/usr/share/pyshared/DiaVisView/DiaVisView.py is in trac-diavisview 0.1+r11124-2.
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
# you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
# are also available at http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracLicense.
# Based on the main plugins code, Christopher Lenz, and the original DiaView Macro from arkemp.
# Modified for use with Trac 0.11b and now includes Visio and compressed
# file support by robert.martin@arqiva.com
import os
import re
import subprocess
import Image
from genshi.builder import Element, tag
from trac.resource import get_resource_url, get_resource_summary
from trac.util.html import escape
from trac.wiki.macros import WikiMacroBase
from trac.attachment import Attachment, AttachmentModule
from trac.wiki.formatter import extract_link
class DiaVisViewMacro(WikiMacroBase):
"""Embed a Dia as an png image in wiki-formatted text.
Will automatically convert a Dia to a png file.
The first argument is the filename, after which
the horizontal width can be given separated by a comma, as
can other image parmaeters to position it. Will now also accept
vdx format drawings, as well as compressed files.
One can select one or more layers with the layers parameter and a
dot separated list, e.g.
[[(DiaVisView(myfile, layers=0.1.2)]]
(which shows only layers 0, 1, and 2.
Please see the image macro for more details on arguments.
''Adapted from the Image.py macro created by Shun-ichi Goto
def expand_macro(self, formatter, name, content):
# args will be null if the macro is called without parenthesis.
if not content:
return ''
# parse arguments
# we expect the 1st argument to be a filename (filespec)
args = content.split(',')
if len(args) == 0:
raise Exception("No argument.")
filespec = args[0]
# style information
size_re = re.compile('[0-9]+(%|px)?$')
attr_re = re.compile('(align|border|width|height|alt'
quoted_re = re.compile("(?:[\"'])(.*)(?:[\"'])$")
layers_re = re.compile("^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*$")
attr = {}
style = {}
link = ''
width = None
layers = None
for arg in args[1:]:
arg = arg.strip()
if size_re.match(arg):
if width:
raise Exception("Argument 'width' appears more than once.")
width = arg
attr['width'] = arg
if arg == 'nolink':
link = None
if arg.startswith('link='):
val = arg.split('=', 1)[1]
elt = extract_link(self.env, formatter.context, val.strip())
link = None
if isinstance(elt, Element):
link = elt.attrib.get('href')
if arg in ('left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'):
style['float'] = arg
if arg.startswith('layers='):
if layers:
raise Exception("Argument 'layers' appears more than once.")
layers = arg.split('=', 1)[1]
if not layers_re.match(layers):
raise Exception("Wrong layer list format, use dot separated list of integer numbers.")
match = attr_re.match(arg)
if match:
key, val = match.groups()
m = quoted_re.search(val) # unquote "..." and '...'
if m:
val = m.group(1)
if key == 'align':
style['float'] = val
elif key == 'border':
style['border'] = ' %dpx solid' % int(val);
attr[str(key)] = val # will be used as a __call__ keyword
# Got the args now do some processing
attachment = formatter.resource.child('attachment', filespec)
realm = formatter.resource.realm
resource_id = formatter.resource.id # The use of "id" could cause a conflict?
if attachment and 'ATTACHMENT_VIEW' in formatter.perm(attachment):
url = get_resource_url(self.env, attachment, formatter.href)
description = get_resource_summary(self.env, attachment)
# Includes vdx for use with Visio
png_url = url.replace(".dia",".png").replace(".vdx",".png")
dia_attachment = Attachment(self.env, realm, resource_id, filespec)
dia_path = dia_attachment.path
dia_filename = dia_attachment.filename
png_path = dia_path.replace('.dia','.png').replace(".vdx",".png")
png_filename = dia_filename.replace('.dia','.png').replace(".vdx",".png")
# the layers are encoded into the path as dot-separated list, e.g. basename.1.2.png
if layers:
layers_extension = '.' + layers + '.png'
png_path = png_path.replace('.png', layers_extension)
png_filename = png_filename.replace('.png', layers_extension)
png_url = png_url.replace(".png", layers_extension)
png_attachment = Attachment(self.env, realm, resource_id, filespec)
if len(description) <= 0:
description = 'PNG render of ' + dia_filename
self.env.log.info('Getting file modification times.')
dia_mtime = os.path.getmtime(dia_path)
except Exception:
raise Exception('File does not exist: %s', dia_path)
png_mtime = os.path.getmtime(png_path)
except Exception:
png_mtime = 0
im = Image.open(png_path)
except Exception, e:
self.env.log.info('Error checking original png file width for Dia = %s',e)
raise Exception('Error checking original png file width for Dia.')
existing_width = im.size[0]
self.env.log.info('Comparing dia and png file modification times : %s, %s',dia_mtime,dia_mtime)
if (dia_mtime > png_mtime) or (existing_width != width and width != None):
diacmd = ['dia', '--log-to-stderr', '--filter=png', '--export=%s' % png_path, dia_path]
if width:
diacmd.insert(1, '--size=%dx' % int(width))
if layers:
diacmd.insert(1, '--show-layers=%s' % layers.replace(".", ","))
self.env.log.info('Running Dia : %s', ' '.join(diacmd))
self.env.log.info('Exiting Dia')
except Exception, e:
self.env.log.info('Dia failed with exception= %s',e)
raise Exception('Dia execution failed.')
(png_file_size, png_file_time) = os.stat(png_path)[6:8]
# Based on attachment.py, insert
db = self.env.get_db_cnx()
cursor = db.cursor()
# if an entry exists, based on the columns:- type, id, and filename
# then it needs updating, rather than creating
cursor.execute("SELECT filename,description,size,time,author,ipnr "
"FROM attachment WHERE type=%s AND id=%s "
"AND filename=%s ORDER BY time",
(png_attachment.parent_realm, unicode(png_attachment.parent_id), png_filename))
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row:
cursor.execute("UPDATE attachment SET size=%s, time=%s, description=%s, author=%s, ipnr=%s "
"WHERE type=%s AND id=%s AND filename=%s",
(png_file_size, png_file_time, description, png_attachment.author, png_attachment.ipnr,
png_attachment.parent_realm, unicode(png_attachment.parent_id), png_filename))
self.env.log.info('Updated attachment: %s by %s', png_filename, png_attachment.author)
# Insert as new entry
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO attachment VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)",
(png_attachment.parent_realm, png_attachment.parent_id, png_filename,
png_file_size, png_file_time, description,
png_attachment.author, png_attachment.ipnr))
self.env.log.info('New attachment: %s by %s', png_filename, png_attachment.author)
# This has been included in the hope it would help update
# the current page being displayed, but no effect noticed
for listener in AttachmentModule(self.env).change_listeners:
for key in ('title', 'alt'):
if not key in attr:
attr[key] = description
if style:
attr['style'] = '; '.join(['%s:%s' % (k, escape(v))
for k, v in style.iteritems()])
result = tag.img(src=png_url + "?format=raw", **attr)
if link is not None:
result = tag.p(result, href=link or url,
style='padding:2; border:none')
return result