/usr/share/faumachine/vhdl/pc-camera.vhdl is in faumachine-data 20110812-1.2.
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-- $Id: pc-camera.vhdl,v 1.10 2011-01-25 19:11:00 vrsieh Exp $
-- Copyright (C) 2010 FAUmachine Team <info@faumachine.org>.
-- This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it
-- under the terms of the GNU General Public License, either version 2 of
-- the License, or (at your option) any later version. See COPYING.
library expect;
use expect.types.ALL;
use expect.procedures.ALL;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
entity pc_standard is
memsize : integer := 256;
disksize : integer := 2048
ext_eth0 : inout eth;
ext_usb0 : inout usb_bus;
ext_usb1 : inout usb_bus;
ext_par : inout parallel;
ext_ser0 : inout serial;
ext_ser1 : inout serial;
power_switch : in boolean;
power_button : in boolean;
reset_button : in boolean;
media_floppy : inout floppy;
floppy : in cstring;
media_cd : inout magneto_optical;
cdrom : in cstring;
media_image : inout opt_rgb;
image : in cstring;
key : in boolean_array(0 to 127);
mouse_dx : in integer;
mouse_dy : in integer;
mouse_dz : in integer;
mouse_button1 : in boolean;
mouse_button2 : in boolean;
mouse_button3 : in boolean;
mouse_button4 : in boolean;
mouse_button5 : in boolean;
screen_shot : in boolean;
rec : in boolean;
opt_screen : out opt_rgb
end pc_standard;
architecture structural of pc_standard is
signal power_board : power_board;
signal power_dev0 : power_device;
signal power_dev1 : power_device;
signal power_dev2 : power_device;
signal power_dev3 : power_device;
signal power_dev4 : power_device;
signal power_dev5 : power_device;
signal power_dev6 : power_device;
signal power_dev7 : power_device;
signal int_cpu : host775_bus;
signal int_mem0 : mem_bus;
signal int_mem1 : mem_bus;
signal int_mem2 : mem_bus;
signal int_mem3 : mem_bus;
signal int_agp : agp_bus;
signal int_pci0 : pci_bus;
signal int_pci1 : pci_bus;
signal int_pci2 : pci_bus;
signal int_ide0 : ide_bus;
signal int_ide1 : ide_bus;
signal int_kbd : ps2;
signal int_mouse : ps2;
signal int_shugart : shugart_bus;
signal int_n_power_button : std_logic;
signal int_n_reset_button : std_logic;
signal int_vga : vga;
signal int_power_led : boolean;
signal int_ide_led : boolean;
signal int_speaker : sound;
signal int_power_230v : boolean;
signal int_video : video;
signal int_power : boolean; -- FIXME
signal int_movie : cstring; -- FIXME
chassis : chassis
port map(
mech_power_button => power_button,
n_power_button => int_n_power_button,
mech_reset_button => reset_button,
n_reset_button => int_n_reset_button,
power_led => int_power_led,
ide_led => int_ide_led,
-- audio_speaker connected with frontend
speaker => int_speaker
power_supply : power_supply
port map(
mech_power_switch => power_switch,
power_board => power_board,
power_dev0 => power_dev0,
power_dev1 => power_dev1,
power_dev2 => power_dev2,
power_dev3 => power_dev3,
power_dev4 => power_dev4,
power_dev5 => power_dev5,
power_dev6 => power_dev6,
power_dev7 => power_dev7,
power_230v => int_power_230v
motherboard : mb_ga_ep45t_ud3lr
port map(
power => power_board,
cpu => int_cpu,
mem0 => int_mem0,
mem1 => int_mem1,
mem2 => int_mem2,
mem3 => int_mem3,
agp => int_agp,
pci0 => int_pci0,
pci1 => int_pci1,
pci2 => int_pci2,
ide0 => int_ide0,
ide1 => int_ide1,
usb0 => ext_usb0,
usb1 => ext_usb1,
ser0 => ext_ser0,
ser1 => ext_ser1,
par => ext_par,
keyboard => int_kbd,
mouse => int_mouse,
speaker => int_speaker,
shugart => int_shugart,
n_power_button => int_n_power_button,
n_reset_button => int_n_reset_button,
power_led => int_power_led,
ide_led => int_ide_led
cpu : cpu_intel_x86_64
port map(
