/usr/share/pyshared/invest/applet.py is in gnome-applets-data 3.4.1-3.
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from os.path import *
from gi.repository import GObject, Gtk, Gdk, GdkPixbuf, GConf, PanelApplet
from gettext import gettext as _
import invest, invest.about, invest.chart, invest.preferences, invest.defs
from invest.quotes import QuoteUpdater
from invest.widgets import *
Gtk.Window.set_default_icon_from_file(join(invest.ART_DATA_DIR, "invest_neutral.svg"))
WidgetBorderWidth = 4
WidgetPaddingSpace = 10
class InvestApplet(PanelApplet.Applet):
def __init__(self, applet):
invest.debug("init applet");
self.applet = applet
# name, stock_id, label, accellerator, tooltip, callback
menu_actions = [("About", Gtk.STOCK_HELP, _("About"), None, None, self.on_about),
("Help", Gtk.STOCK_HELP, _("Help"), None, None, self.on_help),
("Prefs", Gtk.STOCK_PREFERENCES, _("Preferences"), None, None, self.on_preferences),
("Refresh", Gtk.STOCK_REFRESH, _("Refresh"), None, None, self.on_refresh)
actiongroup = Gtk.ActionGroup.new("InvestAppletActions")
actiongroup.add_actions(menu_actions, None)
self.applet.setup_menu_from_file (join(invest.defs.PKGDATADIR, "ui/invest-applet-menu.xml"),
evbox = Gtk.HBox()
self.applet_icon = Gtk.Image()
self.applet.connect("button-press-event", self.button_clicked)
def new_ilw(self):
self.quotes_updater = QuoteUpdater(self.set_applet_icon,
self.investwidget = InvestWidget(self.quotes_updater)
self.ilw = InvestmentsListWindow(self.applet, self.investwidget)
def reload_ilw(self):
def button_clicked(self, widget,event):
if event.type == Gdk.EventType.BUTTON_PRESS and event.button == 1:
# Three cases...
if len (invest.STOCKS) == 0:
# a) We aren't configured yet
invest.preferences.show_preferences(self, _("<b>You have not entered any stock information yet</b>"))
elif not self.quotes_updater.quotes_valid:
# b) We can't get the data (e.g. offline)
alert = Gtk.MessageDialog(buttons=Gtk.ButtonsType.CLOSE)
alert.set_markup(_("<b>No stock quotes are currently available</b>"))
alert.format_secondary_text(_("The server could not be contacted. The computer is either offline or the servers are down. Try again later."))
# c) Everything is normal: pop-up the window
def on_about(self, action, data):
def on_help(self, action, data):
def on_preferences(self, action, data):
def on_refresh(self, action, data):
def set_applet_icon(self, change):
if change == 1:
pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_size(join(invest.ART_DATA_DIR, "invest-22_up.png"), -1,-1)
elif change == 0:
pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_size(join(invest.ART_DATA_DIR, "invest-22_neutral.png"), -1,-1)
pixbuf = GdkPixbuf.Pixbuf.new_from_file_at_size(join(invest.ART_DATA_DIR, "invest-22_down.png"), -1,-1)
def set_applet_tooltip(self, text):
class InvestmentsListWindow(Gtk.Window):
def __init__(self, applet, list):
Gtk.Window.__init__(self, type=Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL)
self.list = list
self.list.connect('row-collapsed', self.on_collapsed)
self.list.connect('row-expanded', self.on_expanded)
self.applet = applet # this is the widget we want to align with
self.alignment = self.applet.get_orient ()
sw = Gtk.ScrolledWindow()
# boolean variable that identifies if the window is visible
# show/hide is triggered by left-clicking on the applet
self.hidden = True
def toggle_show(self):
if self.hidden == True:
self.hidden = False
elif self.hidden == False:
self.hidden = True
def on_collapsed(self, treeview, iter, path):
def on_expanded(self, treeview, iter, path):
def update_position (self):
Calculates the position and moves the window to it.
