/usr/share/gnucash/guile-modules/www/http.scm is in gnucash-common 1:2.4.10-6.
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(define-module (www http)
:use-module (www url)
:use-module (ice-9 regex))
;;;; Copyright (C) 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;;;; any later version.
;;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;;;; along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
;;;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
;;;; Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
;;; Compatibility
(or (defined? 'read-line)
(use-modules (ice-9 rdelim)))
;;; Variables that affect HTTP usage.
(define-public http:version "HTTP/1.0") ; bump up to 1.1 when ready
(define-public http:user-agent "GuileHTTP 0.1")
;;; An HTTP message is represented by a vector:
;;; is an alist of headers and their contents. BODY is a single string.
(define (http:make-message version statcode stattext headers body)
(vector version statcode stattext headers body))
;;;; HTTP status predicates.
;;; (http:message-version MSG)
;;; Returns the HTTP version in use in HTTP message MSG.
;;; (http:message-status-code MSG)
;;; Returns the status code returned in HTTP message MSG.
;;; (http:message-status-text MSG)
;;; Returns the text of the status line from HTTP message MSG.
;;; (http:message-status-ok? STATUS)
;;; Returns #t if status code STATUS indicates a successful request,
;;; #f otherwise.
(define-public (http:message-version msg) (vector-ref msg 0))
(define-public (http:message-status-code msg) (vector-ref msg 1))
(define-public (http:message-status-text msg) (vector-ref msg 2))
(define-public (http:message-status-ok? msg)
(http:status-ok? (http:status-code msg)))
(define-public (http:status-ok? status)
(char=? #\2 (string-ref status 0)))
(define-public (http:message-body msg) (vector-ref msg 4))
;;; HTTP response headers functions
;;; An HTTP message header is represented here by a pair. The CAR is a
;;; symbol representing the header name, and the CDR is a string
;;; containing the header text. E.g.:
;;; '((date . "Thu, 29 May 1997 23:48:27 GMT")
;;; (server . "NCSA/1.5.1")
;;; (last-modified . "Tue, 06 May 1997 18:32:03 GMT")
;;; (content-type . "text/html")
;;; (content-length . "8097"))
;;; Note: these symbols are all lowercase, although the original headers
;;; were mixed-case. Clients using this library should keep this in
;;; mind, since Guile symbols are case-sensitive.
;;; FIXME: should headers with known semantics be parsed automatically?
;;; I.e. should the Content-Length header automatically get string->number?
;;; Should Date and Last-Modified headers be run through strptime?
;;; It is advantageous to keep headers in a uniform format, but it may
;;; be convenient to parse headers that have unambiguous meanings.
;;; (http:message-headers MSG)
;;; Returns a list of the headers from HTTP message MSG.
;;; (http:message-header HEADER MSG)
;;; Return the header field named HEADER from HTTP message MSG, or
;;; #f if no such header is present in the message.
(define-public (http:message-headers msg) (vector-ref msg 3))
(define-public (http:message-header header msg)
(http:fetch-header header (http:message-headers msg)))
(define (http:fetch-header header header-alist)
(assq-ref header-alist header))
(define header-regex (make-regexp ": *"))
(define (http:header-parse hd)
(let ((match (regexp-exec header-regex hd)))
(cons (string->symbol
(apply string
(map char-downcase
(string->list (match:prefix match)))))
(match:suffix match))))
(define (parse-status-line statline)
(let* ((first (string-index statline #\space))
(second (string-index statline #\space (1+ first))))
(list (substring statline 0 first)
(substring statline (1+ first) second)
(substring statline (1+ second)))))
;;; HTTP connection management functions.
;;; Open connections are cached on hostname in the connection-table.
;;; If an HTTP connection is already open to a particular host and TCP port,
;;; looking up the hostname and port number in connection-table will yield
;;; a Scheme port that may be used to communicate with that server.
(define connection-table '())
;; FIXME: you can only re-use a connection if the server sends the
;; Keep-Alive header, I think. With these definitions, we were trying to
;; send more requests on connections the server assumed were dead.
;; (define (add-open-connection! host tcp-port port)
;; (set! connection-table
;; (assoc-set! connection-table (cons host tcp-port) port)))
;; (define (get-open-connection host tcp-port)
;; (assoc-ref connection-table (cons host tcp-port)))
(define (add-open-connection! host tcp-port port)
(define (get-open-connection host tcp-port)
;;; HTTP methods.
