/usr/share/axiom-20170501/src/algebra/BOP1.spad is in axiom-source 20170501-3.
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++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
++ Date Created: 28 Mar 1988
++ Date Last Updated: 15 May 1990
++ Description:
++ This package exports functions to set some commonly used properties
++ of operators, including properties which contain functions.
BasicOperatorFunctions1(A) : SIG == CODE where
OP ==> BasicOperator
EVAL ==> "%eval"
CONST ==> "%constant"
DIFF ==> "%diff"
OUT ==> OutputForm
IN ==> InputForm
SIG ==> with
evaluate : (OP, List A) -> Union(A, "failed")
++ evaluate(op, [a1,...,an]) checks if op has an "%eval"
++ property f. If it has, then \spad{f(a1,...,an)} is returned, and
++ "failed" otherwise.
evaluate : (OP, List A -> A) -> OP
++ evaluate(op, foo) attaches foo as the "%eval" property
++ of op. If op has an "%eval" property f, then applying op
++ to \spad{(a1,...,an)} returns the result of \spad{f(a1,...,an)}.
evaluate : (OP, A -> A) -> OP
++ evaluate(op, foo) attaches foo as the "%eval" property
++ of op. If op has an "%eval" property f, then applying op
++ to a returns the result of \spad{f(a)}. Argument op must be unary.
evaluate : OP -> Union(List A -> A, "failed")
++ evaluate(op) returns the value of the "%eval" property of
++ op if it has one, and "failed" otherwise.
derivative : (OP, List (List A -> A)) -> OP
++ derivative(op, [foo1,...,foon]) attaches [foo1,...,foon] as
++ the "%diff" property of op. If op has an "%diff" property
++ \spad{[f1,...,fn]} then applying a derivation D
++ to \spad{op(a1,...,an)}
++ returns \spad{f1(a1,...,an) * D(a1) + ... + fn(a1,...,an) * D(an)}.
derivative : (OP, A -> A) -> OP
++ derivative(op, foo) attaches foo as the "%diff" property
++ of op. If op has an "%diff" property f, then applying a
++ derivation D to op(a) returns \spad{f(a) * D(a)}.
++ Argument op must be unary.
derivative : OP -> Union(List(List A -> A), "failed")
++ derivative(op) returns the value of the "%diff" property of
++ op if it has one, and "failed" otherwise.
if A has OrderedSet then
constantOperator : A -> OP
++ constantOperator(a) returns a nullary operator op
++ such that \spad{op()} always evaluate to \spad{a}.
constantOpIfCan : OP -> Union(A, "failed")
++ constantOpIfCan(op) returns \spad{a} if op is the constant
++ nullary operator always returning \spad{a}, "failed" otherwise.
CODE ==> add
evaluate(op:OP, func:A -> A) ==
evaluate(op, (ll:List(A)):A +-> func first ll)
evaluate op ==
(func := property(op, EVAL)) case "failed" => "failed"
(func::None) pretend (List A -> A)
evaluate(op:OP, args:List A) ==
(func := property(op, EVAL)) case "failed" => "failed"
((func::None) pretend (List A -> A)) args
evaluate(op:OP, func:List A -> A) ==
setProperty(op, EVAL, func pretend None)
derivative op ==
(func := property(op, DIFF)) case "failed" => "failed"
((func::None) pretend List(List A -> A))
derivative(op:OP, grad:List(List A -> A)) ==
setProperty(op, DIFF, grad pretend None)
derivative(op:OP, f:A -> A) ==
unary? op or nary? op =>
derivative(op, [(ll:List(A)):A +-> f first ll]$List(List A -> A))
error "Operator is not unary"
if A has OrderedSet then
cdisp : (OUT, List OUT) -> OUT
csex : (IN, List IN) -> IN
eqconst?: (OP, OP) -> Boolean
ltconst?: (OP, OP) -> Boolean
constOp : A -> OP
opconst:OP :=
comparison(equality(operator("constant"::Symbol, 0), eqconst?),
cdisp(a, l) == a
csex(a, l) == a
eqconst?(a, b) ==
(va := property(a, CONST)) case "failed" => not has?(b, CONST)
((vb := property(b, CONST)) case None) and
((va::None) pretend A) = ((vb::None) pretend A)
ltconst?(a, b) ==
(va := property(a, CONST)) case "failed" => has?(b, CONST)
((vb := property(b, CONST)) case None) and
((va::None) pretend A) < ((vb::None) pretend A)
constOp a ==
display(copy opconst, (ll:List(OUT)):OUT +-> cdisp(a::OUT, ll)),
CONST, a pretend None)
constantOpIfCan op ==
is?(op, "constant"::Symbol) and
((u := property(op, CONST)) case None) => (u::None) pretend A
if A has ConvertibleTo IN then
constantOperator a ==
input(constOp a, (ll:List(IN)):IN +-> csex(convert a, ll))
constantOperator a == constOp a