# get information sources
window = self.applet.get_window()
screen = window.get_screen()
monitor = screen.get_monitor_geometry (screen.get_monitor_at_window (window))
# Get applet position and dimensions ...
(ret, ax, ay) = window.get_origin()
(ignored, ignored, aw, ah) = window.get_geometry()
# ... and widget dimensions
size = self.list.size_request()
ww = size.width + self.get_border_width() * 2
wh = size.height + self.get_border_width() * 2
invest.debug("applet has position (%d,%d) and size (%d,%d)" % (ax, ay, aw, ah))
invest.debug("applet widget has size (%d,%d)" % (ww, wh))
invest.debug("monitor has position (%d,%d) and size (%d,%d)" % (monitor.x, monitor.y, monitor.width, monitor.height))
if self.alignment == PanelApplet.AppletOrient.LEFT:
invest.debug("applet orientation is LEFT")
wx = ax - ww - WidgetPaddingSpace
wy = ay
if (wy + wh + WidgetPaddingSpace > monitor.y + monitor.height):
wy = monitor.y + monitor.height - wh - WidgetPaddingSpace
if (wy + wh + WidgetPaddingSpace > monitor.height):
wh = wh - (wy + wh + WidgetPaddingSpace - monitor.height)
wy = monitor.height - wh - WidgetPaddingSpace
if (wy < WidgetPaddingSpace):
wh = wh + (wy - WidgetPaddingSpace)
wy = WidgetPaddingSpace
if (wy + wh > monitor.height / 2):
gravity = Gdk.Gravity.SOUTH_WEST
gravity = Gdk.Gravity.NORTH_WEST
elif self.alignment == PanelApplet.AppletOrient.RIGHT:
invest.debug("applet orientation is RIGHT")
wx = ax + aw
wy = ay
if (wy + wh + WidgetPaddingSpace > monitor.y + monitor.height):
wy = monitor.y + monitor.height - wh - WidgetPaddingSpace
if (wy + wh + WidgetPaddingSpace > monitor.height):
wh = wh - (wy + wh + WidgetPaddingSpace - monitor.height)
wy = monitor.height - wh - WidgetPaddingSpace
if (wy < WidgetPaddingSpace):
wh = wh + (wy - WidgetPaddingSpace)
wy = WidgetPaddingSpace
if (wy + wh > monitor.height / 2):
gravity = Gdk.Gravity.SOUTH_EAST
gravity = Gdk.Gravity.NORTH_EAST
elif self.alignment == PanelApplet.AppletOrient.DOWN:
invest.debug("applet orientation is DOWN")
wx = ax
wy = ay + ah
if (wx + ww > monitor.x + monitor.width):
wx = monitor.x + monitor.width - ww
if (wx < 0):
wx = 0
if (wy + wh + WidgetPaddingSpace > monitor.height):
wh = wh - (wy + wh + WidgetPaddingSpace - monitor.height)
wy = monitor.height - wh - WidgetPaddingSpace
gravity = Gdk.Gravity.NORTH_WEST
elif self.alignment == PanelApplet.AppletOrient.UP:
invest.debug("applet orientation is UP")
invest.debug("widget size is (%d,%d)" % (ww, wh))
wx = ax
wy = ay - wh
if (wx + ww > monitor.x + monitor.width):
wx = monitor.x + monitor.width - ww
if (wx < 0):
wx = 0
invest.debug("current widget position is (%d,%d)" % (wx, wy))
if (wy < WidgetPaddingSpace):
wy = WidgetPaddingSpace
if (wy + wh + WidgetPaddingSpace > monitor.height):
wh = monitor.height - wy - WidgetPaddingSpace
gravity = Gdk.Gravity.SOUTH_WEST
invest.debug("Set widget position to (%d,%d)" % (wx, wy))
self.move(wx, wy)
invest.debug("Set widget size to (%d,%d)" % (ww, wh))
self.resize(ww, wh)
invest.debug("Set widget gravity to %s" % gravity)