/usr/share/axiom-20170501/src/algebra/DFINTTLS.spad is in axiom-source 20170501-3.
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++ Author: Manuel Bronstein
++ Date Created: 15 April 1992
++ Date Last Updated: 24 February 1993
++ Description:
++ \spadtype{DefiniteIntegrationTools} provides common tools used
++ by the definite integration of both rational and elementary functions.
DefiniteIntegrationTools(R, F) : SIG == CODE where
R : Join(GcdDomain, OrderedSet, RetractableTo Integer,
LinearlyExplicitRingOver Integer)
F : Join(TranscendentalFunctionCategory,
AlgebraicallyClosedFunctionSpace R)
B ==> Boolean
Z ==> Integer
Q ==> Fraction Z
SE ==> Symbol
P ==> Polynomial R
RF ==> Fraction P
UP ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial F
K ==> Kernel F
OFE ==> OrderedCompletion F
UPZ ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial Z
UPQ ==> SparseUnivariatePolynomial Q
REC ==> Record(left:Q, right:Q)
REC2==> Record(endpoint:Q, dir:Z)
U ==> Union(fin:REC, halfinf:REC2, all:"all", failed:"failed")
IGNOR ==> "noPole"
SIG ==> with
ignore? : String -> B
++ ignore?(s) is true if s is the string that tells the integrator
++ to assume that the function has no pole in the integration interval.
computeInt : (K, F, OFE, OFE, B) -> Union(OFE, "failed")
++ computeInt(x, g, a, b, eval?) returns the integral of \spad{f} for x
++ between a and b, assuming that g is an indefinite integral of
++ \spad{f} and \spad{f} has no pole between a and b.
++ If \spad{eval?} is true, then \spad{g} can be evaluated safely
++ at \spad{a} and \spad{b}, provided that they are finite values.
++ Otherwise, limits must be computed.
checkForZero : (P, SE, OFE, OFE, B) -> Union(B, "failed")
++ checkForZero(p, x, a, b, incl?) is true if p has a zero for x between
++ a and b, false otherwise, "failed" if this cannot be determined.
++ Check for a and b inclusive if incl? is true, exclusive otherwise.
checkForZero : (UP, OFE, OFE, B) -> Union(B, "failed")
++ checkForZero(p, a, b, incl?) is true if p has a zero between
++ a and b, false otherwise, "failed" if this cannot be determined.
++ Check for a and b inclusive if incl? is true, exclusive otherwise.
CODE ==> add
import RealZeroPackage UPZ
import InnerPolySign(F, UP)
import ElementaryFunctionSign(R, F)
import PowerSeriesLimitPackage(R, F)
import UnivariatePolynomialCommonDenominator(Z, Q, UPQ)
mkLogPos : F -> F
keeprec? : (Q, REC) -> B
negative : F -> Union(B, "failed")
mkKerPos : K -> Union(F, "positive")
posRoot : (UP, B) -> Union(B, "failed")
realRoot : UP -> Union(B, "failed")
var : UP -> Union(Z, "failed")
maprat : UP -> Union(UPZ, "failed")
variation : (UP, F) -> Union(Z, "failed")
infeval : (UP, OFE) -> Union(F, "failed")
checkHalfAx : (UP, F, Z, B) -> Union(B, "failed")
findLimit : (F, K, OFE, String, B) -> Union(OFE, "failed")
checkBudan : (UP, OFE, OFE, B) -> Union(B, "failed")
checkDeriv : (UP, OFE, OFE) -> Union(B, "failed")
sameSign : (UP, OFE, OFE) -> Union(B, "failed")
intrat : (OFE, OFE) -> U
findRealZero: (UPZ, U, B) -> List REC
variation(p, a) == var p(monomial(1, 1)$UP - a::UP)
keeprec?(a, rec) == (a > rec.right) or (a < rec.left)
checkHalfAx(p, a, d, incl?) ==
posRoot(p(d * (monomial(1, 1)$UP - a::UP)), incl?)
ignore? str ==
str = IGNOR => true
error "integrate: last argument must be 'noPole'"
computeInt(k, f, a, b, eval?) ==
is?(f, "integral"::SE) => "failed"
if not eval? then f := mkLogPos f
((ib := findLimit(f, k, b, "left", eval?)) case "failed") or
((ia := findLimit(f, k, a, "right", eval?)) case "failed") => "failed"
infinite?(ia::OFE) and (ia::OFE = ib::OFE) => "failed"
ib::OFE - ia::OFE
findLimit(f, k, a, dir, eval?) ==
r := retractIfCan(a)@Union(F, "failed")
r case F =>
eval? => mkLogPos(eval(f, k, r::F))::OFE
(u := limit(f, equation(k::F, r::F), dir)) case OFE => u::OFE
(u := limit(f, equation(k::F::OFE, a))) case OFE => u::OFE
mkLogPos f ==
lk := empty()$List(K)
lv := empty()$List(F)
for k in kernels f | is?(k, "log"::SE) repeat
if (v := mkKerPos k) case F then
lk := concat(k, lk)
lv := concat(v::F, lv)
eval(f, lk, lv)
mkKerPos k ==
(u := negative(f := first argument k)) case "failed" =>
log(f**2) / (2::F)
u::B => log(-f)
negative f ==
(u := sign f) case "failed" => "failed"
u::Z < 0
checkForZero(p, x, a, b, incl?) ==
map(s+->s::F, univariate(p, x))_
$SparseUnivariatePolynomialFunctions2(P, F),
a, b, incl?)
checkForZero(q, a, b, incl?) ==
ground? q => false
(d := maprat q) case UPZ and not((i := intrat(a, b)) case failed) =>
not empty? findRealZero(d::UPZ, i, incl?)
