/usr/lib/s9fes/hash-table.scm is in scheme9 2010.11.13-2.
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; By Nils M Holm, 2009,2010
; See the LICENSE file of the S9fES package for terms of use
; (make-hash-table <option> ...) ==> hash-table
; (alist->hash-table alist) ==> hash-table
; (alist->hash-table alist integer) ==> hash-table
; (hash-table-length hash-table) ==> integer
; (hash-table-ref hash-table object) ==> value | #f
; (hash-table-remove! hash-table object) ==> value | #f
; (hash-table-set! hash-table object-k object-v) ==> unspecific
; (hash-table->alist hash-table) ==> list
; (load-from-library "hash-table.scm")
; MAKE-HASH-TABLE creates a fresh hash table.
; When the 'SIZE option is passed to it, it must be followed by
; an integer ; specifying its initial number of slots. When no
; initial value is specified, a built-in default will be used.
; No matter what size is specified, the hash table will grow
; automatically when the number of elements stored in it
; exceeds its current size. When specifying an explicit size,
; it should be a prime number.
; When the 'TEST option is passed to MAKE-HASH-TABLE, it must
; be followed by a predicate testing for the identity of keys.
; The predicate defaults to EQUAL?, but a more specific and/or
; more efficient predicate can be used when keys are limited to
; the domain of such a predicate.
; ALIST->HASH-TABLE creates a fresh hash table and inserts each
; cdr element of the given ALIST into that table using the
; associated car element as a key. It returns the new hash table.
; When an additional INTEGER is passed to ALIST->HASH-TABLE, an
; initial table of the given size will be allocated. The INTEGER
; should be a prime number.
; HASH-TABLE-LENGTH returns the number of objects currently
; stored in the given hash table.
; HASH-TABLE-REF retrieves a VALUE from a hash table using the
; given OBJECT as key. It returns the value as the only element
; of a fresh list. When no element with the given key exists,
; it returns #F.
; HASH-TABLE-REMOVE! removes the key OBJECT (and its associated
; value) from the given hash table.
; HASH-TABLE-SET! stores the value OBJECT-V under the key
; OBJECT-K in the given hash-table.
; HASH-TABLE->ALIST returns an association list containing all
; pairs of the given hash table in no specific order.
; Example: (let ((h (make-hash-table)))
; (hash-table-set! h "key" 'value)
; (hash-table-ref h "key")) ==> (value)
(load-from-library "count.scm")
(load-from-library "assp.scm")
(load-from-library "keyword-value.scm")
(load-from-library "define-structure.scm")
(define-structure ht (len 0) (test equal?) table)
(define make-hash-table
(let ((make-ht make-ht)
(ht-set-test! ht-set-test!)
(ht-set-table! ht-set-table!))
(lambda opts
(accept-keywords "make-hash-table" opts '(test size))
(let ((size (keyword-value opts 'size 101))
(test (keyword-value opts 'test equal?)))
(let ((ht (make-ht)))
(ht-set-test! ht test)
(ht-set-table! ht (make-vector size '()))
(define (hash x k)
(lambda (s k)
(let ((ks (string-length s)))
(let loop ((h 0)
(i 0))
(if (>= i ks)
(loop (remainder
(+ (* 8 h) (char->integer (string-ref s i)))
(+ 1 i))))))))
(cond ((symbol? x) (string->hash (symbol->string x) k))
((string? x) (string->hash x k))
((number? x) (remainder (abs x) k))
((char? x) (remainder (char->integer x) k))
((pair? x) (remainder (count x) k))
((vector? x) (remainder (count (vector->list x)) k))
(else (- k 1)))))
(define hash-table-ref
(let ((hash hash)
(ht-test ht-test))
(lambda (h k)
(let ((i (hash k (vector-length (ht-table h)))))
(cond ((assp (ht-test h) k (vector-ref (ht-table h) i))
=> (lambda (x)
(cons (cdr x) '())))
(define grow-table!
(let ((ht-table ht-table)
(ht-set-table! ht-set-table!))
(lambda (h)
(if (< (vector-length (ht-table h)) 49999)
(let* ((k (vector-length (ht-table h)))
(k (cond ((< k 499) 499)
((< k 4999) 4999)
((< k 9973) 9973)
((< k 19997) 19997)
(else 49999)))
(h* (make-hash-table 'size k)))
(let loop ((i 0)
(k (vector-length (ht-table h))))
(cond ((>= i k)
(ht-set-table! h (ht-table h*)))
(for-each (lambda (x)
(hash-table-set! h* (car x) (cdr x)))
(vector-ref (ht-table h) i))
(loop (+ 1 i) k)))))))))
(define hash-table-set!
(let ((hash hash)
(ht-len ht-len)
(ht-test ht-test)
(ht-table ht-table)
(grow-table! grow-table!))
(lambda (h k v)
(if (> (ht-len h) (vector-length (ht-table h)))
(grow-table! h))
(let ((i (hash k (vector-length (ht-table h)))))
(cond ((assp (ht-test h) k (vector-ref (ht-table h) i))
=> (lambda (x)
(set-cdr! x v)))
(ht-set-len! h (+ 1 (ht-len h)))
(vector-set! (ht-table h)
(cons (cons k v)
(vector-ref (ht-table h) i)))))))))
(define hash-table-remove!
(let ((hash hash)
(ht-test ht-test)
(ht-table ht-table))
(lambda (h k)
(let* ((i (hash k (vector-length (ht-table h))))
(new (let rem ((v* (vector-ref (ht-table h) i)))
(cond ((null? v*)
(((ht-test h) k (caar v*))
(ht-set-len! h (- (ht-len h) 1))
(cdr v*))
(cons (car v*)
(rem (cdr v*))))))))
(vector-set! (ht-table h) i new)))))
(define hash-table-length ht-len)
(define (alist->hash-table alist . opts)
(let ((h (apply make-hash-table opts)))
(for-each (lambda (x)
(hash-table-set! h (car x) (cdr x)))
(define hash-table->alist
(let ((ht-table ht-table))
(lambda (h)
(apply append (vector->list (ht-table h))))))