/usr/share/axiom-20170501/src/algebra/ALGMANIP.spad is in axiom-source 20170501-3.
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++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
++ Date Created: 28 Mar 1988
++ Date Last Updated: 5 August 1993
++ Description:
++ AlgebraicManipulations provides functions to simplify and expand
++ expressions involving algebraic operators.
AlgebraicManipulations(R, F) : SIG == CODE where
R : IntegralDomain
F : Join(Field, ExpressionSpace) with
numer : $ -> SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R, Kernel $)
++ numer(x) \undocumented
denom : $ -> SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R, Kernel $)
++ denom(x) \undocumented
coerce : SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R, Kernel $) -> $
++ coerce(x) \undocumented
N ==> NonNegativeInteger
Z ==> Integer
OP ==> BasicOperator
SY ==> Symbol
K ==> Kernel F
P ==> SparseMultivariatePolynomial(R, K)
RF ==> Fraction P
REC ==> Record(ker:List K, exponent: List Z)
ALGOP ==> "%alg"
NTHR ==> "nthRoot"
SIG ==> with
rootSplit : F -> F
++ rootSplit(f) transforms every radical of the form
++ \spad{(a/b)**(1/n)} appearing in f into \spad{a**(1/n) / b**(1/n)}.
++ This transformation is not in general valid for all
++ complex numbers \spad{a} and b.
ratDenom : F -> F
++ ratDenom(f) rationalizes the denominators appearing in f
++ by moving all the algebraic quantities into the numerators.
ratDenom : (F, F) -> F
++ ratDenom(f, a) removes \spad{a} from the denominators in f
++ if \spad{a} is an algebraic kernel.
ratDenom : (F, List F) -> F
++ ratDenom(f, [a1,...,an]) removes the ai's which are
++ algebraic kernels from the denominators in f.
ratDenom : (F, List K) -> F
++ ratDenom(f, [a1,...,an]) removes the ai's which are
++ algebraic from the denominators in f.
ratPoly : F -> SparseUnivariatePolynomial F
++ ratPoly(f) returns a polynomial p such that p has no
++ algebraic coefficients, and \spad{p(f) = 0}.
if R has Join(OrderedSet, GcdDomain, RetractableTo Integer)
and F has FunctionSpace(R) then
rootPower : F -> F
++ rootPower(f) transforms every radical power of the form
++ \spad{(a**(1/n))**m} into a simpler form if \spad{m} and
++ \spad{n} have a common factor.
rootProduct : F -> F
++ rootProduct(f) combines every product of the form
++ \spad{(a**(1/n))**m * (a**(1/s))**t} into a single power
++ of a root of \spad{a}, and transforms every radical power
++ of the form \spad{(a**(1/n))**m} into a simpler form.
rootSimp : F -> F
++ rootSimp(f) transforms every radical of the form
++ \spad{(a * b**(q*n+r))**(1/n)} appearing in f into
++ \spad{b**q * (a * b**r)**(1/n)}.
++ This transformation is not in general valid for all
++ complex numbers b.
rootKerSimp : (OP, F, N) -> F
++ rootKerSimp(op,f,n) should be local but conditional.
