/usr/share/axiom-20170501/src/algebra/BOP.spad is in axiom-source 20170501-3.
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++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
++ Date Created: 22 March 1988
++ Date Last Updated: 11 October 1993
++ Description:
++ Basic system operators.
++ A basic operator is an object that can be applied to a list of
++ arguments from a set, the result being a kernel over that set.
BasicOperator() : SIG == CODE where
O ==> OutputForm
P ==> AssociationList(String, None)
L ==> List Record(key:String, entry:None)
SEX ==> InputForm
-- some internal properties
LESS? ==> "%less?"
EQUAL? ==> "%equal?"
WEIGHT ==> "%weight"
DISPLAY ==> "%display"
SEXPR ==> "%input"
SIG ==> OrderedSet with
name : $ -> Symbol
++ name(op) returns the name of op.
properties : $ -> P
++ properties(op) returns the list of all the properties
++ currently attached to op.
copy : $ -> $
++ copy(op) returns a copy of op.
operator : Symbol -> $
++ operator(f) makes f into an operator with arbitrary arity.
operator : (Symbol, NonNegativeInteger) -> $
++ operator(f, n) makes f into an n-ary operator.
arity : $ -> Union(NonNegativeInteger, "failed")
++ arity(op) returns n if op is n-ary, and
++ "failed" if op has arbitrary arity.
nullary? : $ -> Boolean
++ nullary?(op) tests if op is nullary.
unary? : $ -> Boolean
++ unary?(op) tests if op is unary.
nary? : $ -> Boolean
++ nary?(op) tests if op has arbitrary arity.
weight : $ -> NonNegativeInteger
++ weight(op) returns the weight attached to op.
weight : ($, NonNegativeInteger) -> $
++ weight(op, n) attaches the weight n to op.
equality : ($, ($, $) -> Boolean) -> $
++ equality(op, foo?) attaches foo? as the "%equal?" property
++ to op. If op1 and op2 have the same name, and one of them
++ has an "%equal?" property f, then \spad{f(op1, op2)} is called to
++ decide whether op1 and op2 should be considered equal.
comparison : ($, ($, $) -> Boolean) -> $
++ comparison(op, foo?) attaches foo? as the "%less?" property
++ to op. If op1 and op2 have the same name, and one of them
++ has a "%less?" property f, then \spad{f(op1, op2)} is called to
++ decide whether \spad{op1 < op2}.
display : $ -> Union(List O -> O, "failed")
++ display(op) returns the "%display" property of op if
++ it has one attached, and "failed" otherwise.
display : ($, List O -> O) -> $
++ display(op, foo) attaches foo as the "%display" property
++ of op. If op has a "%display" property f, then \spad{op(a1,...,an)}
++ gets converted to OutputForm as \spad{f(a1,...,an)}.
display : ($, O -> O) -> $
++ display(op, foo) attaches foo as the "%display" property
++ of op. If op has a "%display" property f, then \spad{op(a)}
++ gets converted to OutputForm as \spad{f(a)}.
++ Argument op must be unary.
input : ($, List SEX -> SEX) -> $
++ input(op, foo) attaches foo as the "%input" property
++ of op. If op has a "%input" property f, then \spad{op(a1,...,an)}
++ gets converted to InputForm as \spad{f(a1,...,an)}.
input : $ -> Union(List SEX -> SEX, "failed")
++ input(op) returns the "%input" property of op if
++ it has one attached, "failed" otherwise.
is? : ($, Symbol) -> Boolean
++ is?(op, s) tests if the name of op is s.
has? : ($, String) -> Boolean
++ has?(op, s) tests if property s is attached to op.
assert : ($, String) -> $
++ assert(op, s) attaches property s to op.
++ Argument op is modified "in place", no copy is made.
deleteProperty_! : ($, String) -> $
++ deleteProperty!(op, s) unattaches property s from op.
++ Argument op is modified "in place", no copy is made.
property : ($, String) -> Union(None, "failed")
++ property(op, s) returns the value of property s if
++ it is attached to op, and "failed" otherwise.
setProperty : ($, String, None) -> $
++ setProperty(op, s, v) attaches property s to op,
++ and sets its value to v.