conn => int_cpu
mem0 : memory
generic map(
size => memsize
port map(
conn => int_mem0
video : pci_cirrus_gd5446
port map(
pci => int_pci0,
video => int_vga
eth0 : pci_intel_eepro100
port map(
pci => int_pci1,
network => ext_eth0
camera_adapter : pci_fau_camera_adapter
port map(
pci => int_pci2,
video => int_video
keyboard : keyboard
port map(
ps2 => int_kbd,
key0 => key(0), key1 => key(1),
key2 => key(2), key3 => key(3),
key4 => key(4), key5 => key(5),
key6 => key(6), key7 => key(7),
key8 => key(8), key9 => key(9),
key10 => key(10), key11 => key(11),
key12 => key(12), key13 => key(13),
key14 => key(14), key15 => key(15),
key16 => key(16), key17 => key(17),
key18 => key(18), key19 => key(19),
key20 => key(20), key21 => key(21),
key22 => key(22), key23 => key(23),
key24 => key(24), key25 => key(25),
key26 => key(26), key27 => key(27),
key28 => key(28), key29 => key(29),
key30 => key(30), key31 => key(31),
key32 => key(32), key33 => key(33),
key34 => key(34), key35 => key(35),
key36 => key(36), key37 => key(37),
key38 => key(38), key39 => key(39),
key40 => key(40), key41 => key(41),
key42 => key(42), key43 => key(43),
key44 => key(44), key45 => key(45),
key46 => key(46), key47 => key(47),
key48 => key(48), key49 => key(49),
key50 => key(50), key51 => key(51),
key52 => key(52), key53 => key(53),
key54 => key(54), key55 => key(55),
key56 => key(56), key57 => key(57),
key58 => key(58), key59 => key(59),
key60 => key(60), key61 => key(61),
key62 => key(62), key63 => key(63),
key64 => key(64), key65 => key(65),
key66 => key(66), key67 => key(67),
key68 => key(68), key69 => key(69),
key70 => key(70), key71 => key(71),
key72 => key(72), key73 => key(73),
key74 => key(74), key75 => key(75),
key76 => key(76), key77 => key(77),
key78 => key(78), key79 => key(79),
key80 => key(80), key81 => key(81),
key82 => key(82), key83 => key(83),
key84 => key(84), key85 => key(85),
key86 => key(86), key87 => key(87),
key88 => key(88), key89 => key(89),
key90 => key(90), key91 => key(91),
key92 => key(92), key93 => key(93),
key94 => key(94), key95 => key(95),
key96 => key(96), key97 => key(97),
key98 => key(98), key99 => key(99),
key100 => key(100), key101 => key(101),
key102 => key(102), key103 => key(103),
key104 => key(104), key105 => key(105),
key106 => key(106), key107 => key(107),
key108 => key(108), key109 => key(109),
key110 => key(110), key111 => key(111),
key112 => key(112), key113 => key(113),
key114 => key(114), key115 => key(115),
key116 => key(116), key117 => key(117),
key118 => key(118), key119 => key(119),
key120 => key(120), key121 => key(121),
key122 => key(122), key123 => key(123),
key124 => key(124), key125 => key(125),
key126 => key(126), key127 => key(127)
mouse : ps2_gen_mouse_4
port map(
ps2 => int_mouse,
deltax => mouse_dx,
deltay => mouse_dy,
deltaz => mouse_dz,
button1 => mouse_button1,
button2 => mouse_button2,
button3 => mouse_button3,
button4 => mouse_button4,
button5 => mouse_button5
monitor : monitor
port map(
vga => int_vga,
opt_video => opt_screen,
screen_shot => screen_shot,
rec => rec,
power_230v => int_power_230v
floppy_drive : floppy_gen_floppydrive
generic map(
unit => 0
port map(
power => power_dev2,
shugart => int_shugart,
media => media_floppy,
change => floppy
hda : ide_gen_disk
generic map(
unit => 0,
size => disksize
port map(
power => power_dev0,
ide => int_ide0
hdc : ide_gen_cdrom
generic map(
unit => 0
port map(
power => power_dev1,
ide => int_ide1,
media => media_cd,
change => cdrom
int_power <= true; -- FIXME
camera : video_fau_camera
port map(
power => int_power, -- FIXME
video => int_video,
image => image,
movie => int_movie
end structural;