/usr/share/gnucash/scm/xml-generator.scm is in gnucash-common 1:2.4.10-6.
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;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; if not, contact:
;; Free Software Foundation Voice: +1-617-542-5942
;; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor Fax: +1-617-542-2652
;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA gnu@gnu.org
;;;; by Christopher Browne
;;;; <cbbrowne@hex.net>, <cbbrowne@ntlug.org>
;;;; This was created for GnuCash to assist in creating
;;;; XML output to generate spreadsheets readable by
;;;; Gnumeric.
;;;; The model is that an element consists of a list with
;;;; three entries. Elements are created thus:
;;;; (define (make-xml-element tag attributes children)
;;;; (list tag attributes children))
;;;; - The first entry is the tag name.
;;;; - The second entry optionally consists of an association list
;;;; containing the attributes of the element, or is #f.
;;;; - The third entry is either a list of children, or is #f.
;;;; Notable idiosyncracies aka "features" aka "misfeatures":
;;;; - All elements may come in the form of symbols, strings, or
;;;; numbers. output-xml-element (and helpers) transform these all
;;;; into strings.
;;;; - It is possible that efficiency could be improved by memoizing
;;;; the strings that get generated. That way, we don't need to
;;;; generate a new string each time a symbol gets hit.
;;;; - The "children" can have three values:
;;;; a) #f, indicating that there are no children, as with:
;;;; (NoEndTag ((Att1 . 1) (Att2 . 2)) #f) which turns into
;;;; <NoEndTag Att1="1" Att2="2"/>
;;;; b) It may be a simple attribute, like "Contents" or 1.5, as
;;;; with (SimpleEndTag #f "Contents") which transforms to:
;;;; <SimpleEndTag>Contents</SimpleEndTag>
;;;; c) Otherwise, it must consist of a list of elements, thusly:
;;;; (Parent #f ((Child #f Value1) (Child #f Value2)) which turns
;;;; to: <Parent> <Child>Value1</Child> <Child>Value2</Child> </Parent>
;;;; Usage
;;;; -------
;;;; The driver of it is (output-xml-element element port).
;;;; One might output an XML document with a root node, ROOT, thus:
;;;;(let ((port (open-output-file "/tmp/sampleoutput")))
;;;; (display "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" port)
;;;; (newline port)
;;;; (output-xml-element ROOT port)
;;;; (close-output-port port))
;;;; If you have a Very Large Document, you might not want to
;;;; construct the whole document as One Big List;
;;;; output-xml-element will be useful for generating subtree output.
;;;; Your control structure will need to duplicate the structure of
;;;; output-xml-element. Alternatively, if "children" could is a thunk
;;;; (function with no arguments), invoking output-xml-element
;;;; internally as needed, the "children" can be an XML generator.
(define xml-indentation 0)
(define (xml-display x port)
(if port
(display x port)
(display x)))
(define (xml-newline port)
(if port
(newline port)
(define (make-tabs port)
(let loop
((i 0))
(if (>= i xml-indentation)
(xml-display " " port)
(loop (+ i 1)))))
(set! xml-indentation (+ xml-indentation 1)))
(define (output-xml-element-name elname port)
(xml-newline port)
(make-tabs port)
(element-to-string elname))
(define (output-xml-element-name-end elname port)
(set! xml-indentation (- xml-indentation 1))
(element-to-string elname)
(define (output-xml-attribute att port)
; (display "output-xml-attribute: ") (display attribute) (newline)
(xml-display (string-append
" "
(element-to-string (car att))
(element-to-string (cdr att))
(define (element-to-string obj)
; (display "[element-to-string: ") (display obj) (display "]") (newline)
((string? obj) obj)
((symbol? obj) (symbol->string obj))
((number? obj) (number->string obj))
(string-append "[ERROR in element-to-string: "
(list->string (list obj))
" not a symbol, string or number.]"))))
(define (output-xml-attributes attributes port)
;(display "output-xml-attributes: ") (display attributes) (newline)
(if attributes
(lambda (attribute)
(output-xml-attribute attribute port))
(define (output-xml-children children port)
; (display "[output-xml-children: ") (display children) (display "]")(newline)
((list? children)
(for-each (lambda (child)
(output-xml-element child port))
(xml-display (element-to-string children) port))))
(define (output-xml-element element port)
(let ((elname (car element))
(attributes (cadr element))
(children (caddr element)))
(output-xml-element-name elname port)
(output-xml-attributes attributes port)
((not children) ;;; If children is blank
(xml-display "/>" port)) ;;; Short result
((procedure? children) ;;; If children is a function
(xml-display ">" port)
(children port) ;;; Invoke the function
(output-xml-element-name-end elname port))
(xml-display ">" port)
(output-xml-children children port)
(output-xml-element-name-end elname port)))))
(define (xml-element tag attributes children)
(list tag attributes children))
(define (xml-attribute name value)
(cons name value))
(define (xml-attributes . alist)
;;; (if (> 0 (length alist)) ;;; If there's anything in the list
;;; alist ;;; Return the list
;;; #f)) ;;; Otherwise, blank to #f
(define no-attributes
(define no-children