/usr/share/texlive/texmf/web2c/tcvn-t5.tcx is in texlive-base 2012.20120611-5.
This file is owned by root:root, with mode 0o644.
The actual contents of the file can be viewed below.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 | %% tcvn-t5.tcx: encoding translation table for TeX
%% input: TCVN-1
%% internal TeX: T5 font encoding (Vietnamese TeX)
%% comment: Prepared by Han The Thanh <hanthethanh@gmx.net>
%% Public domain
0xb8 0xa1 % aacute
0x83 0x81 % Aacute
0xa8 0xab % abreve
0xa1 0x8b % Abreve
0xbe 0xad % abreveacute
0xc0 0x8d % Abreveacute
0xc6 0xb0 % abrevedotbelow
0x85 0x90 % Abrevedotbelow
0xbb 0xac % abrevegrave
0xaf 0x8c % Abrevegrave
0xbc 0xaf % abrevehookabove
0xba 0x8f % Abrevehookabove
0xbd 0xae % abrevetilde
0xbf 0x8e % Abrevetilde
0xa9 0xa5 % acircumflex
0xa2 0x85 % Acircumflex
0xca 0xa7 % acircumflexacute
0xc4 0x87 % Acircumflexacute
0xcb 0xaa % acircumflexdotbelow
0x86 0x8a % Acircumflexdotbelow
0xc7 0xa6 % acircumflexgrave
0xc1 0x86 % Acircumflexgrave
0xc8 0xa9 % acircumflexhookabove
0xc2 0x89 % Acircumflexhookabove
0xc9 0xa8 % acircumflextilde
0xc3 0x88 % Acircumflextilde
0xb9 0xa4 % adotbelow
0x84 0x84 % Adotbelow
0xb5 0xa0 % agrave
0x80 0x80 % Agrave
0xb6 0xa3 % ahookabove
0x81 0x83 % Ahookabove
0xb7 0xa2 % atilde
0x82 0x82 % Atilde
0xae 0x1f % dcroat
0xa7 0x1e % Dcroat
0xd0 0xb2 % eacute
0x8a 0x92 % Eacute
0xaa 0xb6 % ecircumflex
0xa3 0x96 % Ecircumflex
0xd5 0xb8 % ecircumflexacute
0xda 0x98 % Ecircumflexacute
0xd6 0xbb % ecircumflexdotbelow
0x8c 0x9b % Ecircumflexdotbelow
0xd2 0xb7 % ecircumflexgrave
0xc5 0x97 % Ecircumflexgrave
0xd3 0xba % ecircumflexhookabove
0xcd 0x9a % Ecircumflexhookabove
0xd4 0xb9 % ecircumflextilde
0xd9 0x99 % Ecircumflextilde
0xd1 0xb5 % edotbelow
0x8b 0x95 % Edotbelow
0xcc 0xb1 % egrave
0x87 0x91 % Egrave
0xce 0xb4 % ehookabove
0x88 0x94 % Ehookabove
0xcf 0xb3 % etilde
0x89 0x93 % Etilde
0xdd 0xbd % iacute
0x90 0x9d % Iacute
0xde 0xe0 % idotbelow
0x91 0xc0 % Idotbelow
0xd7 0xbc % igrave
0x8d 0x9c % Igrave
0xd8 0xbf % ihookabove
0x8e 0x9f % Ihookabove
0xdc 0xbe % itilde
0x8f 0x9e % Itilde
0xe3 0xe2 % oacute
0x95 0xc2 % Oacute
0xab 0xe6 % ocircumflex
0xa4 0xc6 % Ocircumflex
0xe8 0xe8 % ocircumflexacute
0xff 0xc8 % Ocircumflexacute
0xe9 0xeb % ocircumflexdotbelow
0x97 0xcb % Ocircumflexdotbelow
0xe5 0xe7 % ocircumflexgrave
0xdb 0xc7 % Ocircumflexgrave
0xe6 0xea % ocircumflexhookabove
0xe0 0xca % Ocircumflexhookabove
0xe7 0xe9 % ocircumflextilde
0xf0 0xc9 % Ocircumflextilde
0xe4 0xe5 % odotbelow
0x96 0xc5 % Odotbelow
0xdf 0xe1 % ograve
0x92 0xc1 % Ograve
0xe1 0xe4 % ohookabove
0x93 0xc4 % Ohookabove
0xac 0xec % ohorn
0xa5 0xcc % Ohorn
0xed 0xee % ohornacute
0x9b 0xce % Ohornacute
0xee 0xf1 % ohorndotbelow
0x9c 0xd1 % Ohorndotbelow
0xea 0xed % ohorngrave
0x98 0xcd % Ohorngrave
0xeb 0xf0 % ohornhookabove
0x99 0xd0 % Ohornhookabove
0xec 0xef % ohorntilde
0x9a 0xcf % Ohorntilde
0xe2 0xe3 % otilde
0x94 0xc3 % Otilde
0xf3 0xf3 % uacute
0x01 0xd3 % Uacute
0xf4 0xf6 % udotbelow
0x02 0xd6 % Udotbelow
0xef 0xf2 % ugrave
0x9d 0xd2 % Ugrave
0xf1 0xf5 % uhookabove
0x9e 0xd5 % Uhookabove
0xad 0xf7 % uhorn
0xa6 0xd7 % Uhorn
0xf8 0xf9 % uhornacute
0x11 0xd9 % Uhornacute
0xf9 0xfc % uhorndotbelow
0x12 0xdc % Uhorndotbelow
0xf5 0xf8 % uhorngrave
0x04 0xd8 % Uhorngrave
0xf6 0xfb % uhornhookabove
0x05 0xdb % Uhornhookabove
0xf7 0xfa % uhorntilde
0x06 0xda % Uhorntilde
0xf2 0xf4 % utilde
0x9f 0xd4 % Utilde
0xfd 0xfe % yacute
0x16 0xde % Yacute
0xfe 0x1d % ydotbelow
0x17 0x1c % Ydotbelow
0xfa 0xfd % ygrave
0x13 0xdd % Ygrave
0xfb 0x1b % yhookabove
0x14 0x1a % Yhookabove
0xfc 0xff % ytilde
0x15 0xdf % Ytilde