/usr/share/axiom-20170501/src/algebra/D01AGNT.spad is in axiom-source 20170501-3.
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++ Author: Brian Dupee
++ Date Created: March 1994
++ Date Last Updated: December 1997
++ Description:
++ \axiomType{d01AgentsPackage} is a package of numerical agents to be used
++ to investigate attributes of an input function so as to decide the
++ \axiomFun{measure} of an appropriate numerical integration routine.
++ It contains functions \axiomFun{rangeIsFinite} to test the input range and
++ \axiomFun{functionIsContinuousAtEndPoints} to check for continuity at
++ the end points of the range.
d01AgentsPackage() : SIG == CODE where
EF2 ==> ExpressionFunctions2
EFI ==> Expression Fraction Integer
FI ==> Fraction Integer
LEDF ==> List Expression DoubleFloat
KEDF ==> Kernel Expression DoubleFloat
EEDF ==> Equation Expression DoubleFloat
EDF ==> Expression DoubleFloat
PDF ==> Polynomial DoubleFloat
LDF ==> List DoubleFloat
SDF ==> Stream DoubleFloat
DF ==> DoubleFloat
F ==> Float
ST ==> String
LST ==> List String
SI ==> SingleInteger
SOCDF ==> Segment OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat
OCDF ==> OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat
OCEDF ==> OrderedCompletion Expression DoubleFloat
EOCEFI ==> Equation OrderedCompletion Expression Fraction Integer
OCEFI ==> OrderedCompletion Expression Fraction Integer
OCFI ==> OrderedCompletion Fraction Integer
NIA ==> Record(var:Symbol,fn:EDF,range:SOCDF,abserr:DF,relerr:DF)
INT ==> Integer
CTYPE ==> Union(continuous: "Continuous at the end points",
lowerSingular: "There is a singularity at the lower end point",
upperSingular: "There is a singularity at the upper end point",
bothSingular: "There are singularities at both end points",
notEvaluated: "End point continuity not yet evaluated")
RTYPE ==> Union(finite: "The range is finite",
lowerInfinite: "The bottom of range is infinite",
upperInfinite: "The top of range is infinite",
bothInfinite: "Both top and bottom points are infinite",
notEvaluated: "Range not yet evaluated")
STYPE ==> Union(str:SDF,
notEvaluated:"Internal singularities not yet evaluated")
ATT ==> Record(endPointContinuity:CTYPE,
ROA ==> Record(key:NIA,entry:ATT)
SIG ==> with
rangeIsFinite : NIA -> RTYPE
++ rangeIsFinite(args) tests the endpoints of \spad{args.range} for
++ infinite end points.
functionIsContinuousAtEndPoints : NIA -> CTYPE
++ functionIsContinuousAtEndPoints(args) uses power series limits
++ to check for problems at the end points of the range of \spad{args}.
getlo : SOCDF -> DF
++ getlo(x) gets the \axiomType{DoubleFloat} equivalent of
++ the first endpoint of the range \axiom{x}
gethi : SOCDF -> DF
++ gethi(x) gets the \axiomType{DoubleFloat} equivalent of
++ the second endpoint of the range \axiom{x}
functionIsOscillatory : NIA -> F
++ functionIsOscillatory(a) tests whether the function \spad{a.fn}
++ has many zeros of its derivative.
problemPoints : (EDF, Symbol, SOCDF) -> List DF
++ problemPoints(f,var,range) returns a list of possible problem points
++ by looking at the zeros of the denominator of the function if it
++ can be retracted to \axiomType{Polynomial DoubleFloat}.
singularitiesOf : NIA -> SDF
++ singularitiesOf(args) returns a list of potential
++ singularities of the function within the given range
df2st : DF -> String
++ df2st(n) coerces a \axiomType{DoubleFloat} to \axiomType{String}
ldf2lst : LDF -> LST
++ ldf2lst(ln) coerces a List of \axiomType{DoubleFloat} to
++ \axiomType{List String}
sdf2lst : SDF -> LST
++ sdf2lst(ln) coerces a Stream of \axiomType{DoubleFloat} to
++ \axiomType{List String}
commaSeparate : LST -> ST
++ commaSeparate(l) produces a comma separated string from a
++ list of strings.
changeName : (Symbol,Symbol,Result) -> Result
++ changeName(s,t,r) changes the name of item \axiom{s} in \axiom{r}
++ to \axiom{t}.