CODE ==> add
import PolynomialCategoryQuotientFunctions(IndexedExponents K,K,R,P,F)
innerRF : (F, List K) -> F
rootExpand : K -> F
algkernels : List K -> List K
rootkernels: List K -> List K
dummy := kernel(new()$SY)$K
ratDenom x == innerRF(x, algkernels tower x)
ratDenom(x:F, l:List K):F == innerRF(x, algkernels l)
ratDenom(x:F, y:F) == ratDenom(x, [y])
ratDenom(x:F, l:List F) == ratDenom(x, [retract(y)@K for y in l]$List(K))
algkernels l == select_!((z1:K):Boolean +-> has?(operator z1, ALGOP), l)
rootkernels l == select_!((z1:K):Boolean +-> is?(operator z1, NTHR::SY), l)
ratPoly x ==
numer univariate(denom(ratDenom inv(dummy::P::F - x))::F, dummy)
rootSplit x ==
lk := rootkernels tower x
eval(x, lk, [rootExpand k for k in lk])
rootExpand k ==
x := first argument k
n := second argument k
op := operator k
op(numer(x)::F, n) / op(denom(x)::F, n)
-- all the kernels in ll must be algebraic
innerRF(x, ll) ==
empty?(l := sort_!((z1:K,z2:K):Boolean +-> z1 > z2,kernels x)$List(K)) or
empty? setIntersection(ll, tower x) => x
lk := empty()$List(K)
while not member?(k := first l, ll) repeat
lk := concat(k, lk)
empty?(l := rest l) =>
return eval(x, lk, [map((z3:F):F+->innerRF(z3,ll), kk) for kk in lk])
q := univariate(eval(x, lk,
[map((z4:F):F+->innerRF(z4,ll),kk) for kk in lk]),k,minPoly k)
map((z5:F):F+->innerRF(z5, ll), q) (map((z6:F):F+->innerRF(z6, ll), k))
if R has Join(OrderedSet, GcdDomain, RetractableTo Integer)
and F has FunctionSpace(R) then
import PolynomialRoots(IndexedExponents K, K, R, P, F)
sroot : K -> F
inroot : (OP, F, N) -> F
radeval: (P, K) -> F
breakup: List K -> List REC
if R has RadicalCategory then
rootKerSimp(op, x, n) ==
(r := retractIfCan(x)@Union(R, "failed")) case R =>
nthRoot(r::R, n)::F
inroot(op, x, n)
rootKerSimp(op, x, n) == inroot(op, x, n)
-- l is a list of nth-roots, returns a list of records of the form
-- [a**(1/n1),a**(1/n2),...], [n1,n2,...]]
-- such that the whole list covers l exactly
breakup l ==
empty? l => empty()
k := first l
a := first(arg := argument(k := first l))
n := retract(second arg)@Z
expo := empty()$List(Z)
others := same := empty()$List(K)
for kk in rest l repeat
if (a = first(arg := argument kk)) then
same := concat(kk, same)
expo := concat(retract(second arg)@Z, expo)
else others := concat(kk, others)
ll := breakup others
concat([concat(k, same), concat(n, expo)], ll)
rootProduct x ==
for rec in breakup rootkernels tower x repeat
k0 := first(l := rec.ker)
nx := numer x; dx := denom x
if empty? rest l then x := radeval(nx, k0) / radeval(dx, k0)
n := lcm(rec.exponent)
k := kernel(operator k0, [first argument k0, n::F], height k0)$K
lv := [monomial(1, k, (n quo m)::N) for m in rec.exponent]$List(P)
x := radeval(eval(nx, l, lv), k) / radeval(eval(dx, l, lv), k)
rootPower x ==
for k in rootkernels tower x repeat
x := radeval(numer x, k) / radeval(denom x, k)
-- replaces (a**(1/n))**m in p by a power of a simpler radical of a if
-- n and m have a common factor
radeval(p, k) ==
a := first(arg := argument k)
n := (retract(second arg)@Integer)::NonNegativeInteger
ans:F := 0
q := univariate(p, k)
while (d := degree q) > 0 repeat
term :=
((g := gcd(d, n)) = 1) => monomial(1, k, d)
monomial(1,kernel(operator k, [a,(n quo g)::F], height k), d quo g)
ans := ans + leadingCoefficient(q)::F * term::F
q := reductum q
leadingCoefficient(q)::F + ans
inroot(op, x, n) ==
(x = 1) => x
(x ^= -1) and (((num := numer x) = 1) or (num = -1)) =>
inv inroot(op, (num * denom x)::F, n)
(u := isExpt(x, op)) case "failed" => kernel(op, [x, n::F])
pr := u::Record(var:K, exponent:Integer)
q := pr.exponent /$Fraction(Z)
(n * retract(second argument(pr.var))@Z)
qr := divide(numer q, denom q)
x := first argument(pr.var)
x ** qr.quotient * rootKerSimp(op,x,denom(q)::N) ** qr.remainder
sroot k ==
pr := froot(first(arg := argument k),(retract(second arg)@Z)::N)
pr.coef * rootKerSimp(operator k, pr.radicand, pr.exponent)
rootSimp x ==
lk := rootkernels tower x
eval(x, lk, [sroot k for k in lk])