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++ Author: Brian Dupee
++ Date Created: July 1994
++ Date Last Updated: January 1998
++ Description:
++ \axiom{d01WeightsPackage} is a package for functions used to investigate
++ whether a function can be divided into a simpler function and a weight
++ function. The types of weights investigated are those giving rise to
++ end-point singularities of the algebraico-logarithmic type, and
++ trigonometric weights.
d01WeightsPackage() : SIG == CODE where
LEDF ==> List Expression DoubleFloat
KEDF ==> Kernel Expression DoubleFloat
LKEDF ==> List Kernel Expression DoubleFloat
EDF ==> Expression DoubleFloat
PDF ==> Polynomial DoubleFloat
FI ==> Fraction Integer
LDF ==> List DoubleFloat
DF ==> DoubleFloat
SOCDF ==> Segment OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat
OCDF ==> OrderedCompletion DoubleFloat
NIA ==> Record(var:Symbol,fn:EDF,range:SOCDF,abserr:DF,relerr:DF)
INT ==> Integer
BOP ==> BasicOperator
URBODF ==> Union(Record(op:BasicOperator,w:DF),"failed")
LURBODF ==> List(Union(Record(op:BasicOperator,w:DF), "failed"))
SIG ==> with
exprHasWeightCosWXorSinWX : NIA -> URBODF
++ \axiom{exprHasWeightCosWXorSinWX} looks for trigonometric
++ weights in an expression of the form \axiom{cos \omega x} or
++ \axiom{sin \omega x}, returning the value of \omega
++ (\notequal 1) and the operator.
exprHasAlgebraicWeight : NIA -> Union(LDF,"failed")
++ \axiom{exprHasAlgebraicWeight} looks for algebraic weights
++ giving rise to singularities of the function at the end-points.
exprHasLogarithmicWeights : NIA -> INT
++ \axiom{exprHasLogarithmicWeights} looks for logarithmic weights
++ giving rise to singularities of the function at the end-points.
CODE ==> add
score:(EDF,EDF) -> FI
kernelIsLog:KEDF -> Boolean
functionIsPolynomial?:EDF -> Boolean
functionIsNthRoot?:(EDF,EDF) -> Boolean
functionIsQuotient:EDF -> Union(EDF,"failed")
findCommonFactor:LEDF -> Union(LEDF,"failed")
findAlgebraicWeight:(NIA,EDF) -> Union(DF,"failed")
exprHasListOfWeightsCosWXorSinWX:(EDF,Symbol) -> LURBODF
exprOfFormCosWXorSinWX:(EDF,Symbol) -> URBODF
bestWeight:LURBODF -> URBODF
weightIn?:(URBODF,LURBODF) -> Boolean
kernelIsLog(k:KEDF):Boolean ==
(name k = (log :: Symbol))@Boolean
factorIn?(a:EDF,l:LEDF):Boolean ==
for i in 1..# l repeat
(a = l.i)@Boolean => return true
voo?(b:EDF,a:EDF):Boolean ==
(voo:=isTimes(b)) case LEDF and factorIn?(a,voo)
inRest?(a:EDF,l:LEDF):Boolean ==
every?(x+->voo?(x,a) ,l)
findCommonFactor(l:LEDF):Union(LEDF,"failed") ==
empty?(l)$LEDF => "failed"
f := first(l)$LEDF
r := rest(l)$LEDF
(t := isTimes(f)$EDF) case LEDF =>
empty?(pos) => "failed"
exprIsLogarithmicWeight(f:EDF,Var:EDF,a:EDF,b:EDF):INT ==
ans := 0$INT
k := tower(f)$EDF
lf := select(kernelIsLog,k)$LKEDF
empty?(lf)$LKEDF => ans
for i in 1..# lf repeat
arg := argument lf.i
if (arg.1 = (Var - a)) then
ans := ans + 1
else if (arg.1 = (b - Var)) then
ans := ans + 2
exprHasLogarithmicWeights(args:NIA):INT ==
ans := 1$INT
a := getlo(args.range)$d01AgentsPackage :: EDF
b := gethi(args.range)$d01AgentsPackage :: EDF
Var := args.var :: EDF
(l := isPlus numerator args.fn) case LEDF =>
(cf := findCommonFactor l) case LEDF =>
for j in 1..# cf repeat
ans := ans + exprIsLogarithmicWeight(cf.j,Var,a,b)
ans := ans + exprIsLogarithmicWeight(args.fn,Var,a,b)
functionIsQuotient(expr:EDF):Union(EDF,"failed") ==
(k := mainKernel expr) case KEDF =>
expr = inv(f := k :: KEDF :: EDF)$EDF => f