;;; Common methods: GET, POST etc.
(define-public (http:get url)
;; FIXME: if http:open returns an old connection that has been
;; closed remotely, this will fail.
(http:request "GET" url))
;;; Connection-oriented functions:
;;; (http:open HOST [PORT])
;;; Return an HTTP connection to HOST on TCP port PORT (default 80).
;;; If an open connection already exists, use it; otherwise, create
;;; a new socket.
(define-public (http:open host . args)
(let ((port (cond ((null? args) 80)
((not (car args)) 80)
(else (car args)))))
(or (get-open-connection host port)
(let* ((tcp (vector-ref (getproto "tcp") 2))
(addr (car (vector-ref (gethost host) 4)))
(sock (socket AF_INET SOCK_STREAM tcp)))
(connect sock AF_INET addr port)
(add-open-connection! host port sock)
;;; (http:request METHOD URL [HEADERS [BODY]])
;;; Submit an HTTP request.
;;; URL is a structure returned by url:parse.
;;; METHOD is the name of some HTTP method, e.g. "GET" or "POST".
;;; The optional HEADERS and BODY arguments are lists of strings
;;; which describe HTTP messages. The `Content-Length' header
;;; is calculated automatically and should not be supplied.
;;; Example usage:
;;; (http:request "get" parsed-url
;;; (list "User-Agent: GuileHTTP 0.1"
;;; "Content-Type: text/plain"))
;;; (http:request "post" parsed-url
;;; (list "User-Agent: GuileHTTP 0.1"
;;; "Content-Type: unknown/x-www-form-urlencoded")
;;; (list "search=Gosper"
;;; "case=no"
;;; "max_hits=50"))
(define-public (http:request method url . args)
(let ((host (url:host url))
(tcp-port (or (url:port url) 80))
(path (string-append "/" (or (url:path url) ""))))
(let ((sock (http:open host tcp-port))
(request (string-append method " " path " " http:version))
(headers (if (pair? args) (car args) '()))
(body (if (and (pair? args) (pair? (cdr args)))
(cadr args)
(let* ((content-length
(apply +
(map (lambda (line)
(+ 2 (string-length line))) ; + 2 for CRLF
(headers (if (positive? content-length)
(cons (string-append "Content-Length: "
(number->string content-length))
(with-output-to-port sock
(lambda ()
(display-with-crlf request)
(for-each display-with-crlf headers)
(display "\r\n")
(for-each display-with-crlf body)))
;; parse and add status line
;; also cons up a list of response headers
(let* ((response-status-line (sans-trailing-whitespace
(read-line sock 'trim)))
(let make-header-list ((ln (sans-trailing-whitespace
(read-line sock 'trim)))
(hlist '()))
(if (= 0 (string-length ln))
(make-header-list (sans-trailing-whitespace
(read-line sock 'trim))
(cons (http:header-parse ln)
(parse-status-line response-status-line))
(response-version (car response-status-fields))
(response-code (cadr response-status-fields))
(response-text (caddr response-status-fields)))
;; signal error if HTTP status is invalid
;; (or (http:status-ok? response-code)
;; (error 'http-status "HTTP server returned bad status"
;; response-status-line))
;; Get message body: if Content-Length header was supplied, read
;; that many chars. Otherwise, read until EOF
(let ((content-length (http:fetch-header
(let ((response-body
(if (and content-length
(not (string-ci=? method "HEAD")))
(read-n-chars (string->number content-length) sock)
(lambda ()
(while (not (eof-object? (peek-char sock)))
(display (read-char sock))))))))
;; FIXME: what about keepalives?
(close-port sock)
(http:make-message response-version
;;;; System interface cruft & string funcs
(define (read-n-chars num . port-arg)
(let ((p (if (null? port-arg)
(car port-arg)))
(s (make-string num)))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1))
(ch (read-char p) (read-char p)))
((or (>= i num) (eof-object? ch)) s)
(string-set! s i ch))))
(define (display-with-crlf line . p)
(apply display line p)
(apply display "\r\n" p))
;;; (sans-trailing-whitespace STR)
;;; These are defined in module #/ice-9/string-fun, so this code
;;; will prob. be discarded when the module system and boot-9
;;; settle down.
(define (sans-trailing-whitespace s)
(let ((st 0)
(end (string-length s)))
(while (and (< 0 end)
(char-whitespace? (string-ref s (1- end))))
(set! end (1- end)))
(if (< end st)
(substring s st end))))