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++ Author: William Sit
++ Date Created: 19 July 1990
++ Date Last Updated: 13 September 1991
++ References:Kolchin, E.R. "Differential Algebra and Algebraic Groups"
++ (Academic Press, 1973).
++ Description:
++ \spadtype{DifferentialPolynomialCategory} is a category constructor
++ specifying basic functions in an ordinary differential polynomial
++ ring with a given ordered set of differential indeterminates.
++ In addition, it implements defaults for the basic functions.
++ The functions \spadfun{order} and \spadfun{weight} are extended
++ from the set of derivatives of differential indeterminates
++ to the set of differential polynomials. Other operations
++ provided on differential polynomials are
++ \spadfun{leader}, \spadfun{initial},
++ \spadfun{separant}, \spadfun{differentialVariables}, and
++ \spadfun{isobaric?}. Furthermore, if the ground ring is
++ a differential ring, then evaluation (substitution
++ of differential indeterminates by elements of the ground ring
++ or by differential polynomials) is
++ provided by \spadfun{eval}.
++ A convenient way of referencing derivatives is provided by
++ the functions \spadfun{makeVariable}.
++ To construct a domain using this constructor, one needs
++ to provide a ground ring R, an ordered set S of differential
++ indeterminates, a ranking V on the set of derivatives
++ of the differential indeterminates, and a set E of
++ exponents in bijection with the set of differential monomials
++ in the given differential indeterminates.
DifferentialPolynomialCategory(R,S,V,E) : Category == SIG where
R : Ring
S : OrderedSet
V : DifferentialVariableCategory(S)
E : OrderedAbelianMonoidSup
PC ==> PolynomialCategory(R,E,V)
DE ==> DifferentialExtension(R)
RT ==> RetractableTo(S)
SIG ==> Join(PC,DE,RT) with
-- Examples:
-- s:=makeVariable('s)
-- p:= 3*(s 1)**2 + s*(s 2)**3
-- all functions below have default implementations
-- using primitives from V
makeVariable : S -> (NonNegativeInteger -> $)
++ makeVariable(s) views s as a differential
++ indeterminate, in such a way that the n-th
++ derivative of s may be simply referenced as z.n
++ where z :=makeVariable(s).
++ Note that In the interpreter, z is
++ given as an internal map, which may be ignored.
-- Example: makeVariable('s); %.5
differentialVariables : $ -> List S
++ differentialVariables(p) returns a list of differential
++ indeterminates occurring in a differential polynomial p.
order : ($, S) -> NonNegativeInteger
++ order(p,s) returns the order of the differential
++ polynomial p in differential indeterminate s.
order : $ -> NonNegativeInteger
++ order(p) returns the order of the differential polynomial p,
++ which is the maximum number of differentiations of a
++ differential indeterminate, among all those appearing in p.
degree : ($, S) -> NonNegativeInteger
++ degree(p, s) returns the maximum degree of
++ the differential polynomial p viewed as a differential polynomial
++ in the differential indeterminate s alone.
weights : $ -> List NonNegativeInteger
++ weights(p) returns a list of weights of differential monomials
++ appearing in differential polynomial p.
weight : $ -> NonNegativeInteger
++ weight(p) returns the maximum weight of all differential monomials
++ appearing in the differential polynomial p.
weights : ($, S) -> List NonNegativeInteger
++ weights(p, s) returns a list of
++ weights of differential monomials
++ appearing in the differential polynomial p when p is viewed
++ as a differential polynomial in the differential indeterminate s
++ alone.
weight : ($, S) -> NonNegativeInteger
++ weight(p, s) returns the maximum weight of all differential
++ monomials appearing in the differential polynomial p
++ when p is viewed as a differential polynomial in
++ the differential indeterminate s alone.
isobaric? : $ -> Boolean
++ isobaric?(p) returns true if every differential monomial appearing
++ in the differential polynomial p has same weight,
++ and returns false otherwise.
leader : $ -> V
++ leader(p) returns the derivative of the highest rank
++ appearing in the differential polynomial p
++ Note that an error occurs if p is in the ground ring.
initial : $ -> $
++ initial(p) returns the
++ leading coefficient when the differential polynomial p
++ is written as a univariate polynomial in its leader.
separant : $ -> $
++ separant(p) returns the
++ partial derivative of the differential polynomial p
++ with respect to its leader.
if R has DifferentialRing then
InnerEvalable(S, R)
InnerEvalable(S, $)
Evalable $
makeVariable : $ -> (NonNegativeInteger -> $)
++ makeVariable(p) views p as an element of a differential
++ ring, in such a way that the n-th
++ derivative of p may be simply referenced as z.n
++ where z := makeVariable(p).
