/usr/include/InsightToolkit/Review/itkDiscreteGaussianDerivativeImageFunction.h is in libinsighttoolkit3-dev 3.20.1+git20120521-3.
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Program: Insight Segmentation & Registration Toolkit
Module: itkDiscreteGaussianDerivativeImageFunction.h
Language: C++
Date: $Date$
Version: $Revision$
Copyright (c) Insight Software Consortium. All rights reserved.
See ITKCopyright.txt or http://www.itk.org/HTML/Copyright.htm for details.
This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even
PURPOSE. See the above copyright notices for more information.
#ifndef __itkDiscreteGaussianDerivativeImageFunction_h
#define __itkDiscreteGaussianDerivativeImageFunction_h
#include "itkNeighborhoodOperatorImageFunction.h"
#include "itkImageFunction.h"
#include "itkGaussianOperator.h"
#include "itkGaussianDerivativeOperator.h"
namespace itk
* \class DiscreteGaussianDerivativeImageFunction
* \brief Compute the discrete gaussian derivatives of an the image
* at a specific location in space, i.e. point, index or continuous
* index. This class computes a single derivative given the order in
* each direction (by default zero).
* This class is templated over the input image type.
* The Initialize() method must be called after setting the parameters and before
* evaluating the function.
* \author Ivan Macia, VICOMTech, Spain, http://www.vicomtech.es
* This implementation was taken from the Insight Journal paper:
* http://hdl.handle.net/1926/1290
* \sa NeighborhoodOperator
* \sa ImageFunction
template <class TInputImage,class TOutput=double>
class ITK_EXPORT DiscreteGaussianDerivativeImageFunction :
public ImageFunction< TInputImage, TOutput, TOutput >
/**Standard "Self" typedef */
typedef DiscreteGaussianDerivativeImageFunction Self;
/** Standard "Superclass" typedef */
typedef ImageFunction<TInputImage, TOutput, TOutput> Superclass;
/** Smart pointer typedef support. */
typedef SmartPointer<Self> Pointer;
typedef SmartPointer<const Self> ConstPointer;
/** Method for creation through the object factory. */
/** Run-time type information (and related methods). */
itkTypeMacro( DiscreteGaussianDerivativeImageFunction, ImageFunction );
/** Image dependent types. */
typedef typename Superclass::InputImageType InputImageType;
typedef typename Superclass::InputPixelType InputPixelType;
typedef typename Superclass::IndexType IndexType;
typedef typename Superclass::IndexValueType IndexValueType;
typedef typename Superclass::ContinuousIndexType ContinuousIndexType;
typedef typename Superclass::PointType PointType;
/** Dimension of the underlying image. */
itkStaticConstMacro(ImageDimension2, unsigned int,
/** Output type. */
typedef typename Superclass::OutputType OutputType;
/** Arrays for native types. */
typedef FixedArray<double,itkGetStaticConstMacro(ImageDimension2)> VarianceArrayType;
typedef FixedArray<unsigned int,itkGetStaticConstMacro(ImageDimension2)> OrderArrayType;
typedef itk::GaussianDerivativeOperator<TOutput,
itkGetStaticConstMacro(ImageDimension2)> GaussianDerivativeOperatorType;
/** Array to store gaussian derivative operators one for each dimension. */
typedef FixedArray<GaussianDerivativeOperatorType,
itkGetStaticConstMacro(ImageDimension2)> GaussianDerivativeOperatorArrayType;
/** Precomputed N-dimensional derivative kernel. */
typedef Neighborhood<TOutput,itkGetStaticConstMacro(ImageDimension2)> KernelType;
/** Image function that performs convolution with the neighborhood operator. */
typedef NeighborhoodOperatorImageFunction
<InputImageType, TOutput> OperatorImageFunctionType;
typedef typename OperatorImageFunctionType::Pointer OperatorImageFunctionPointer;
/** Interpolation modes. */
enum InterpolationModeType { NearestNeighbourInterpolation, LinearInterpolation };
/** Evaluate the function at specified point. */
virtual OutputType Evaluate(const PointType& point) const;
/** Evaluate the function at specified Index position */
virtual OutputType EvaluateAtIndex( const IndexType & index ) const;
/** Evaluate the function at specified ContinousIndex position. */
virtual OutputType EvaluateAtContinuousIndex(
const ContinuousIndexType & index ) const;
/** Set/Get the variance for the discrete Gaussian kernel.
