/usr/share/pyshared/ase/io/pov.py is in python-ase
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Module for povray file format support.
See http://www.povray.org/ for details on the format.
import os
import numpy as np
from ase.io.eps import EPS
from ase.data import chemical_symbols
from ase.constraints import FixAtoms
def pa(array):
"""Povray array syntax"""
return '<% 6.2f, % 6.2f, % 6.2f>' % tuple(array)
def pc(array):
"""Povray color syntax"""
if type(array) == str:
return 'color ' + array
if type(array) == float:
return 'rgb <%.2f>*3' % array
if len(array) == 3:
return 'rgb <%.2f, %.2f, %.2f>' % tuple(array)
if len(array) == 4: # filter
return 'rgbf <%.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f>' % tuple(array)
if len(array) == 5: # filter and transmit
return 'rgbft <%.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f>' % tuple(array)
def get_bondpairs(atoms, radius=1.1):
"""Get all pairs of bonding atoms
Return all pairs of atoms which are closer than radius times the
sum of their respective covalent radii. The pairs are returned as
(a, b, (i1, i2, i3))
so that atoms a bonds to atom b displaced by the vector::
_ _ _
i c + i c + i c ,
1 1 2 2 3 3
where c1, c2 and c3 are the unit cell vectors and i1, i2, i3 are
from ase.data import covalent_radii
from ase.calculators.neighborlist import NeighborList
cutoffs = radius * covalent_radii[atoms.numbers]
nl = NeighborList(cutoffs=cutoffs, self_interaction=False)
bondpairs = []
for a in range(len(atoms)):
indices, offsets = nl.get_neighbors(a)
bondpairs.extend([(a, a2, offset)
for a2, offset in zip(indices, offsets)])
return bondpairs
class POVRAY(EPS):
default_settings = {
# x, y is the image plane, z is *out* of the screen
'display' : True, # Display while rendering
'pause' : True, # Pause when done rendering (only if display)
'transparent' : True, # Transparent background
'canvas_width' : None, # Width of canvas in pixels
'canvas_height' : None, # Height of canvas in pixels
'camera_dist' : 50., # Distance from camera to front atom
'image_plane' : None, # Distance from front atom to image plane
'camera_type' : 'orthographic', # perspective, ultra_wide_angle
'point_lights' : [], # [[loc1, color1], [loc2, color2],...]
'area_light' : [(2., 3., 40.), # location
'White', # color
.7, .7, 3, 3], # width, height, Nlamps_x, Nlamps_y
'background' : 'White', # color
'textures' : None, # Length of atoms list of texture names
'celllinewidth' : 0.05, # Radius of the cylinders representing the cell
'bondlinewidth' : 0.10, # Radius of the cylinders representing the bonds
'bondatoms' : [], # [[atom1, atom2], ... ] pairs of bonding atoms
'exportconstraints' : False} # honour FixAtom requests and mark relevant atoms?
def __init__(self, atoms, scale=1.0, **parameters):
for k, v in self.default_settings.items():
setattr(self, k, parameters.pop(k, v))
EPS.__init__(self, atoms, scale=scale, **parameters)
constr = atoms.constraints
self.constrainatoms = []
for c in constr:
if isinstance(c,FixAtoms):
for n,i in enumerate(c.index):
if i: self.constrainatoms += [n]
def cell_to_lines(self, A):
return np.empty((0, 3)), None, None
def write(self, filename, **settings):
# Determine canvas width and height
ratio = float(self.w) / self.h
if self.canvas_width is None:
if self.canvas_height is None:
self.canvas_width = min(self.w * 15, 640)
self.canvas_width = self.canvas_height * ratio
elif self.canvas_height is not None:
raise RuntimeError, "Can't set *both* width and height!"