(numerator expr = 1) => denominator expr
functionIsPolynomial?(f:EDF):Boolean ==
(retractIfCan(f)@Union(PDF,"failed"))$EDF case PDF
functionIsNthRoot?(f:EDF,e:EDF):Boolean ==
(m := mainKernel f) case "failed" => false
((# (kernels f)) = 1)
and (name operator m = (nthRoot :: Symbol))@Boolean
and (((argument m).1 = e)@Boolean)
score(f:EDF,e:EDF):FI ==
ans := 0$FI
(t := isTimes f) case LEDF =>
for i in 1..# t repeat
ans := ans + score(t.i,e)
(q := functionIsQuotient f) case EDF =>
ans := ans - score(q,e)
functionIsPolynomial? f =>
g:EDF := f/e
if functionIsPolynomial? g then
ans := 1+score(g,e)
(l := isPlus f) case LEDF =>
(cf := findCommonFactor l) case LEDF =>
factor := 1$EDF
for i in 1..# cf repeat
factor := factor*cf.i
ans := ans + score(f/factor,e) + score(factor,e)
functionIsNthRoot?(f,e) =>
(p := isPower f) case "failed" => ans
exp := p.exponent
m := mainKernel f
m case KEDF =>
arg := argument m
a:INT := (retract(arg.2)@INT)$EDF
exp / a
findAlgebraicWeight(args:NIA,e:EDF):Union(DF,"failed") ==
zero?(s := score(args.fn,e)) => "failed"
s :: DF
exprHasAlgebraicWeight(args:NIA):Union(LDF,"failed") ==
(f := functionIsContinuousAtEndPoints(args)$d01AgentsPackage)
case continuous =>"failed"
Var := args.var :: EDF
a := getlo(args.range)$d01AgentsPackage :: EDF
b := gethi(args.range)$d01AgentsPackage :: EDF
A := Var - a
B := b - Var
f case lowerSingular =>
(h := findAlgebraicWeight(args,A)) case "failed" => "failed"
f case upperSingular =>
(g := findAlgebraicWeight(args,B)) case "failed" => "failed"
h := findAlgebraicWeight(args,A)
g := findAlgebraicWeight(args,B)
r := (h case "failed")
s := (g case "failed")
(r) and (s) => "failed"
r => [0,coerce(g)@DF]
s => [coerce(h)@DF,0]
exprOfFormCosWXorSinWX(f:EDF,var:Symbol): URBODF ==
l:LKEDF := kernels(f)$EDF
# l = 1 =>
a:LEDF := argument(e:KEDF := first(l)$LKEDF)$KEDF
empty?(a) => "failed"
m:Union(LEDF,"failed") := isTimes(first(a)$LEDF)$EDF
m case LEDF => -- if it is a list, it will have at least two elements
is?(second(m)$LEDF,var)$EDF =>
omega:DF := retract(first(m)$LEDF)@DF
o:BOP := operator(n:Symbol:=name(e)$KEDF)$BOP
(n = cos@Symbol)@Boolean => [o,omega]
(n = sin@Symbol)@Boolean => [o,omega]
exprHasListOfWeightsCosWXorSinWX(f:EDF,var:Symbol): LURBODF ==
(e := isTimes(f)$EDF) case LEDF =>
[exprOfFormCosWXorSinWX(u,var) for u in e]
empty?(k := kernels f) => ["failed"]
((first(k)::EDF) = f) =>
bestWeight(l:LURBODF): URBODF ==
empty?(l)$LURBODF => "failed"
best := first(l)$LURBODF -- best is first in list
empty?(rest(l)$LURBODF) => best
for i in 2..# l repeat -- unless next is better
r:URBODF := l.i
if r case "failed" then leave
else if best case "failed" then
best := r
else if r.w > best.w then
best := r
weightIn?(weight:URBODF,listOfWeights:LURBODF):Boolean ==
n := # listOfWeights
for i in 1..n repeat -- cycle through list
(weight = listOfWeights.i)@Boolean => return true -- return when found
exprHasWeightCosWXorSinWX(args:NIA):URBODF ==
ans := empty()$LURBODF
f:EDF := numerator(args.fn)$EDF
(t:Union(LEDF,"failed") := isPlus(f)) case "failed" =>
if t case LEDF then
e1 := first(t)$LEDF
le1:LURBODF := exprHasListOfWeightsCosWXorSinWX(e1,args.var)
le1 := [u for u in le1 | (not (u case "failed"))]
empty?(le1)$LURBODF => "failed"
test := true
for i in 1..# le1 repeat
le1i:URBODF := le1.i
for j in 2..# t repeat
if test then
tj:LURBODF := exprHasListOfWeightsCosWXorSinWX(t.j,args.var)
test := weightIn?(le1i,tj)
if test then
ans := concat([le1i],ans)
bestWeight ans
else "failed"