/usr/share/axiom-20170501/src/algebra/ALGFF.spad is in axiom-source 20170501-3.
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++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
++ Date Created: 3 May 1988
++ Date Last Updated: 24 Jul 1990
++ Description:
++ Function field defined by f(x, y) = 0.
AlgebraicFunctionField(F, UP, UPUP, modulus) : SIG == CODE where
F : Field
UP : UnivariatePolynomialCategory F
UPUP : UnivariatePolynomialCategory Fraction UP
modulus: UPUP
N ==> NonNegativeInteger
Z ==> Integer
RF ==> Fraction UP
QF ==> Fraction UPUP
UP2 ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial UP
SAE ==> SimpleAlgebraicExtension(RF, UPUP, modulus)
INIT ==> if (deref brandNew?) then startUp false
SIG ==> FunctionFieldCategory(F, UP, UPUP) with
knownInfBasis : N -> Void
++ knownInfBasis(n) is not documented
CODE ==> SAE add
import ChangeOfVariable(F, UP, UPUP)
import InnerCommonDenominator(UP, RF, Vector UP, Vector RF)
import MatrixCommonDenominator(UP, RF)
import UnivariatePolynomialCategoryFunctions2(RF, UPUP, UP, UP2)
startUp : Boolean -> Void
vect : Matrix RF -> Vector $
getInfBasis: () -> Void
brandNew?:Reference(Boolean) := ref true
infBr?:Reference(Boolean) := ref true
discPoly:Reference(RF) := ref 0
n := degree modulus
n1 := (n - 1)::N
ibasis:Matrix(RF) := zero(n, n)
invibasis:Matrix(RF) := copy ibasis
infbasis:Matrix(RF) := copy ibasis
invinfbasis:Matrix(RF):= copy ibasis
branchPointAtInfinity?() ==
(INIT; infBr?())
discriminant() ==
(INIT; discPoly())
integralBasis() ==
(INIT; vect ibasis)
integralBasisAtInfinity() ==
(INIT; vect infbasis)
integralMatrix() ==
(INIT; ibasis)
inverseIntegralMatrix() ==
(INIT; invibasis)
integralMatrixAtInfinity() ==
(INIT; infbasis)
branchPoint?(a:F) ==
zero?((retract(discriminant())@UP) a)
definingPolynomial() ==
inverseIntegralMatrixAtInfinity() ==
(INIT; invinfbasis)
vect m ==
[represents row(m, i) for i in minRowIndex m .. maxRowIndex m]
integralCoordinates f ==
splitDenominator(coordinates(f) * inverseIntegralMatrix())
knownInfBasis d ==
if deref brandNew? then
alpha := [monomial(1, d * i)$UP :: RF for i in 0..n1]$Vector(RF)
ib := diagonalMatrix
[inv qelt(alpha, i) for i in minIndex alpha .. maxIndex alpha]
invib := diagonalMatrix alpha
for i in minRowIndex ib .. maxRowIndex ib repeat
for j in minColIndex ib .. maxColIndex ib repeat
infbasis(i, j) := qelt(ib, i, j)
invinfbasis(i, j) := invib(i, j)
getInfBasis() ==
x := inv(monomial(1, 1)$UP :: RF)
invmod := map(s +-> s(x), modulus)
r := mkIntegral invmod
degree(r.poly) ^= n => error "Should not happen"
ninvmod:UP2 := map(s +-> retract(s)@UP, r.poly)
alpha := [(r.coef ** i) x for i in 0..n1]$Vector(RF)
invalpha := [inv qelt(alpha, i)
for i in minIndex alpha .. maxIndex alpha]$Vector(RF)
invib := integralBasis()$FunctionFieldIntegralBasis(UP, UP2,
SimpleAlgebraicExtension(UP, UP2, ninvmod))
for i in minRowIndex ibasis .. maxRowIndex ibasis repeat
for j in minColIndex ibasis .. maxColIndex ibasis repeat
infbasis(i, j) := ((invib.basis)(i,j) / invib.basisDen) x
invinfbasis(i, j) := ((invib.basisInv) (i, j)) x
ib2 := infbasis * diagonalMatrix alpha
invib2 := diagonalMatrix(invalpha) * invinfbasis
for i in minRowIndex ib2 .. maxRowIndex ib2 repeat
for j in minColIndex ibasis .. maxColIndex ibasis repeat
infbasis(i, j) := qelt(ib2, i, j)
invinfbasis(i, j) := invib2(i, j)
startUp b ==
brandNew?() := b
nmod:UP2 := map(retract, modulus)
ib := integralBasis()$FunctionFieldIntegralBasis(UP, UP2,
SimpleAlgebraicExtension(UP, UP2, nmod))
for i in minRowIndex ibasis .. maxRowIndex ibasis repeat
for j in minColIndex ibasis .. maxColIndex ibasis repeat
qsetelt_!(ibasis, i, j, (ib.basis)(i, j) / ib.basisDen)
invibasis(i, j) := ((ib.basisInv) (i, j))::RF
if zero?(infbasis(minRowIndex infbasis, minColIndex infbasis))
then getInfBasis()
ib2 := coordinates normalizeAtInfinity vect ibasis
invib2 := inverse(ib2)::Matrix(RF)
for i in minRowIndex ib2 .. maxRowIndex ib2 repeat
for j in minColIndex ib2 .. maxColIndex ib2 repeat
ibasis(i, j) := qelt(ib2, i, j)
invibasis(i, j) := invib2(i, j)
dsc := resultant(modulus, differentiate modulus)
dsc0 := dsc * determinant(infbasis) ** 2
degree(numer dsc0) > degree(denom dsc0) =>error "Shouldn't happen"
infBr?() := degree(numer dsc0) < degree(denom dsc0)
dsc := dsc * determinant(ibasis) ** 2
discPoly() := primitivePart(numer dsc) / denom(dsc)
integralDerivationMatrix d ==
w := integralBasis()
splitDenominator(coordinates([differentiate(w.i, d)
for i in minIndex w .. maxIndex w]$Vector($))
* inverseIntegralMatrix())
integralRepresents(v, d) ==
represents(coordinates(represents(v, d)) * integralMatrix())
branchPoint?(p:UP) ==
(r:=retractIfCan(p)@Union(F,"failed")) case F =>branchPoint?(r::F)
not ground? gcd(retract(discriminant())@UP, p)