [no] 1min
type "yes\0d"
wait_asc > 1min
type "a a\0d"
wait_asc offset: [63] 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc size: [8388513] 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc FS type: [4.2BSD] 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc mount point: [none] 1min
type "/\0d"
wait_asc > 1min
type "w\0d"
wait_asc > 1min
type "q\0d"
wait_asc proceed? [no] 1min
type "yes\0d"
wait_asc 'foo') 1min
type "openbsd45\0d"
wait_asc network? [yes] 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc Which one do you wish to initialize? 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc Symbolic (host) name for fxp0? 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc Do you want to change the media options? 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc IPv4 address for fxp0? 1min
type "dhcp\0d"
wait_asc IPv6 address for fxp0? 5min
type "\0d"
wait_asc DNS domain name? 1min
type "faumachine.org\0d"
wait_asc DNS nameserver? 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc Use the nameserver now? 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc Default IPv4 route? 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc Edit hosts with ed? 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc Do you want to do any manual network configuration? 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc echo) 1min
type "WeV0te4u!\0d"
wait_asc again) 1min
type "WeV0te4u!\0d"
wait_asc Location of sets? 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc [cd0] 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc [4.5/@ARCH@] 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc [bsd.mp] 1min
type "xbase45.tgz\0d"
wait_asc [bsd.mp] 1min
type "xetc45.tgz\0d"
wait_asc [bsd.mp] 1min
type "xshare45.tgz\0d"
wait_asc [bsd.mp] 1min
type "xfont45.tgz\0d"
wait_asc [bsd.mp] 1min
type "xserv45.tgz\0d"
wait_asc [bsd.mp] 1min
type "done\0d"
wait_asc sets? [yes] 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc Getting bsd ... 15min
wait_asc Getting bsd.rd ... 15min
wait_asc Getting base45.tgz ... 15min
wait_asc Getting etc45.tgz ... 15min
wait_asc Getting misc45.tgz ... 15min
wait_asc Getting comp45.tgz ... 15min
wait_asc Getting man45.tgz ... 15min
wait_asc Getting game45.tgz ... 15min
wait_asc Getting xbase45.tgz ... 15min
wait_asc Getting xetc45.tgz ... 15min
wait_asc Getting xshare45.tgz ... 15min
wait_asc Getting xfont45.tgz ... 15min
wait_asc Getting xserv45.tgz ... 15min
wait_asc Location of sets? 15min
type "\0d"
wait_asc Start sshd(8) by default? [yes] 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc Start ntpd(8) by default? [no] 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc Do you expect to run the X Window System? [no] 1min
type "yes\0d"
wait_asc Change the default console to com0? [no] 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc What timezone are you in? 1min
type "Europe/Berlin\0d"
wait_asc Making all device nodes... 1min
wait_asc CONGRATULATIONS! 5min
type "halt\0d"
wait_asc Please press any key to reboot. 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc login: 5min
type "root\0d"
wait_asc Password: 1min
type "WeV0te4u!\0d"
wait_asc Terminal type? [vt220] 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc # 1min
type "xorgconfig\0d"
wait_asc ctrl-c to abort. 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc protocol number: 1min
type "1\0d"
wait_asc Emulate3Buttons? 1min
type "y\0d"
wait_asc mouse wheel? 1min
type "y\0d"
wait_asc Mouse device: 1min
type "/dev/wsmouse\0d"
wait_asc Press enter for the next page 1min
type "3\0d"
wait_asc Press enter for the next page 1min
type "1\0d"
wait_asc default variant 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc indicator, etc.)? 1min
type "n\0d"
wait_asc ctrl-c to abort. 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc (1-11): 1min
type "7\0d"
wait_asc your choice: 1min
type "2\0d"
wait_asc monitor definition: 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc card database? 1min
type "y\0d"
wait_asc continue configuration. 1min
type "12\0d"
wait_asc ctrl-c to abort. 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc your choice: 1min
type "5\0d"
wait_asc card definition: 1min
type "\0d"
wait_asc your choice: 1min
type "4\0d"
wait_asc default depth. 1min
type "5\0d"
wait_asc /xorg.conf? 1min
type "y\0d"
wait_asc # 1min
type "cat /etc/rc.conf | sed -e 's/xdm_flags=NO/xdm_flags=\22\22/' > rc.new\0d"
wait_asc # 1min
type "mv rc.new /etc/rc.conf\0d"
wait_asc # 1min
type "halt\0d"
wait_asc Please press any key to reboot. 5min
type "\0d"
wait_ppm 001-Welcome.png 5min
type "root\0d"
type "WeV0te4u!\0d"
wait_ppm 002-xterm.png 5min
mouse_move 002-xterm.png
type "halt\0d"
wait_asc Please press any key to reboot. 5min
delay 1sec