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++ Author: Gaetan Hache
++ Date Created: 17 nov 1992
++ Date Last Updated: May 2010 by Tim Daly
++ Description:
++ The following is part of the PAFF package
BlowUpPackage(K,symb,PolyRing,E, BLMET) : SIG == CODE where
K : Field
symb : List Symbol
PolyRing : FiniteAbelianMonoidRing(K,E)
E : DirectProductCategory(#symb,NonNegativeInteger)
BLMET : BlowUpMethodCategory
NNI ==> NonNegativeInteger
RFP ==> RootsFindingPackage
NP ==> NewtonPolygon( K, BlUpRing, E2 , #bls)
PackPoly ==> PackageForPoly(K,BlUpRing,E2,#bls)
bls ==> ['X,'Y]
BlUpRing ==> DistributedMultivariatePolynomial( bls , K )
E2 ==> DirectProduct(#bls , NNI)
AFP ==> AffinePlane(K)
blowUpRec ==> Record(recTransStr:BlUpRing,recPoint:AFP,recChart:BLMET,_
blowUpReturn ==> Record(mult:NonNegativeInteger,subMult: NNI, _
recStr ==> Record( sM: NNI , blRec:List blowUpRec)
SIG ==> with
applyTransform : (PolyRing,BLMET) -> PolyRing
++ applyTransform(pol,chart) apply the quadratique transformation to
++ pol specified by chart which consist of 3 integers. The last one
++ indicates which varibles is set to 1, the first on indicates
++ which variable remains unchange, and the second one indicates
++ which variable oon which the transformation is applied.
++ For example, [2,3,1] correspond to the following:
++ x -> 1, y -> y, z -> yz (here the variable are [x,y,z] in BlUpRing).
quadTransform : (BlUpRing,NNI,BLMET) -> BlUpRing -- CHH
++ quadTransform(pol,n,chart) apply the quadratique transformation
++ to pol specified by chart has in quadTransform(pol,chart) and
++ extract x**n to it, where x is the variable specified by the
++ first integer in chart (blow-up exceptional coordinate).
stepBlowUp : (BlUpRing,AFP,BLMET,K) -> blowUpReturn -- CHH
++ stepBlowUp(pol,pt,n) blow-up the point pt on the curve defined
++ by pol in the affine neighbourhood specified by n.
newtonPolySlope : BlUpRing -> List List(NNI)
polyRingToBlUpRing : (PolyRing, BLMET) -> BlUpRing
biringToPolyRing : (BlUpRing, BLMET) -> PolyRing
CODE ==> add
import BlUpRing
import AFP
import RFP(K)
import PackPoly
import NP
makeAff( l:List(K) , chart: BLMET ):AFP ==
(excepCoord chart) = 1 => affinePoint( l )$AFP
affinePoint( reverse l )$AFP
blowExp: (E2, NNI, BLMET ) -> E2
maxOf: (K,K) -> K
getStrTrans: ( BlUpRing , List BlUpRing , BLMET, K ) -> recStr
stepBlowUp(crb:BlUpRing,pt:AFP,chart:BLMET,actualExtension:K) ==
-- next is with Hamburger-Noether method
BLMET has HamburgerNoether =>
nV:Integer:= chartCoord chart
crbTrans:BlUpRing:=translate(crb, list(pt))$PackPoly
newtPol:= newtonPolygon( crbTrans, quotValuation chart, _
ramifMult chart, type chart )$NP
multPt:= multiplicity(newtPol)$NP
one?(multPt) =>
[multPt, 0 , empty() ]$blowUpReturn
listOfgetTr:List recStr:= _
[ getStrTrans( crbTrans , edge , chart , actualExtension ) _
for edge in newtPol ]
lsubM: List NNI := [ ll.sM for ll in listOfgetTr]
subM := reduce( "+" , lsubM )
llistOfRec: List List blowUpRec := [ ll.blRec for ll in listOfgetTr]
listOfRec:= concat llistOfRec
[ multPt, subM ,listOfRec]$blowUpReturn
-- next is with usual quadratic transform.
BLMET has QuadraticTransform =>
nV:Integer:= chartCoord chart
lpt:List(K) := list(pt)$AFP
multPt:=totalDegree( minForm)$PackPoly
one?(multPt) => [multPt, 0 , listRec]$blowUpReturn
-- now pt is singular !!!!
lstInd:=[i::PositiveInteger for i in 1..2 ]
-- la ligne suivante fait un choix judicieux pour minimiser le
-- degre' du transforme' stricte.
if degree( crbTrans , 2 )$PackPoly < degree( crbTrans , 1 )$PackPoly _
then lstInd := reverse lstInd
([last(lstInd), first(lstInd),nV] @ List Integer) :: BLMET
([first(lstInd),last(lstInd),nV] @ List Integer ) :: BLMET
transStricte :=quadTransform(crbTrans,multPt,laCarte)
transStricteZero:BlUpRing:= replaceVarByOne(minForm,excepCoord laCarte)
distinguishedRootsOf(univariate(transStricteZero)$PackPoly ,_
actualExtension )$RFP(K)
^one?(degExt) =>
print(("You need an extension of degree")::OutputForm)
error("Have a nice day")
listPtsSingEcl:=[makeAff([0$K,a]::List(K),laCarte) _
for a in recOfZeros.zeros]
[ transStricte,_
for ptS in listPtsSingEcl_
for a in recOfZeros.zeros]
if zero?(constant(transStricteInf))$K then
listRec:= concat(listRec,[transStricteInf,_
empty?(listRec) =>
error "Something is very wrong in blowing up!!!!!!"