* Sets the variance for individual dimensions. The default is 0.0
* in each dimension. If UseImageSpacing is true, the units are the
* physical units of your image. If UseImageSpacing is false then
* the units are pixels.
itkSetMacro( Variance, VarianceArrayType );
itkGetConstMacro( Variance, const VarianceArrayType );
itkSetVectorMacro( Variance, double, VarianceArrayType::Length );
/** Convenience method for setting the variance for all dimensions. */
virtual void SetVariance( double variance )
m_Variance.Fill( variance );
/** Convenience method for setting the variance through the standard
* deviation.
void SetSigma( const double sigma )
SetVariance( sigma * sigma );
/** Set/Get the desired maximum error of the gaussian approximation. Maximum
* error is the difference between the area under the discrete Gaussian curve
* and the area under the continuous Gaussian. Maximum error affects the
* Gaussian operator size. The value is clamped between 0.00001 and
* 0.99999.
itkSetClampMacro( MaximumError, double, 0.00001, 0.99999 );
itkGetConstMacro( MaximumError, double );
/** Set/Get the derivative order for an individual dimension. */
itkSetMacro( Order, OrderArrayType );
itkGetConstMacro( Order, const OrderArrayType );
itkSetVectorMacro( Order, unsigned int, OrderArrayType::Length );
/** Convenience method for setting the order for all dimensions. */
virtual void SetOrder( unsigned int order )
m_Order.Fill( order );
/** Set/Get the flag for calculating scale-space normalized derivatives.
* Normalized derivatives are obtained multiplying by the scale
* parameter t. */
itkSetMacro( NormalizeAcrossScale, bool );
itkGetConstMacro( NormalizeAcrossScale, bool );
itkBooleanMacro( NormalizeAcrossScale );
/** Set/Get the flag for using image spacing when calculating derivatives. */
itkSetMacro( UseImageSpacing, bool );
itkGetConstMacro( UseImageSpacing, bool );
itkBooleanMacro( UseImageSpacing );
/** Set/Get a limit for growth of the kernel. Small maximum error values with
* large variances will yield very large kernel sizes. This value can be
* used to truncate a kernel in such instances. A warning will be given on
* truncation of the kernel. */
itkSetMacro( MaximumKernelWidth, unsigned int );
itkGetConstMacro( MaximumKernelWidth, unsigned int );
/** Set/Get the interpolation mode. */
itkSetMacro( InterpolationMode, InterpolationModeType );
itkGetConstMacro( InterpolationMode, InterpolationModeType );
/** Set the input image.
* \warning this method caches BufferedRegion information.
* If the BufferedRegion has changed, user must call
* SetInputImage again to update cached values. */
virtual void SetInputImage( const InputImageType * ptr );
/** Initialize the Gaussian kernel. Call this method before
* evaluating the function. This method MUST be called after any
* changes to function parameters. */
virtual void Initialize( ) { RecomputeGaussianKernel(); }
DiscreteGaussianDerivativeImageFunction( const Self& ){};
void operator=( const Self& ){};
void PrintSelf(std::ostream& os, Indent indent) const;
void RecomputeGaussianKernel();
/** Desired variance of the discrete Gaussian function. */
VarianceArrayType m_Variance;
/** Order of the derivatives in each dimension. */
OrderArrayType m_Order;
/** Difference between the areas under the curves of the continuous and
* discrete Gaussian functions. */
double m_MaximumError;
/** Maximum kernel size allowed. This value is used to truncate a kernel
* that has grown too large. A warning is given when the specified maximum
* error causes the kernel to exceed this size. */
unsigned int m_MaximumKernelWidth;
/** Array of derivative operators, one for each dimension. */
GaussianDerivativeOperatorArrayType m_OperatorArray;
/** N-dimensional kernel which is the result of convolving the operators
* for calculating derivatives. */
KernelType m_DerivativeKernel;
/** OperatorImageFunction */
OperatorImageFunctionPointer m_OperatorImageFunction;
/** Flag for scale-space normalization of derivatives. */
bool m_NormalizeAcrossScale;
/** Flag to indicate whether to use image spacing */
bool m_UseImageSpacing;
/** Interpolation mode. */
InterpolationModeType m_InterpolationMode;
} // namespace itk
// Define instantiation macro for this template.
#define ITK_TEMPLATE_DiscreteGaussianDerivativeImageFunction(_, EXPORT, x, y) namespace itk { \
_(2(class EXPORT DiscreteGaussianDerivativeImageFunction< ITK_TEMPLATE_2 x >)) \
namespace Templates { typedef DiscreteGaussianDerivativeImageFunction< ITK_TEMPLATE_2 x > \
DiscreteGaussianDerivativeImageFunction##y; } \
# include "Templates/itkDiscreteGaussianDerivativeImageFunction+-.h"
# include "itkDiscreteGaussianDerivativeImageFunction.txx"