++ Argument op is modified "in place", no copy is made.
setProperties : ($, P) -> $
++ setProperties(op, l) sets the property list of op to l.
++ Argument op is modified "in place", no copy is made.
CODE ==> add
-- if narg < 0 then the operator has variable arity.
Rep := Record(opname:Symbol, narg:SingleInteger, props:P)
oper: (Symbol, SingleInteger, P) -> $
is?(op, s) == name(op) = s
name op == op.opname
properties op == op.props
setProperties(op, l) == (op.props := l; op)
operator s == oper(s, -1::SingleInteger, table())
operator(s, n) == oper(s, n::Integer::SingleInteger, table())
property(op, name) == search(name, op.props)
assert(op, s) == setProperty(op, s, NIL$Lisp)
has?(op, name) == key?(name, op.props)
oper(se, n, prop) == [se, n, prop]
weight(op, n) == setProperty(op, WEIGHT, n pretend None)
nullary? op == zero?(op.narg)
unary? op == ((op.narg) = 1)
nary? op == negative?(op.narg)
equality(op, func) == setProperty(op, EQUAL?, func pretend None)
comparison(op, func) == setProperty(op, LESS?, func pretend None)
display(op:$, f:O -> O) == display(op,(x1:List(O)):O +-> f first x1)
deleteProperty_!(op, name) == (remove_!(name, properties op); op)
setProperty(op, name, valu) == (op.props.name := valu; op)
coerce(op:$):OutputForm == name(op)::OutputForm
input(op:$, f:List SEX -> SEX) == setProperty(op, SEXPR, f pretend None)
display(op:$, f:List O -> O) == setProperty(op, DISPLAY, f pretend None)
display op ==
(u := property(op, DISPLAY)) case "failed" => "failed"
(u::None) pretend (List O -> O)
input op ==
(u := property(op, SEXPR)) case "failed" => "failed"
(u::None) pretend (List SEX -> SEX)
arity op ==
negative?(n := op.narg) => "failed"
convert(n)@Integer :: NonNegativeInteger
copy op ==
oper(name op, op.narg,
table([[r.key, r.entry] for r in entries(properties op)@L]$L))
-- property EQUAL? contains a function f: (BOP, BOP) -> Boolean
-- such that f(o1, o2) is true iff o1 = o2
op1 = op2 ==
(EQ$Lisp)(op1, op2) => true
name(op1) ^= name(op2) => false
op1.narg ^= op2.narg => false
brace(keys properties op1)^=$Set(String) _
brace(keys properties op2) => false
(func := property(op1, EQUAL?)) case None =>
((func::None) pretend (($, $) -> Boolean)) (op1, op2)
-- property WEIGHT allows one to change the ordering around
-- by default, every operator has weigth 1
weight op ==
(w := property(op, WEIGHT)) case "failed" => 1
(w::None) pretend NonNegativeInteger
-- property LESS? contains a function f: (BOP, BOP) -> Boolean
-- such that f(o1, o2) is true iff o1 < o2
op1 < op2 ==
(w1 := weight op1) ^= (w2 := weight op2) => w1 < w2
op1.narg ^= op2.narg => op1.narg < op2.narg
name(op1) ^= name(op2) => name(op1) < name(op2)
n1 := #(k1 := brace(keys(properties op1))$Set(String))
n2 := #(k2 := brace(keys(properties op2))$Set(String))
n1 ^= n2 => n1 < n2
not zero?(n1 := #(d1 := difference(k1, k2))) =>
n1 ^= (n2 := #(d2 := difference(k2, k1))) => n1 < n2
inspect(d1) < inspect(d2)
(func := property(op1, LESS?)) case None =>
((func::None) pretend (($, $) -> Boolean)) (op1, op2)
(func := property(op1, EQUAL?)) case None =>
not(((func::None) pretend (($, $) -> Boolean)) (op1, op2))