# Distance to image plane from camera
if self.image_plane is None:
if self.camera_type == 'orthographic':
self.image_plane = 1 - self.camera_dist
self.image_plane = 0
self.image_plane += self.camera_dist
# Produce the .ini file
if filename.endswith('.pov'):
ini = open(filename[:-4] + '.ini', 'w').write
ini = open(filename + '.ini', 'w').write
ini('Input_File_Name=%s\n' % filename)
ini('Output_Alpha=%s\n' % self.transparent)
ini('; if you adjust Height, and width, you must preserve the ratio\n')
ini('; Width / Height = %s\n' % repr(ratio))
ini('Width=%s\n' % self.canvas_width)
ini('Height=%s\n' % (self.canvas_width / ratio))
ini('Display=%s\n' % self.display)
ini('Pause_When_Done=%s\n' % self.pause)
del ini
# Produce the .pov file
w = open(filename, 'w').write
w('#include "colors.inc"\n')
w('#include "finish.inc"\n')
w('global_settings {assumed_gamma 1 max_trace_level 6}\n')
w('background {%s}\n' % pc(self.background))
w('camera {%s\n' % self.camera_type)
w(' right -%.2f*x up %.2f*y\n' % (self.w, self.h))
w(' direction %.2f*z\n' % self.image_plane)
w(' location <0,0,%.2f> look_at <0,0,0>}\n' % self.camera_dist)
for loc, rgb in self.point_lights:
w('light_source {%s %s}\n' % (pa(loc), pc(rgb)))
if self.area_light is not None:
loc, color, width, height, nx, ny = self.area_light
w('light_source {%s %s\n' % (pa(loc), pc(color)))
w(' area_light <%.2f, 0, 0>, <0, %.2f, 0>, %i, %i\n' % (
width, height, nx, ny))
w(' adaptive 1 jitter}\n')
w('#declare simple = finish {phong 0.7}\n')
w('#declare pale = finish {'
'ambient .5 '
'diffuse .85 '
'roughness .001 '
'specular 0.200 }\n')
w('#declare intermediate = finish {'
'ambient 0.3 '
'diffuse 0.6 '
'specular 0.10 '
'roughness 0.04 }\n')
w('#declare vmd = finish {'
'ambient .0 '
'diffuse .65 '
'phong 0.1 '
'phong_size 40. '
'specular 0.500 }\n')
w('#declare jmol = finish {'
'ambient .2 '
'diffuse .6 '
'specular 1 '
'roughness .001 '
w('#declare ase2 = finish {'
'ambient 0.05 '
'brilliance 3 '
'diffuse 0.6 '
'metallic '
'specular 0.70 '
'roughness 0.04 '
'reflection 0.15}\n')
w('#declare ase3 = finish {'
'ambient .15 '
'brilliance 2 '
'diffuse .6 '
'metallic '
'specular 1. '
'roughness .001 '
'reflection .0}\n')
w('#declare glass = finish {'
'ambient .05 '
'diffuse .3 '
'specular 1. '
'roughness .001}\n')
w('#declare Rcell = %.3f;\n' % self.celllinewidth)
w('#declare Rbond = %.3f;\n' % self.bondlinewidth)
w('#macro atom(LOC, R, COL, FIN)\n')
w(' sphere{LOC, R texture{pigment{COL} finish{FIN}}}\n')
w('#macro constrain(LOC, R, COL, FIN)\n')
w('union{torus{R, Rcell rotate 45*z texture{pigment{COL} finish{FIN}}}\n')
w(' torus{R, Rcell rotate -45*z texture{pigment{COL} finish{FIN}}}\n')
w(' translate LOC}\n')
z0 = self.X[:, 2].max()
self.X -= (self.w / 2, self.h / 2, z0)
# Draw unit cell
if self.C is not None:
self.C -= (self.w / 2, self.h / 2, z0)
self.C.shape = (2, 2, 2, 3)
for c in range(3):
for j in ([0, 0], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1]):
w('cylinder {')
for i in range(2):
j.insert(c, i)
w(pa(self.C[tuple(j)]) + ', ')
del j[c]
w('Rcell pigment {Black}}\n')
# Draw atoms
a = 0
for loc, dia, color in zip(self.X, self.d, self.colors):
tex = 'ase3'
if self.textures is not None:
tex = self.textures[a]
w('atom(%s, %.2f, %s, %s) // #%i \n' % (
pa(loc), dia / 2., pc(color), tex, a))
a += 1
# Draw atom bonds
for pair in self.bondatoms:
if len(pair) == 2:
a, b = pair
offset = (0, 0, 0)
a, b, offset = pair
R = np.dot(offset, self.A)
mida = 0.5 * (self.X[a] + self.X[b] + R)
midb = 0.5 * (self.X[a] + self.X[b] - R)
if self.textures is not None:
texa = self.textures[a]
texb = self.textures[b]
texa = texb = 'ase3'
w('cylinder {%s, %s, Rbond texture{pigment {%s} finish{%s}}}\n' % (
pa(self.X[a]), pa(mida), pc(self.colors[a]), texa))
w('cylinder {%s, %s, Rbond texture{pigment {%s} finish{%s}}}\n' % (
pa(self.X[b]), pa(midb), pc(self.colors[b]), texb))
# Draw constraints if requested
if self.exportconstraints:
for a in self.constrainatoms:
dia = self.d[a]
loc = self.X[a]
w('constrain(%s, %.2f, Black, %s) // #%i \n' % (
pa(loc), dia / 2., tex, a))
def write_pov(filename, atoms, run_povray=False, **parameters):
if isinstance(atoms, list):
assert len(atoms) == 1
atoms = atoms[0]
assert 'scale' not in parameters
POVRAY(atoms, **parameters).write(filename)
if run_povray:
errcode = os.system('povray %s.ini 2> /dev/null' % filename[:-4])
if errcode != 0:
raise OSError('Povray failed with error code %d' % errcode)