/usr/include/InsightToolkit/Common/itkParametricPath.h is in libinsighttoolkit3-dev 3.20.1+git20120521-3.
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Program: Insight Segmentation & Registration Toolkit
Module: itkParametricPath.h
Language: C++
Date: $Date$
Version: $Revision$
Copyright (c) Insight Software Consortium. All rights reserved.
See ITKCopyright.txt or http://www.itk.org/HTML/Copyright.htm for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information.
#ifndef __itkParametricPath_h
#define __itkParametricPath_h
#include "itkPath.h"
#include "itkContinuousIndex.h"
#include "itkIndex.h"
#include "itkOffset.h"
#include "itkVector.h"
namespace itk
/** \class ParametricPath
* \brief Represent a parametric path through ND Space
* This virtual class is intended to represent a parametric path through an
* image. A parametric path maps a single floating-point 1D parameter (usually
* designated as either time or arc-length) to a floating-point ND point in
* continuous image index space. This mapping is done via the abstract
* Evaluate() method, which must be overridden in all instantiable subclasses.
* Parametric paths are required to be continuous. They may be open or form a
* closed loop. A parametric path may cross itself several times, although the
* end point is constrained to have a unique spatial location unless it is
* shared with and only with the starting point (a path tracing the number "9,"
* starting at the bottom and ending in the middle of the right side, would
* therefore be illegal). Classic applications of this class include the
* representation of contours in 2D images and path smoothing. Another use of a
* path is to guide the movement of an iterator through an image.
* \sa EllipseParametricPath
* \sa PolyLineParametricPath
* \sa FourierSeriesPath
* \sa OrthogonallyCorrectedParametricPath
* \sa ChainCodePath
* \sa Path
* \sa ContinuousIndex
* \sa Index
* \sa Offset
* \sa Vector
* \ingroup PathObjects
template <unsigned int VDimension>
class ITK_EXPORT ParametricPath : public
Path< double, ContinuousIndex<double,VDimension>, VDimension >
/** Standard class typedefs. */
typedef ParametricPath Self;
typedef Path<double,ContinuousIndex<double,VDimension>,VDimension> Superclass;
typedef SmartPointer<Self> Pointer;
typedef SmartPointer<const Self> ConstPointer;
/** Run-time type information (and related methods). */
itkTypeMacro(ParametricPath, Path);
/** Input type */
typedef typename Superclass::InputType InputType;
/** Output type */
typedef typename Superclass::OutputType OutputType;
/** All paths must be mapable to index space */
typedef ContinuousIndex<double,VDimension> ContinuousIndexType;
typedef Index< VDimension > IndexType;
typedef Offset< VDimension > OffsetType;
typedef Vector<double,VDimension> VectorType;
/** Return the nearest index to the parametric path at the specified location.
* This is a wrapper to Evaluate(). */
virtual IndexType EvaluateToIndex( const InputType & input ) const;
/** Increment the input variable passed by reference such that the ND index of
* the path moves to its next vertex-connected (8-connected in 2D) neighbor.
* Return the Index-space offset of the path from its prior input to its new
* input. If the path is unable to increment, input is not changed and an
* offset of Zero is returned. Children are not required to implement bounds
* checking.
* This is a fairly slow, iterative algorithm that numerically converges to
* the next index along the path, in a vertex-connected (8-connected in 2D)
* fashion. When possible, children of this class should overload this
* function with something more efficient.
* WARNING: This default implementation REQUIRES that the ND endpoint of
* the path be either unique or coincident only with the startpoint, since it
* uses the endpoint as a stopping condition. */
virtual OffsetType IncrementInput(InputType & input) const;
/** Evaluate the first derivative of the ND output with respect to the 1D
* input. This is a very simple and naive numerical derivative, and it
* sould be overloaded with a proper closed-form derivative function in
* all children. Nevertheless, users who need to create their own parametric
* classes for their private research need not reimplement this function if
* their work does not need the derivative operator. */
virtual VectorType EvaluateDerivative(const InputType & input) const;
itkSetMacro( DefaultInputStepSize, InputType )
itkGetConstReferenceMacro( DefaultInputStepSize, InputType )
void PrintSelf(std::ostream &os, Indent indent) const;
/** Default 1D input increment amount to trace along the path. Also, the
* value used by the defualt implementation of EvaluateDerivative() for
* numerically approximating the derivative with the change over a single
* default-sized step. (NOTE that the default implementation of
* EvaluateDerivative() should never be used in practice, but users or lazzy
* developers may nevertheless unwisely choose to do so anyway.) For integer-
* input-types, 1 is probably the correct value. For double-input-types,
* either 1 or 0.1 are probably good values. This value should be set in the
* constructor of all instantiable children. Values set in child constructors
* overwrite values set in parent constructors. */
InputType m_DefaultInputStepSize;
ParametricPath(const Self&); //purposely not implemented
void operator=(const Self&); //purposely not implemented
// There are non-templated subclasses of ParametricPath
// (ex. OrthogonallyCorrected2DParametricPath which is a subclass of
// ParametricPath<2>). We need force all consumers of
// ParametericPath<2> to get it from the ITKCommon library.
// itkParametricPath.cxx will put ParametricPath<2> in the the
// ITKCommon library. Everyone else using a ParametericPath<2> will
// load it from the dll.
#if (defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32)) && !defined(ITKSTATIC)
# ifndef ITKCommon_EXPORTS
template class __declspec(dllimport) ParametricPath<2>;
} // namespace itk
// Define instantiation macro for this template.
#define ITK_TEMPLATE_ParametricPath(_, EXPORT, x, y) namespace itk { \
_(1(class EXPORT ParametricPath< ITK_TEMPLATE_1 x >)) \
namespace Templates { typedef ParametricPath< ITK_TEMPLATE_1 x > \
ParametricPath##y; } \
# include "Templates/itkParametricPath+-.h"
# include "itkParametricPath.txx"