CODE ==> ExpertSystemContinuityPackage add
import ExpertSystemToolsPackage
import ExpertSystemContinuityPackage
-- local functions
ocdf2ocefi : OCDF -> OCEFI
rangeOfArgument : (KEDF, NIA) -> DF
continuousAtPoint? : (EFI,EOCEFI) -> Boolean
rand:(SOCDF,INT) -> LDF
eval:(EDF,Symbol,LDF) -> LDF
numberOfSignChanges:LDF -> INT
rangeIsFiniteFunction:NIA -> RTYPE
functionIsContinuousAtEndPointsFunction:NIA -> CTYPE
changeName(s:Symbol,t:Symbol,r:Result):Result ==
a := remove!(s,r)$Result
a case Any =>
commaSeparate(l:LST):ST ==
empty?(l)$LST => ""
(#(l) = 1) => concat(l)$ST
f := first(l)$LST
t := [concat([", ",l.i])$ST for i in 2..#(l)]
rand(seg:SOCDF,n:INT):LDF ==
-- produced a sorted list of random numbers in the given range
l:DF := getlo seg
s:DF := (gethi seg) - l
seed:INT := random()$INT
dseed:DF := seed :: DF
r:LDF := [(((random(seed)$INT) :: DF)*s/dseed + l) for i in 1..n]
eval(f:EDF,var:Symbol,l:LDF):LDF ==
empty?(l)$LDF => [0$DF]
ve := var::EDF
[retract(eval(f,equation(ve,u::EDF)$EEDF)$EDF)@DF for u in l]
numberOfSignChanges(l:LDF):INT ==
-- calculates the number of sign changes in a list
a := 0$INT
empty?(l)$LDF => 0
for i in 2..# l repeat
if negative?(l.i*l.(i-1)) then
a := a + 1
rangeOfArgument(k: KEDF, args:NIA): DF ==
Args := copy args
Args.fn := arg := first(argument(k)$KEDF)$LEDF
functionIsContinuousAtEndPoints(Args) case continuous =>
r:SOCDF := args.range
low:EDF := (getlo r) :: EDF
high:EDF := (gethi r) :: EDF
eql := equation(a := args.var :: EDF, low)$EEDF
eqh := equation(a, high)$EEDF
e1 := (numeric(eval(arg,eql)$EDF)$Numeric(DF)) :: DF
e2 := (numeric(eval(arg,eqh)$EDF)$Numeric(DF)) :: DF
ocdf2ocefi(r:OCDF):OCEFI ==
finite?(r)$OCDF => (edf2efi(((retract(r)@DF)$OCDF)::EDF))::OCEFI
r pretend OCEFI
continuousAtPoint?(f:EFI,e:EOCEFI):Boolean ==
(l := limit(f,e)$PowerSeriesLimitPackage(FI,EFI)) case OCEFI =>
finite?(l :: OCEFI)
-- if the left hand limit equals the right hand limit, or if neither
-- side has a limit at this point, the return type of limit() is
-- Union(Ordered Completion Expression Fraction Integer,"failed")
-- exported functions
rangeIsFiniteFunction(args:NIA): RTYPE ==
-- rangeIsFinite(x) tests the endpoints of x.range for infinite
-- end points.
-- [-inf, inf] => 4
-- [ x , inf] => 3
-- [-inf, x ] => 1
-- [ x , y ] => 0
fr:SI := (3::SI * whatInfinity(hi(args.range))$OCDF
- whatInfinity(lo(args.range))$OCDF)
fr = 0 => ["The range is finite"]
fr = 1 => ["The bottom of range is infinite"]
fr = 3 => ["The top of range is infinite"]
fr = 4 => ["Both top and bottom points are infinite"]
error("rangeIsFinite",["this is not a valid range"])$ErrorFunctions
rangeIsFinite(args:NIA): RTYPE ==
nia := copy args
(t := showAttributes(nia)$IntegrationFunctionsTable) case ATT =>
s := coerce(t)@ATT
s.range case notEvaluated =>
s.range := rangeIsFiniteFunction(nia)
r:ROA := [nia,s]
a:ATT := [["End point continuity not yet evaluated"],
["Internal singularities not yet evaluated"],
r:ROA := [nia,a]
functionIsContinuousAtEndPointsFunction(args:NIA):CTYPE ==
v := args.var :: EFI :: OCEFI
high:OCEFI := ocdf2ocefi(hi(args.range))
low:OCEFI := ocdf2ocefi(lo(args.range))
f := edf2efi(args.fn)
l:Boolean := continuousAtPoint?(f,equation(v,low)$EOCEFI)
h:Boolean := continuousAtPoint?(f,equation(v,high)$EOCEFI)
l and h => ["Continuous at the end points"]
l => ["There is a singularity at the upper end point"]
h => ["There is a singularity at the lower end point"]
["There are singularities at both end points"]
functionIsContinuousAtEndPoints(args:NIA): CTYPE ==
nia := copy args
(t := showAttributes(nia)$IntegrationFunctionsTable) case ATT =>
s := coerce(t)@ATT
s.endPointContinuity case notEvaluated =>
s.endPointContinuity := functionIsContinuousAtEndPointsFunction(nia)
r:ROA := [nia,s]
a:ATT := [e:=functionIsContinuousAtEndPointsFunction(nia),
["Internal singularities not yet evaluated"],
["Range not yet evaluated"]]
r:ROA := [nia,a]
functionIsOscillatory(a:NIA):F ==
args := copy a
k := tower(numerator args.fn)$EDF
p:F := pi()$F
for i in 1..# k repeat
is?(ker := k.i, sin :: Symbol) =>
ra := convert(rangeOfArgument(ker,args))@F
ra > 2*p => return (ra/p)
is?(ker, cos :: Symbol) =>
ra := convert(rangeOfArgument(ker,args))@F
ra > 2*p => return (ra/p)
l:LDF := rand(args.range,30)
l := eval(args.fn,args.var,l)
numberOfSignChanges(l) :: F
singularitiesOf(args:NIA):SDF ==
nia := copy args
(t := showAttributes(nia)$IntegrationFunctionsTable) case ATT =>
s:ATT := coerce(t)@ATT
p:STYPE := s.singularitiesStream
p case str => p.str
e:SDF := singularitiesOf(nia.fn,[nia.var],nia.range)
if not empty?(e) then
if less?(e,10)$SDF then extend(e,10)$SDF
s.singularitiesStream := [e]
r:ROA := [nia,s]
if not empty?(e) then
if less?(e,10)$SDF then extend(e,10)$SDF
a:ATT := [["End point continuity not yet evaluated"],[e],
["Range not yet evaluated"]]
r:ROA := [nia,a]