/usr/lib/s9fes/help/define-class is in scheme9 2010.11.13-2.
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(class-of object) ==> class
(class? object) ==> boolean
(define-class <name> (<class> ...) <slot> ...) ==> unspecific
(define-generic <name>) ==> unspecific
(define-method (<name> <argument> ...) <body>) ==> unspecific
(initialize instance) ==> object
(instance? object) ==> boolean
(make-instance class <init-arg> ...) ==> instance
(slot-ref instance symbol) ==> object
(slot-set! instance symbol object) ==> unspecific
(load-from-library "sos.scm")
SOS is a Scheme Object System that is similar to CLOS, but simpler.
It has multiple inheritance, generic procedures, and a meta object
protocol (MOP). If you know CLOS, you will probably find it too
limited. If you do not know CLOS, you will probably find it too
The procedures and macros above form the user-level interface to
SOS. For a more detailed description (including the MOP), see the
"sos.txt" file.
DEFINE-CLASS defines a new class named <name> that is a subclass
of each specified <class>. Each <slot> specifies an instance
variable of the new class. It can be a symbol, a list containing
a symbol, or a list containing a symbol in the car part and any
expression in the cdr part. In any case the symbol names the slot.
When an expression is also given, it evaluates to the default value
of the corresponding slot. Evaluation takes place when the new class
is being defined.
MAKE-INSTANCE creates a fresh instance of the specified class and
returns it. Before returning the new instance, MAKE-INSTANCE will
pass it to the generic procedure INITIALIZE, which can be used to
perform more elaborate instance initialization.
When passing some <init-arg>s to MAKE-INSTANCE, these will be used
to initialize slots with dynamic values. Each <init-arg> consists
of a slot followed by a value to be stored in that slot. <Init-arg>s
are evaluated before INITIALIZE, so INITIALIZE can access the values
stored by them.
DEFINE-GENERIC defines a generic procedure with no methods. When
the generic exists, all its methods will be removed.
DEFINE-METHOD adds a method to a generic procedure. The generic
procedure is selected by giving the same name to the generic and
its methods. All methods must have the same number of arguments.
Each argument may be a symbol or a list consisting of a symbol
and a class:
(define-method (<generic-name> (x <type1>) (n <type2>)) ...)
When a type is specified, the method will only be applied to
arguments of the specified types (or less specific types from
which the given type is derived). See "sos.txt" for details.
Types may be user-defined classes or "built-in" types. Each
built-in type corresponds to a Scheme type, e.g.: <pair> would
represent a pair. When no type is specified, the type of an
argument defaults to <type>, which matches any type.
Methods, like procedures, may have a "rest" argument. Such an
argument will not play any role in method dispatch.
CALL-NEXT-METHOD calls the next-unspecific method that is
applicable to the arguments passed to the method that is
currently evaluating. Outside of methods, CALL-NEXT-METHOD
is undefined.
INITALIZE is a generic procedure that is used to initialize
instances dynamically. Whenever a new class is defined using
DEFINE-CLASS, a new method covering that class is added to the
INITIALIZE generic. Initialization code is added by redefining
that method. By default INITIALIZE does nothing.
CLASS? is a predicate returning #T if OBJECT is a class.
INSTANCE? is a predicate returning #T if OBJECT is an instance.
CLASS-OF returns the class of a given instance.
SLOT-REF returns the value stored in the slot named SLOT of
the given INSTANCE.
SLOT-SET! stores the given OBJECT in the slot named SLOT of
the given INSTANCE, thereby removing its prior value.
(define-generic mul)
(define-method (mul (x <integer>) (y <integer>))
(* x y))
(define-method (mul (x <integer>) (a <pair>))
(map (lambda (i) (* i x)) a))
(define-method (mul (a <pair>) (x <integer>))
(map (lambda (i) (* i x)) a))
(define-method (mul (a <pair>) (b <pair>))
(map * a b))
(list (mul 5 7)
(mul 2 '(1 2 3))
(mul '(1 2 3) 2)
(mul '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6)))) ==> (35
(2 4 6)
(2 4 6)
(4 10 18))
; Don't do this! Generic application takes ages.
(define-generic len)
(define-method (len (x <null>)) 0)
(define-method (len (x <pair>))
(+ 1 (len (cdr x))))
(len '(1 2 3 4 5))) ==> 5