[multPt, 0 ,listRec]$blowUpReturn
error "Desingularisation is not implemented for the blowing up method chosen, see BlowingUpMethodCategory."
getStrTrans( crb , inedge , actChart, actualExtension ) ==
edge:= copy inedge
s := slope(edge)$NP
if s.type case "right" then
sden:= s.base
else -- interchange les roles de X et Y .
sden:= s.height
snum:= s.base
edge := copy reverse inedge
ee := entries( degree first edge) pretend List Integer
euclq: Integer
if one?(snum) then
euclq := s.quotient
-- sMult est la somme des multiplicite des points infiniment
-- voisin par une trans. quadratique
sMult: NNI := ( ( euclq - 1 ) * ee.i2 ) pretend NNI
-- extMult est egal a la plus grande puissance de X que l'on peut
--extraire de la transformee.
extMult := (ee.i1 + ee.i2 * euclq) pretend NonNegativeInteger
listBlRec: List blowUpRec
^zero?(s.reste ) =>
ch:= createHN( i1 , i2 , chartCoord actChart, euclq , s.reste , _
false , s.type)$BLMET
trStr:= quadTransform(crb, extMult , ch )
listBlRec:= [ [trStr,origin()$AFP,ch,actualExtension ]$blowUpRec ]
[ sMult , listBlRec ]$recStr
polEdge := reduce( "+" , edge )
unipol:= univariate( replaceVarByOne( polEdge , i1 )$PackPoly )$PackPoly
recOfZeros:= distinguishedRootsOf( unipol , actualExtension )$RFP(K)
^one?(degExt) =>
print(("You need an extension of degree")::OutputForm)
error("Have a nice day")
listOfZeroes:List K:= [ z for z in recOfZeros.zeros | ^zero?(z) ]
empty? listOfZeroes => _
error " The curve is not absolutely irreducible since the Newton polygon has no sides "
createHN( i1 , i2, chartCoord actChart, euclq, 0, false, s.type)$BLMET
lsTr:BlUpRing:= quadTransform(crb, extMult , ch )
lAff:List AFP:=[makeAff([ 0$K, z]:: List K , ch) for z in listOfZeroes ]
listBlRec := [ [ lsTr,p,ch,maxOf( actualExtension , z) ]$blowUpRec_
for p in lAff for z in listOfZeroes ]
[sMult, listBlRec ]$recStr
blowExp(exp,mult,chart)== -- CHH
zero?( excepCoord chart) => exp
lexp:List NNI:=parts(exp)
ch1:Integer:= excepCoord chart
ch2:Integer:= transCoord chart
e1:Integer := lexp(ch1) pretend Integer
e2:Integer := lexp(ch2) pretend Integer
quotVal:Integer := quotValuation chart
lbexp:=[0,0] :: List(NNI)
lbexp(ch1):= ( e1 + quotVal * e2 - mult ) pretend NonNegativeInteger
quadTransform(pol,mult,chart)== -- CHH
zero? pol => 0
lc:= leadingCoefficient pol
d:=entries degree pol
ll:= [ d.i for i in 1..3 | ^( i = chartCoord(chart) ) ]
e:= directProduct( vector( ll)$Vector(NNI) )$E2
monomial(lc , e )$BlUpRing + polyRingToBlUpRing( reductum pol, chart )
zero? pol => 0
lc:= leadingCoefficient pol
d:=entries degree pol
nV:= chartCoord chart
ll:List NNI:=
nV = 1 => [ 0$NNI , d.1 , d.2 ]
nV = 2 => [ d.1 , 0$NNI , d.2 ]
[d.1 , d.2 , 0$NNI ]
e:= directProduct( vector( ll)$Vector(NNI) )$E
monomial(lc , e )$PolyRing + biringToPolyRing( reductum pol, chart )
biringToPolyRing( quadTransform( polyRingToBlUpRing( pol, chart ) ,_
0 , chart) , chart )
-- K has PseudoAlgebraicClosureOfFiniteFieldCategory => maxTower([a,b])$K
-- K has PseudoAlgebraicClosureOfRationalNumberCategory => maxTower([a,b])$K
maxOf(a:K,b:K):K ==
K has PseudoAlgebraicClosureOfPerfectFieldCategory => maxTower([a,b])$K