++ Note that In the interpreter, z is
++ given as an internal map, which may be ignored.
-- Example: makeVariable(p); %.5; makeVariable(%**2); %.2
makeVariable s == n +-> makeVariable(s,n)::$
if R has IntegralDomain then
differentiate(p:$, d:R -> R) ==
ans:$ := 0
l := variables p
while (u:=retractIfCan(p)@Union(R, "failed")) case "failed" repeat
t := leadingMonomial p
lc := leadingCoefficient t
ans := ans + d(lc)::$ * (t exquo lc)::$
+ +/[differentiate(t, v) * (differentiate v)::$ for v in l]
p := reductum p
ans + d(u::R)::$
order (p:$):NonNegativeInteger ==
ground? p => 0
"max"/[order v for v in variables p]
order (p:$,s:S):NonNegativeInteger ==
ground? p => 0
empty? (vv:= [order v for v in variables p | (variable v) = s ]) =>0
degree (p, s) ==
for lp in monomials p repeat
lv:= [v for v in variables lp | (variable v) = s ]
if not empty? lv then d:= max(d, +/degree(lp, lv))
weights p ==
ws:List NonNegativeInteger := nil
empty? (mp:=monomials p) => ws
for lp in mp repeat
lv:= variables lp
if not empty? lv then
dv:= degree(lp, lv)
w:=+/[(weight v) * d _
for v in lv for d in dv]$(List NonNegativeInteger)
ws:= concat(ws, w)
weight p ==
empty? (ws:=weights p) => 0
weights (p, s) ==
ws:List NonNegativeInteger := nil
empty?(mp:=monomials p) => ws
for lp in mp repeat
lv:= [v for v in variables lp | (variable v) = s ]
if not empty? lv then
dv:= degree(lp, lv)
w:=+/[(weight v) * d _
for v in lv for d in dv]$(List NonNegativeInteger)
ws:= concat(ws, w)
weight (p,s) ==
empty? (ws:=weights(p,s)) => 0
isobaric? p == (# removeDuplicates weights p) = 1
leader p == -- depends on the ranking
vl:= variables p
-- it's not enough just to look at leadingMonomial p
-- the term-ordering need not respect the ranking
empty? vl => error "leader is not defined "
initial p == leadingCoefficient univariate(p,leader p)
separant p == differentiate(p, leader p)
coerce(s:S):$ == s::V::$
retractIfCan(p:$):Union(S, "failed") ==
(v := retractIfCan(p)@Union(V,"failed")) case "failed" => "failed"
differentialVariables p ==
removeDuplicates [variable v for v in variables p]
if R has DifferentialRing then
makeVariable p == n +-> differentiate(p, n)
eval(p:$, sl:List S, rl:List R) ==
ordp:= order p
vl := concat [[makeVariable(s,j)$V for j in 0..ordp]
for s in sl]$List(List V)
for r in rl repeat
t:= r
rrl:= concat(rrl,
concat(r, [t := differentiate t for i in 1..ordp]))
eval(p, vl, rrl)
eval(p:$, sl:List S, rl:List $) ==
ordp:= order p
vl := concat [[makeVariable(s,j)$V for j in 0..ordp]
for s in sl]$List(List V)
for r in rl repeat
concat(r, [t:=differentiate t for i in 1..ordp]))
eval(p, vl, rrl)
eval(p:$, l:List Equation $) ==
eval(p, [retract(lhs e)@S for e in l]$List(S),
[rhs e for e in l]$List($))