(u := checkBudan(q, a, b, incl?)) case "failed" =>
incl? => checkDeriv(q, a, b)
maprat p ==
ans:UPQ := 0
while p ^= 0 repeat
(r := retractIfCan(c := leadingCoefficient p)@Union(Q,"failed"))
case "failed" => return "failed"
ans := ans + monomial(r::Q, degree p)
p := reductum p
map(numer,(splitDenominator ans).num
)$SparseUnivariatePolynomialFunctions2(Q, Z)
intrat(a, b) ==
(n := whatInfinity a) ^= 0 =>
(r := retractIfCan(b)@Union(F,"failed")) case "failed" => ["all"]
(q := retractIfCan(r::F)@Union(Q, "failed")) case "failed" =>
[[q::Q, n]]
(q := retractIfCan(retract(a)@F)@Union(Q,"failed")) case "failed"
=> ["failed"]
(n := whatInfinity b) ^= 0 => [[q::Q, n]]
(t := retractIfCan(retract(b)@F)@Union(Q,"failed")) case "failed"
=> ["failed"]
[[q::Q, t::Q]]
findRealZero(p, i, incl?) ==
i case fin =>
l := realZeros(p, r := i.fin)
incl? => l
select_!(s+->keeprec?(r.left, s) and keeprec?(r.right, s), l)
i case all => realZeros p
i case halfinf =>
empty?(l := realZeros p) => empty()
bounds:REC :=
i.halfinf.dir > 0 => [i.halfinf.endpoint, "max"/[t.right for t in l]]
["min"/[t.left for t in l], i.halfinf.endpoint]
l := [u::REC for t in l | (u := refine(p, t, bounds)) case REC]
incl? => l
ep := i.halfinf.endpoint
select_!(s+->keeprec?(ep, s), l)
error "findRealZero: should not happpen"
checkBudan(p, a, b, incl?) ==
r := retractIfCan(b)@Union(F, "failed")
(n := whatInfinity a) ^= 0 =>
r case "failed" => realRoot p
checkHalfAx(p, r::F, n, incl?)
(za? := zero? p(aa := retract(a)@F)) and incl? => true
(n := whatInfinity b) ^= 0 => checkHalfAx(p, aa, n, incl?)
(zb? := zero? p(bb := r::F)) and incl? => true
(va := variation(p, aa)) case "failed" or
(vb := variation(p, bb)) case "failed" => "failed"
m:Z := 0
if za? then m := inc m
if zb? then m := inc m
odd?(v := va::Z - vb::Z) => -- p has an odd number of roots
incl? or even? m => true
(v = 1) => false
zero? v => false -- p has no roots
(m = 1) => true -- p has an even number > 0 of roots
checkDeriv(p, a, b) ==
(r := retractIfCan(p)@Union(F, "failed")) case F => zero?(r::F)
(s := sameSign(p, a, b)) case "failed" => "failed"
s::B => -- p has the same nonzero sign at a and b
(u := checkDeriv(differentiate p,a,b)) case "failed" => "failed"
u::B => "failed"
realRoot p ==
(b := posRoot(p, true)) case "failed" => "failed"
b::B => true
posRoot(p(p - monomial(1, 1)$UP), true)
sameSign(p, a, b) ==
(ea := infeval(p, a)) case "failed" => "failed"
(eb := infeval(p, b)) case "failed" => "failed"
(s := sign(ea::F * eb::F)) case "failed" => "failed"
s::Z > 0
-- returns true if p has a positive root. Include 0 is incl0? is true
posRoot(p, incl0?) ==
(z0? := zero?(coefficient(p, 0))) and incl0? => true
(v := var p) case "failed" => "failed"
odd?(v::Z) => -- p has an odd number of positive roots
incl0? or not(z0?) => true
(v::Z) = 1 => false
zero?(v::Z) => false -- p has no positive roots
z0? => true -- p has an even number > 0 of positive roots
infeval(p, a) ==
zero?(n := whatInfinity a) => p(retract(a)@F)
(u := signAround(p, n, sign)) case "failed" => "failed"
var q ==
i:Z := 0
(lastCoef := negative leadingCoefficient q) case "failed" =>
while ((q := reductum q) ^= 0) repeat
(next := negative leadingCoefficient q) case "failed" =>
return "failed"
if ((not(lastCoef::B)) and next::B) or
((not(next::B)) and lastCoef::B) then i := i + 1
lastCoef := next